$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Import the module Import-Module PSScriptAnalyzer $settings = Join-Path (Get-Location) 'Hawk/internal/configurations/PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1' # Define the list of files to exclude - including the analyzer script itself $excludedFiles = @( 'Invoke-PowerShellScriptAnalyzer.ps1', 'pre_commit_hook_scripts/Invoke-PowerShellScriptAnalyzer.ps1', 'internal/scripts/pre_commit_hook_scripts/Invoke-PowerShellScriptAnalyzer.ps1' ) $files = git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM | Where-Object { $_ -match '\.(ps1|psm1|psd1)$' } $hasErrors = $false foreach ($file in $files) { # Check if file is in excluded list using any variation of the path $isExcluded = $false foreach ($excludedFile in $excludedFiles) { if ($file -match [regex]::Escape($excludedFile)) { $isExcluded = $true break } } if (-not $isExcluded) { Write-Output "Analyzing $file..." $results = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $file -Settings $settings if ($results) { $results | Format-Table -AutoSize $hasErrors = $true } } else { Write-Output "Skipping analysis for excluded file: $file" } } if ($hasErrors) { exit 1 } exit 0 |