
using module Gumby.ListBox
using module Gumby.Window

Displays the command history and allows to select and invoke a command from it.
Maximum number of command history items to select from.
The command history is displayed in reverse chronologic order.

function CmdHistorySelect($Count = 30) {
    $rawCmdHistory = Get-History -Count $Count

    $omittedCommands = "Get-History", "ch"

    # Not using 'Get-Unique' cmdlet here as it requires alphabetical sorting, and I want to preserve
    # the historic order of commands.

    $cmdHistory = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    for ($i = $rawCmdHistory.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; --$i) {
        if (($omittedCommands -notcontains $rawCmdHistory[$i].CommandLine) -and
            ($cmdHistory -notcontains $rawCmdHistory[$i].CommandLine)) {
            $cmdHistory.Add($rawCmdHistory[$i].CommandLine) | Out-Null

    $horizontalPercent = 0.5
    $verticalPercent = 0.5

    $width = [console]::WindowWidth * $horizontalPercent
    $left = [int](([console]::WindowWidth - $width) / 2)

    $height = [console]::WindowHeight * $verticalPercent
    $top = [int](([console]::WindowHeight - $height) / 2)

    $lb = [ListBox]::new($cmdHistory, ([StringLBItem]), $left, $top, $width, $height, ([console]::BackgroundColor), ([console]::ForegroundColor))
    $lb.Title = 'Command History'

    if (($lb.Run() -eq [WindowResult]::OK) -and ($lb.SelectedIndex() -lt $lb.ItemCount())) {
        Invoke-Expression $lb.SelectedItem().Value()