
Function Get-HawkTenantRiskDetections {
        Retrieves risk detection events from Microsoft Entra ID.
        Uses Microsoft Graph API to retrieve risk detection events from Microsoft Entra ID.
        The function gathers details about various types of risk detections, helping security
        teams identify and investigate potential security incidents.
        The function requires the following Microsoft Graph permissions:
        - IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All
        Retrieves all risk detections from Entra ID, including detection types and details.
        File: Risk_Detections.csv/.json
        Path: \Tenant
        Description: Risky detections for users in Entra ID
        This function requires appropriate Graph API permissions to access risk detection data.
        Ensure your authenticated account has IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All permission.


    begin {
        # Check if Hawk object exists and is fully initialized
        if (Test-HawkGlobalObject) {

        # Test Graph connection and proper permissions
        Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun"

        Out-LogFile "Initiating collection of Risk Detection events from Entra ID." -Action

        # Create tenant folder if it doesn't exist
        $TenantPath = Join-Path -Path $Hawk.FilePath -ChildPath "Tenant"
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $TenantPath)) {
            New-Item -Path $TenantPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    process {
        try {
            # Get risk detections
            Out-LogFile "Retrieving risk detections" -Action
            $riskDetections = Get-MgRiskDetection -All

            if ($null -eq $riskDetections -or $riskDetections.Count -eq 0) {
                Out-LogFile "No risk detections found" -Information

            # Process and flatten risk detection data
            $processedDetections = Convert-HawkRiskData -RiskData $riskDetections 

            Out-LogFile ("Total risk detections found: " + $processedDetections.Count) -Information

            # Export flattened data to CSV for analysis
            $processedDetections | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Risk_Detections" -csv

            # Export original data to JSON to preserve structure
            $riskDetections | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Risk_Detections" -json
            # Define risk level order
            $riskOrder = @{
                'high'   = 1
                'medium' = 2
                'low'    = 3
                'none'   = 4
            # Log summary of detections by risk level
            $riskLevels = $processedDetections | Group-Object -Property RiskLevel | 
                Sort-Object -Property { $riskOrder[$_.Name] }
            foreach ($level in $riskLevels) {
                $capitalizedName = $level.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $level.Name.Substring(1).ToLower()
                Out-LogFile ("- $($level.Count) Risk Detections at Risk Level '${capitalizedName}'") -Information

            # Split detections into confirmed compromised and other (high/medium/low) groups
            $confirmedCompromisedDetections = $processedDetections | Where-Object { $_.RiskState -eq 'confirmedCompromised' }
            $otherDetections = $processedDetections | Where-Object { 
                $_.RiskState -ne 'confirmedCompromised' -and 
                ($_.RiskLevel -eq 'high' -or $_.RiskLevel -eq 'medium' -or $_.RiskLevel -eq 'low')

            # Process confirmed compromised risk detections
            if ($confirmedCompromisedDetections) {
                Out-LogFile "Found $($confirmedCompromisedDetections.Count) confirmed compromised risk detections" -Notice
                Out-LogFile "Details in _Investigate_Confirmed_Compromised_Risk_Detection files" -Notice
                $confirmedCompromisedDetections | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "_Investigate_Confirmed_Compromised_Risk_Detection" -csv -json -Notice

            # Process other risk detections (combined high/medium/low)
            if ($otherDetections) {
                $highRisk = ($otherDetections | Where-Object { $_.RiskLevel -eq 'high' }).Count
                $mediumRisk = ($otherDetections | Where-Object { $_.RiskLevel -eq 'medium' }).Count
                $lowRisk = ($otherDetections | Where-Object { $_.RiskLevel -eq 'low' }).Count
                Out-LogFile "Found risk detections: $highRisk High, $mediumRisk Medium, $lowRisk Low" -Notice
                Out-LogFile "Details in _Investigate_Risk_Detection.csv/json" -Notice
                $otherDetections | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "_Investigate_Risk_Detection" -csv -json -Notice
        catch {
            Out-LogFile "Error retrieving risk detections: $($_.Exception.Message)" -isError
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Continue

    end {
        Out-LogFile "Completed collection of Risk Detection events from Entra ID." -Information