
    Helper functions for working with git repositories.
    This module can be used as is without dependencies, but to customize it it's
    recommended to specify the default parent folder for your repositories in
    profile.ps1. See the module's README file for details.
Additionally, because of the way git dumps so much of its output to STDERR
    instead of STDOUT, it's also recommended to add the following if block to
    profile.ps1 to improve the output display. Setting that flag to $true
    switches ErrorView to 'CategoryView' during git operations, and restores
    its original value upon completion. If it's not defined, it defaults to
    # default [System.IO.Path]::Combine(${env:SYSTEMDRIVE}, 'src')
    ${global:AF4JMsrcPath} = 'C:\src'
    if ($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') {
        ${global:AF4JMgitErrors} = $false
        $PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Format-Table:AutoSize', $true)
    } else {
        ${global:AF4JMgitErrors} = $true
    To see what functions are provided by GitHelper, execute the command:
    Get-Command -Module 'GitHelper' -CommandType Function
    The current GitHelper functions are listed below:
        Creates a remote tracking branch in the current git repository.
        Gets the parent directory of the root of the current git repository.
        Initializes the current repository with a "master" branch tracking
        "origin/master" and an untracked "develop" branch.
        Optimize a specified git repository.
        Rebases 'master' on 'develop' and pushes 'master'.
        Rebases 'development' on 'develop' and pushes 'development'.
        Push to a specified git repository.
        Fetches the current git repository.
        Drops the specified local branch from the current git repository.
        Resets the cache for the specified repository.
        WARNING: This will undo all uncommitted changes.
        Sets the current location to the root of the specified repository.
        Sets the current location to the root of the specified repository.
        Git checkout & rebase branches.
        Pulls 'master' and rebases 'develop'.
        Pulls 'development' and rebases 'develop'.
        Get latest on a specified git repository.
    To see what aliases get created by GitHelper, execute the command:
    Get-Command -Module 'GitHelper' -CommandType Alias
    The current GitHelper defined aliases are listed below:
    checkout : alias for GitHelper\Switch-GitBranch function
    gitdir : alias for GitHelper\Get-GitDir function
    gitdrop : alias for GitHelper\Remove-Branch function
    gitfix : alias for GitHelper\Reset-RepoCache function
    gittrack : alias for GitHelper\Add-TrackingBranch function
    Init-Repo : alias for GitHelper\Init-Repository function
    Optimize-Repo : alias for GitHelper\Optimize-Repository function
    Pub-Repo : alias for GitHelper\Pub-Repository function
    pulldev : alias for GitHelper\Sync-Develop function
    pulldeva : alias for GitHelper\Sync-DevelopAlt function
    pushdev : alias for GitHelper\Publish-Develop function
    pushdeva : alias for GitHelper\Publish-DevelopAlt function
    Read-Repo : alias for GitHelper\Read-Repository function
    repo : alias for GitHelper\Set-Repository function
    Set-Repo : alias for GitHelper\Set-Repository function
    Sync-Repo : alias for GitHelper\Sync-Repository function
    Sync-Repository -Name 'myRepo' -Path 'C:\src' -Verbose
    Sync-Repo 'myRepo' -Path 'C:\src' -Verbose