Function Test-HawkGlobalObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the Hawk global object exists and is properly initialized. .DESCRIPTION This is an internal helper function that verifies whether the Hawk global object exists and contains all required properties properly initialized. It checks for: - FilePath property existence and value - StartDate property existence and value - EndDate property existence and value .EXAMPLE Test-HawkGlobalObject Returns $true if Hawk object is properly initialized, $false otherwise. .OUTPUTS Boolean indicating if reinitialization is needed #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param() # Return true (needs initialization) if: # - Hawk object doesn't exist # - Any required property is missing or null if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hawk.FilePath) -or $null -eq $Hawk.StartDate -or $null -eq $Hawk.EndDate -or ($Hawk.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'StartDate' -and $null -eq $Hawk.StartDate) -or ($Hawk.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'EndDate' -and $null -eq $Hawk.EndDate)) { return $true } # Hawk object exists and is properly initialized return $false } |