
function Export-GitHubReleaseAsset {
    Get a list of assets for a release
    Get a list of assets for a release
    .PARAMETER Repository
    The name of the repository
    The id of the asset to export
    The resulting path. If this parameter is not passed the action will be exported to
    the current working directory.
    Export-GitHubReleaseAsset -Repository MyRepository -Id xxxx
    Export-GitHubReleaseAsset -Repository MyRepository -Id xxxx -Path C:\Assets


    Param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]


    Begin {

        # --- Grab the sessionstate variable & test throw if it is null
        $SessionInfo = Get-GitHubSessionInformation -Verbose:$VerbosePreference


    Process {

        try {

            $Headers = @{

                "Accept" = "application/octet-stream"
                "Authorization" = "Basic $($SessionInfo.Authorization)"

            if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path")) {

                Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter not passed, exporting to current directory."
                $Path = "$($(Get-Location).Path)"


            if ($Path.EndsWith("\")) {
                $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("\")

            foreach ($AssetId in $Id) {

                $FileName = (Get-GithubReleaseAsset -Repository $Repository -Id $AssetId).name
                $FullPath = "$($Path)\$($FileName)"
                $URI = "/repos/$($SessionInfo.Username)/$($Repository)/releases/assets/$($Id)"

                Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting asset with Id $($AssetId) from repository $($Repository)"
                Invoke-GitHubRestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Headers $Headers -OutFile $FullPath -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath -Verbose:$VerbosePreference


        catch [Exception]{

            throw $_.Exception



    End {}
