Function Test-RecipientAge { <# .SYNOPSIS Check to see if a recipient object was created since our start date .DESCRIPTION Check to see if a recipient object was created since our start date. This will be used to determine if a new user has been created within the time frame specified. .PARAMETER RecipientID Recipient object ID that is being retrieved .EXAMPLE Test-RecipientAge Will test to see if the recipient object was created since the start date .NOTES General notes #> Param([string]$RecipientID) $recipient = Get-Recipient -Identity $RecipientID -erroraction SilentlyContinue # Verify that we got something back if ($null -eq $recipient) { Return 2 } # If the date created is newer than our StartDate return non zero (1) elseif ($recipient.whencreated -gt $Hawk.StartDate) { Return 1 } # If it is older than the start date return 0 else { Return 0 } } |