
Function Test-OperationEnabled {
        Tests if a specified audit operation is enabled for a given user.
        An internal helper function that verifies whether a specific audit operation
        is enabled in a user's mailbox auditing configuration. This function queries
        the mailbox settings using Get-Mailbox and checks the AuditOwner property
        for the specified operation.
        The UserPrincipalName of the user to check auditing configuration for.
    .PARAMETER Operation
        The specific audit operation to check for (e.g., 'SearchQueryInitiated').
        $result = Test-OperationEnabled -User "" -Operation "SearchQueryInitiated"
        Checks if the SearchQueryInitiated operation is enabled for's mailbox.
        Returns True if enabled, False if not enabled.
        if (Test-OperationEnabled -User $userUpn -Operation 'MailItemsAccessed') {
            # Proceed with mail items access audit
        Shows how to use the function in a conditional check before performing
        an audit operation that requires specific permissions.
        Returns True if the operation is enabled for the user, False otherwise.
        Internal Function
        Author: Jonathan Butler
        Requirements: Exchange Online PowerShell session with appropriate permissions


    # Verify the provided User has the specified Operation enabled
    $TestResult = Get-Mailbox -Identity $User | Where-Object -Property AuditOwner -eq $Operation

    if ($null -eq $TestResult) {
        return $false
    } else {
        return $true