
. $PSScriptRoot\..\git-numbered.ps1

$file0 = "TestDrive:\file0"
$file1 = "TestDrive:\file1"
$file2 = "TestDrive:\spacey file2"

Describe 'Parse-GitStatus - with Numstat' {
    New-Item $file0
    New-Item $file1
    New-Item $file2

    # BeforeEach {
    # Push-Location "TestDrive:"
    # }

    # AfterEach {
    # Pop-Location
    # }

    It '--numstat works for quoted files' {
        Mock Invoke-Git {
            if (([string]$args).StartsWith("status")) {
                " M $file2"
            } else {
                # git diff --numstat

        $result = Parse-GitStatus $true

        $result.Length | Should -Be 1
        $result.added | Should -Be 5
        $result.deleted | Should -Be 3

    It 'Adds git diff --numstat to the output' {
        Mock Invoke-Git {
            if (([string]$args).StartsWith("status")) {
                " M $file0"
            } else {
                # git diff --numstat

        $result = Parse-GitStatus $true

        $result.Length | Should -Be 1
        $result.file | Should -Be $file0
        $result.added | Should -Be 5
        $result.deleted | Should -Be 3

    It 'numstat works for binary files' {
        Mock Invoke-Git {
            if (([string]$args).StartsWith("status")) {
                " M $file0"
            } else {
                # git diff --numstat

        $result = Parse-GitStatus $true

        $result.Length | Should -Be 1
        $result.file | Should -Be $file0
        $result.added | Should -Be "-"
        $result.deleted | Should -Be "-"

    It 'adds LF/CRLF warnings to the fileInfo' {
        # This test fails on the CI because of Write-Error resulting in a WriteErrorException
        # Adding -ErrorAction silentlycontinue already made it crash locally
        Mock Invoke-Git {
            if (([string]$args).StartsWith("status")) {
                " M $file0"
            } else {
                # git diff --numstat
                Write-Error "warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in $file0."
                Write-Error "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory."

                # $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in $file0.")
                # $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.")

                " `t5`t3`t$file0"

        $result = Parse-GitStatus $true

        $result.lineEndings | Should -Be 'LF -> CRLF'