
Function Test-RecipientAge {
    Check to see if a recipient object was created since our start date
    Check to see if a recipient object was created since our start date.
    This will be used to determine if a new user has been created within the time frame specified.
    Recipient object ID that is being retrieved
    Will test to see if the recipient object was created since the start date
    General notes


    $recipient = Get-Recipient -Identity $RecipientID -erroraction SilentlyContinue
    # Verify that we got something back
    if ($null -eq $recipient) {
        Return 2
    # If the date created is newer than our StartDate return non zero (1)
    elseif ($recipient.whencreated -gt $Hawk.StartDate) {
        Return 1
    # If it is older than the start date return 0
    else {
        Return 0
