
# Calls Parse-GitStatus and displays the results
# Output looks like:
# ---------------------
# Staged files:
# 0 M file0
# 1 A file1
# Working directory:
# 0 M file0
# ---------------------
# Legend
# '0-1' are the indexes
# Status codes:
# - M: Modified
# - A: Added
# - D: deleted
# - R: Renamed
# Use Git-NumberedHelp for an overview of all actions and utilities
# Git-NumberedStatus
# And follow with:
# Git-NumberedAdd -3 5 6 8-10
# To add the files: 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10
function Git-NumberedStatus() {
    $config = $global:gitStatusNumbers
    $allFiles = Parse-GitStatus $config.includeNumstat ($args -Join " ")

    if ($config.includeNumstat) {
        $maxAdded = ($allFiles | ? {$_.added -ne $null} | % {$_.added.ToString().Length} | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1
        $maxDeleted = ($allFiles | ? {$_.deleted -ne $null} | % {$_.deleted.ToString().Length} | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1

    $config.stagingArea = $allFiles | Where staged
    if ($config.stagingArea.length) {
        Write-Host "Staged files:"
        $config.stagingArea | % {$index = -1}{

            $output = Get-FileInfoFormat $maxAdded $maxDeleted $_
            Write-Host $output -ForegroundColor $config.stagedColor
        Write-Host ""

    $config.workingDir = @($allFiles | Where {$_.staged -eq $false})
    if ($config.workingDir.length) {
        Write-Host "Working directory:"
        $config.workingDir | % {$index = -1}{

            $color = switch($_.state) {
                'A' {$config.addedColor; break}
                'M' {$config.modifiedColor; break}
                'D' {$config.deletedColor; break}
                'R' {$config.renamedColor; break}
                default {'White'}

            $output = Get-FileInfoFormat $maxAdded $maxDeleted $_
            Write-Host $output -ForegroundColor $color

function Get-FileInfoFormat($maxAdded, $maxDeleted, $fileInfo) {
    $file = switch($global:gitStatusNumbers.displayFilesAs) {
        'full-path' {$fileInfo.fullPath}
        'relative-path' {$fileInfo.relativePath}
        'gitroot-path' {$fileInfo.file}

    if ($fileInfo.oldFile) {
        $file = "$($fileInfo.oldFile) -> $file"

    if ($fileInfo.lineEndings) {
        $file = "$file ($($fileInfo.lineEndings))"

    if ($maxAdded -ne $null) {
        if ($fileInfo.added -ne $null) {
            return "{0,3} {1} {2,$maxAdded} {3,$maxDeleted} {4}" -f $index,$fileInfo.state,"+$($fileInfo.added)","-$($fileInfo.deleted)",$file
        } else {
            return "{0,3} {1} {2,$maxAdded} {3,$maxDeleted} {4}" -f $index,$fileInfo.state,"","",$file

    } else {
        return "{0,3} {1} {2}" -f $index,$fileInfo.state,$file