#requires -Module PSDevOps #requires -Module GitPub Import-BuildStep -ModuleName GitPub New-GitHubAction -Name "usegitpub" -Description 'Easily Automate Publishing from GitHub' -Action GitPubAction -Icon rss -ActionOutput ([Ordered]@{ GitPubScriptRuntime = [Ordered]@{ description = "The time it took the .GitPubScript parameter to run" value = '${{steps.GitPubAction.outputs.GitPubScriptRuntime}}' } GitPubPS1Runtime = [Ordered]@{ description = "The time it took all .GitPub.ps1 files to run" value = '${{steps.GitPubAction.outputs.GitPubPS1Runtime}}' } GitPubPS1Files = [Ordered]@{ description = "The .GitPub.ps1 files that were run (separated by semicolons)" value = '${{steps.GitPubAction.outputs.GitPubPS1Files}}' } GitPubPS1Count = [Ordered]@{ description = "The number of .GitPub.ps1 files that were run" value = '${{steps.GitPubAction.outputs.GitPubPS1Count}}' } }) | Set-Content .\action.yml -Encoding UTF8 -PassThru |