$PsVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion if ($PsVersion.Major -le 5) { $BinaryModulePath = "$PSScriptRoot\net48" } else { $BinaryModulePath = "$PSScriptRoot\net8.0" } Write-Host "Running on PS $PsVersion, loading module from $BinaryModulePath" $filesToEmit = @( "Eos.Gordon.PowerShell.dll" "Eos.Gordon.Core.dll" "Eos.Nav.Al.dll" ) foreach ($file in $filesToEmit) { $path = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new((Join-Path $BinaryModulePath $file)) if (-not $path.Exists) { continue } $fvi = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($path.FullName) Write-Host "$($path.Name): $($fvi.ProductVersion)" } # Import the actual binary module Import-Module "$BinaryModulePath\Eos.Gordon.PowerShell.dll" -DisableNameChecking -Global # Load alias functions from the 'Aliases' folder Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\Aliases | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } # Because using 'Export-ModuleMember' above causes binary cmdlets to no longer be exported automatically, we need to so explicitly. $BinaryCmdlets = [Eos.Gordon.PowerShell.Globals]::EnumerateCmdletNames() Export-ModuleMember -Cmdlet $BinaryCmdlets # .. and the same goes for Aliases $BinaryAliases = [Eos.Gordon.PowerShell.Globals]::EnumerateCmdletAliases() Export-ModuleMember -Alias $BinaryAliases |