@{ # モジュールの一般情報 RootModule = 'GistGet.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.0.4' GUID = 'ca1583d5-836a-46bc-a39d-fa11d205b864' Author = '' Copyright = '(c) All rights reserved.' Description = 'PowerShell module to manage WinGet package lists on Gist or Web or File.' PowerShellVersion = '7.0' # コマンドとエイリアスのエクスポート FunctionsToExport = @( 'Set-GitHubToken', 'Sync-GistGetPackage', 'Install-GistGetPackage', 'Uninstall-GistGetPackage', 'Update-GistGetPackage', 'Get-GistFile', 'Set-GistFile' ) CmdletsToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() VariablesToExport = @() # スクリプトとアセンブリ ScriptsToProcess = @('Classes.ps1') RequiredAssemblies = @() # ディペンデンシー RequiredModules = @( @{ ModuleName = 'powershell-yaml' ModuleVersion = '0.4.7' }, @{ ModuleName = 'PowerShellForGitHub' ModuleVersion = '0.17.0' }, @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.WinGet.Client' ModuleVersion = '1.6.2' } ) # 言語とフォーマット FileList = @() FormatsToProcess = @() TypesToProcess = @() # モジュールの互換性 CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core') # ヘルプドキュメント HelpInfoURI = '' # Private data (署名や公開しないデータ) PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @('WinGet', 'GitHub', 'Gist', 'Package', 'Management') LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = 'Initial release of GistGet PowerShell module for managing WinGet packages.' } } } |