
    This function tests for and creates the log file / log file path for the script.
    This function tests for and creates the log file / log file path for the script.
    .PARAMETER logFolderPath
    The path of the log file.
    .PARAMETER groupSMTPAddress
    The SMTP address of the group being migrated - this will be parsed for the log file name.
    Ensure the directory exists.
    Establishes the logfile path/name for subsequent function calls.
    new-logfile -groupSMTPAddress ADDRESS -logFolderPath LOGFOLDERPATH

    Function new-LogFile

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # Get our log file path

    $logFolderPath = $logFolderPath+"\"+$logFileName+"\"

    $global:xmlPath = $logFolderPath
    #Since $logFile is defined in the calling function - this sets the log file name for the entire script
    $global:LogFile = Join-path $logFolderPath $fileName

    #Test the path to see if this exists if not create.

    [boolean]$pathExists = Test-Path -Path $logFolderPath

    if ($pathExists -eq $false)
            #Path did not exist - Creating

            New-Item -Path $logFolderPath -Type Directory
            throw $_