Function Convert-HawkDaysToDate { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts the DaysToLookBack parameter into a StartDate and EndDate for use in Hawk investigations. .DESCRIPTION This function takes the number of days to look back from the current date and calculates the corresponding StartDate and EndDate in UTC format. The StartDate is calculated by subtracting the specified number of days from the current date, and the EndDate is set to one day in the future (to include the entire current day). .PARAMETER DaysToLookBack The number of days to look back from the current date. Must be between 1 and 365. .OUTPUTS A PSCustomObject with two properties: - StartDate: The calculated start date in UTC format. - EndDate: The calculated end date in UTC format (one day in the future). .EXAMPLE Convert-HawkDaysToDates -DaysToLookBack 30 Returns a StartDate of 30 days ago and an EndDate of tomorrow in UTC format. .NOTES This function ensures that the date range does not exceed 365 days and that the dates are properly formatted for use with Hawk investigation functions. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$DaysToLookBack ) # Calculate the dates $startDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-$DaysToLookBack).Date # EndDate should be midnight of next day $endDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().Date.AddDays(1) # Return the dates as a PSCustomObject [PSCustomObject]@{ StartDate = $startDate EndDate = $endDate } } |