Function List-GithubBranches { param ( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$githubuser, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$githubrepository ) Begin {} Process { if (-not ($BasicCreds)) { throw 'Please run Connect-Github first to get an authentication token for Github' } try { $json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$githubuser/$githubrepository/branches -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error -Message $_ } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$branches = @() $con_json = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $json.Content foreach ($obj in $con_json) { $branch = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $branch -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value $ Add-Member -InputObject $branch -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Last Commit URL' -Value $obj.commit.url Add-Member -InputObject $branch -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SHA of last Commit' -Value $obj.commit.sha $branches += $branch } $branches } End { Remove-Variable -Name json -Force Remove-Variable -Name con_json -Force Remove-Variable -Name branch -Force Remove-Variable -Name branches -Force } } Function Get-GithubBranch { param ( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$githubuser, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$githubrepository, [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [string]$githubbranch='master' ) Begin {} Process { if (-not ($BasicCreds)) { throw 'Please run Connect-Github first to get an authentication token for Github' } try { $json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$githubuser/$githubrepository/branches/$githubbranch -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error -Message $_ } $con_json = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $json.Content $branch = New-Object -TypeName PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $branch -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Branch Name' -Value $ Add-Member -InputObject $branch -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Last Commit Author' -Value $ Add-Member -InputObject $branch -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Last Commit Message' -Value $con_json.commit.commit.message $branch } End { Remove-Variable -Name json -Force Remove-Variable -Name con_json -Force Remove-Variable -Name branch -Force } } |