
Function Get-ProductTable

        $uri = ''
        $tree = @{}
        $rsp = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
        $displayNamesTable = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($rsp.Content) | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ','
        foreach($descriptor in $displayNamesTable)
            if($null -eq $tree[$descriptor.GUID])
                $tree[$descriptor.GUID] = @{
                    Name = $descriptor.String_Id
                    DisplayName = $descriptor.Product_Display_Name
                    Description = "$($descriptor.Product_Display_Name) ($($descriptor.String_Id))"
                    Plans = @{}
            $product = $tree[$descriptor.GUID]
            if($null -eq $product.Plans[$descriptor.Service_Plan_Id])
                $product.Plans[$descriptor.Service_Plan_Id] = @{
                    Name = $descriptor.Service_Plan_Name
                    DisplayName = $descriptor.Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names
                    Description = "$($descriptor.Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names) ($($descriptor.Service_Plan_Name))"

Function Get-LicenseInfo
    Command retrieves license information for user
    Command retrieves license information for user and prepares formatted report. Command makes use of diplay names of products and licenses published by Microsoft as separate downloadable.
$user = Get-LicenseInfo -UserPrincipalName -TenantId $
#display assigned licenses
Command above retrieves licenses for given user and shows them
$user = Get-LicenseInfo -UserPrincipalName -TenantId $
#display license report, sorted by assigned time
Command above retrieves licenses for given user and shows them as report, sorted by SKU assigned date
$users = Get-LicenseInfo -TenantId -UpnStartsWith a -ShowProogress
Command above gets and shows license info about all users whose UPN starts with 'a', showing progress

        [ValidateScript({$_ -match '@'})]
        #UPN of user. Multiple UPNs can be sent from pipeline
        #Tenant Id. If not specified, domain part of UPN is used as tenant id
        #page size for graph api call
        $BatchSize = 100,
        #limit number of returned users by specifying beginning of UPN
        #type of authentication
        #whether to define Report() function on assigned licenses on user
        #whether to show progress UI
        #whether each assigned license sku shall also contain Upn of owning user
        #only process SKUs in the list (SKU id or SKU displayName)
        #omit SKUs in the list (SKU id or SKU displayName) from results

            'SingleUser' {
                    $TenantId = $UserPrincipalName.Split('@')[1]
            'MultipleUsers' {
                    throw 'Tenant ID must be specified'
                if($BatchSize -gt 999 -or $BatchSize -lt 1)
                    throw 'BatchSize must be between 1 and 999'

        if($null -eq $script:authFactories[$TenantId]) {
            $script:authFactories[$TenantId] = New-AadAuthenticationFactory -TenantId $TenantId -RequiredScopes '' -AuthMode Interactive
        if($null -eq $script:orgSkus)
            $rsp = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Headers (Get-AadToken -AsHashTable -Factory $script:authFactories[$TenantId])
            $script:orgSkus = $rsp.Value
        if($IncludedSkus.Count -gt 0)
            $orgSubscribedSkus = $script:orgSkus.Where{($_.skuId -in $IncludedSkus) -or ($_.skuPartNumber -in $IncludedSkus)}
            if($ExcludedSkus.Count -gt 0)
                $orgSubscribedSkus = $script:orgSkus.Where{($_.skuId -notin $ExcludedSkus) -or ($_.skuPartNumber -notin $ExcludedSkus)}
                $orgSubscribedSkus = $script:orgSkus

            'SingleUser' {
                $user = Invoke-RestMethod `
                    -Uri "$UserPrincipalName`?`$select=id,userPrincipalName,assignedLicenses,assignedPlans" `
                    -Headers (Get-AadToken -AsHashTable -Factory $script:authFactories[$TenantId])
                $user | ProcessUser -orgSubscribedSkus $orgSubscribedSkus -CreateReport $CreateReport
            'MultipleUsers' {
                    $Uri = "`?`$select=id,userPrincipalName,assignedLicenses,assignedPlans`&`$filter=assignedLicenses/`$count ne 0`&`$count=true`&`$top=$BatchSize"
                    $Uri = "`?`$select=id,userPrincipalName,assignedLicenses,assignedPlans`&`$filter=startsWith(userPrincipalName,'$UpnStartsWith') and assignedLicenses/`$count ne 0`&`$count=true`&`$top=$BatchSize"
                $total = 0
                $current = 0
                    $headers = Get-AadToken -AsHashTable -Factory $script:authFactories[$TenantId]
                    $headers['ConsistencyLevel'] = 'eventual'
                    $data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $headers
                    if($null -ne $data.'@odata.count')
                        $total = $data.'@odata.count'
                        Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing' -Status "$current / $total " -PercentComplete ([int]($current * 100 / $total))
                    $data.value | ProcessUser -orgSubscribedSkus $orgSubscribedSkus -CreateReport $CreateReport -IncludeUpnInAssignedLicenses $IncludeUpnInAssignedLicenses
                    $Uri = $data.'@odata.nextLink'
                }while($null -ne $Uri)
                    Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing' -Completed

function ProcessUser

        $user = [PSCustomObject]@{
            UserPrincipalName = $graphUser.userPrincipalName
            Id = $
            AssignedLicenses = $graphUser.assignedLicenses.Where{$_.skuId -in $orgSubscribedSkus.skuId}
        foreach($sku in $user.assignedLicenses)
            $sku `
            | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AssignedServices -Value @() -PassThru `
            | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AssignedDate -Value ([DateTime]::MaxValue) -PassThru `
            | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value ($script:prods[$sku.skuId]).Name -PassThru `
            | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value ($script:prods[$sku.skuId]).DisplayName
                $sku | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Report -Value {
                    param( [string]$Sort = "DisplayName")
                    $marker = [char]27
                    $bold = "$marker[1m"
                    $underline = "$marker[4m"
                    $resetChanges = "$marker[0m"
                    $header = $bold + $underline
                    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.userPrincipalName)) {$header+="$($this.UserPrincipalName)`t"}
                    ($this.AssignedServices | Sort-Object $Sort | Format-Table displayName, assignedDateTime, capabilityStatus)
                $sku | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserPrincipalName -Value $User.UserPrincipalName

                #name not published in downloadable CSV - fallback
                $sku.Name = ($orgSubscribedSkus | Where-Object{$_.skuId -eq $sku.skuId}).SkuPartNumber
                $sku.DisplayName = $sku.Name
        $userAssignedSkus = $orgSubscribedSkus.Where{$_.skuId -in $user.assignedLicenses.skuId}
        foreach($plan in $graphUser.assignedPlans)
            $plan | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name displayName -Value $null
            #user may have multiple products assigned containing the same plan
            foreach($sku in $userAssignedSkus.Where{$_.servicePlans.servicePlanId -eq $plan.servicePlanId})
                if($null -ne $script:prods[$sku.skuId])
                    $plan.displayName = $script:prods[$sku.skuId].Plans[$plan.servicePlanId].DisplayName
                    #display name not published in downloadable CSV - fallback
                    $plan.displayName = ($sku.servicePlans | Where-Object{$_.servicePlanId -eq $plan.servicePlanId}).ServicePlanName
                foreach($userSku in $user.assignedLicenses.Where{$_.skuId -eq $sku.skuId})
                    #PS 5 may not parse datetime out of box
                    if($plan.assignedDateTime -is [string]) {$plan.assignedDateTime = [DateTime]::Parse($plan.assignedDateTime)}
                    if($plan.assignedDateTime -lt $userSku.AssignedDate)
                        $userSku.AssignedDate = $plan.assignedDateTime
if($null -eq $script:prods) {$script:prods = Get-ProductTable}
$script:authFactories = @{}