
function Clean-GitRepositories {
        Cleans all git repositories under a directory.
        This cmdlet will search for all git repositories in a directory and it's children and clean them using 'git clean -xfd'.
        By default, it will only clean repositories that do not have untracked files. If the -Force switch is provided,
        it will clean all repositories, even if they have untracked files. If the -WhatIf switch is provided, it will
        only show which repositories would be cleaned, but will not actually clean them. The -Confirm switch can be used
        to prompt the user to confirm before cleaning each repository.
    .PARAMETER RootDirectoryPath
        The root directory to search for git repositories under. Alias: Path.
    .PARAMETER DirectorySearchDepth
        The max depth from the root directory to search for git repositories in. Default is 3. Alias: Depth.
    .PARAMETER Force
        If provided, all git repositories will be cleaned, even if they have untracked files. Be careful with this switch!
        If provided, no git repositories will be cleaned; it will just show which repos would be cleaned, even if -Force is provided.
    .PARAMETER Confirm
        Prompts the user to confirm before cleaning each git repository.
        PS> Clean-GitRepositories -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos'
        Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files.
        PS> Clean-GitRepositories -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -Force
        Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos', even if they have untracked files.
        PS> Clean-GitRepositories -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -WhatIf
        Shows which git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' would be cleaned, but does not actually clean them.
        PS> Clean-GitRepositories -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -Confirm
        Prompts the user to confirm before cleaning each git repository.
        PS> Clean-GitRepositories -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -DirectorySearchDepth 2
        Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files, searching up to 2 child directories deep.
        PS> Clean-GitRepositories -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -InformationAction Continue -Verbose
        Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files, showing information messages and verbose output.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseApprovedVerbs', '', Justification = 'Using Git terminology')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification = 'Using Git terminology')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Force', Justification = 'Used in a child scope')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The root directory to search for git repositories in.')]
        [string] $RootDirectoryPath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'The max depth from the root directory to search for git repositories in.')]
        [int] $DirectorySearchDepth = 3,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'If provided all git repositories will be cleaned, even if they have untracked files.')]
        [switch] $Force = $false

    [DateTime] $startTime = Get-Date

    Write-Information "Searching for git repositories in '$RootDirectoryPath'..."
    [string[]] $gitRepositoryDirectoryPaths = GetGitRepositoryDirectoryPaths -rootDirectory $RootDirectoryPath -depth $DirectorySearchDepth

    Write-Information "Testing git repositories to see which ones can be safely cleaned..."
    $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsThatAreSafeToClean = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    ForEachWithProgress -collection $gitRepositoryDirectoryPaths -scriptBlock {
        param([string] $gitRepoDirectoryPath)

        [bool] $gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles = TestGitRepositoryHasUntrackedFile -gitRepositoryDirectoryPath $gitRepoDirectoryPath
        if ($gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles -and -not $Force) {
            $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles.Add($gitRepoDirectoryPath) > $null
        } else {
            $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsThatAreSafeToClean.Add($gitRepoDirectoryPath) > $null
    } -activity "Checking for untracked files" -status "Checking git repo '{0}'"

    Write-Information "Cleaning git repositories..."
    ForEachWithProgress -collection $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsThatAreSafeToClean -scriptBlock {
        param([string] $gitRepoDirectoryPath)

        CleanGitRepository -gitRepositoryDirectoryPath $gitRepoDirectoryPath
    } -activity "Cleaning git repositories" -status "Cleaning git repo '{0}'"

    if ($gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles.Count -gt 0) {
        Write-Information ("The following git repo directories have untracked files, so they were not cleaned: " +
            ($gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles -join [System.Environment]::NewLine))

    [DateTime] $finishTime = Get-Date
    [TimeSpan] $duration = $finishTime - $startTime

    # Build and write the result object.
    [PSCustomObject] $result = @{
        RootDirectoryPath = $RootDirectoryPath
        DirectorySearchDepth = $DirectorySearchDepth
        NumberOfGitRepositoriesFound = $gitRepositoryDirectoryPaths.Count
        GitRepositoriesCleaned = $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsThatAreSafeToClean
        GitRepositoriesWithUntrackedFiles = $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles
        Duration = $duration
    Write-Output $result

function GetGitRepositoryDirectoryPaths([string] $rootDirectory, [int] $depth) {
    [string[]] $gitRepoPaths =
    Get-ChildItem -Path $rootDirectory -Include '.git' -Recurse -Depth $depth -Force -Directory |
        ForEach-Object {
            $gitDirectoryPath = $_.FullName
            $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath = Split-Path -Path $gitDirectoryPath -Parent
            return $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath
    return $gitRepoPaths

function TestGitRepositoryHasUntrackedFile([string] $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath) {
    [string] $gitOutput = (& git -C "$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath" status) | Out-String

    # NOTE: Git.exe currently only supports English output.
    # If that ever changes, we may need to allow the user to provide the 'Untracked files' string to look for.
    [bool] $gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles = $gitOutput.Contains('Untracked files')
    return $gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles

function CleanGitRepository {
    param([string] $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath)

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($gitRepositoryDirectoryPath, 'git clean -xfd')) {
        Write-Verbose "Cleaning git repository at '$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath' using 'git clean -xfd'."
        [string] $gitCleanOutput = (& git -C "$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath" clean -xdf) | Out-String
        Write-Verbose $gitCleanOutput
        Write-Verbose '----------'

# Adding all the code inline to support Write-Progress made things feel very messy.
# This function helps clean that up, but does add some complexity to the script, especially because
# you cannot assign a variable in the script block a new value and have it persist outside the script block.
function ForEachWithProgress([object[]] $collection, [scriptblock] $scriptBlock, [string] $activity, [string] $status) {
    [int] $numberOfItems = $collection.Count
    [int] $numberOfItemsProcessed = 0
    $collection | ForEach-Object {

        $splat = @{
            Activity = $activity
            Status = "'$numberOfItemsProcessed' of '$numberOfItems' : $($status -f $_)"
            PercentComplete = (($numberOfItemsProcessed / $numberOfItems) * 100)
        Write-Progress @splat

        & $scriptBlock $_
    Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed # Hide the progress bar.