
function Get-UserProcess {
    The Get-UserProcess cmdlet gets current user processes on a local computer.
    Without parameters, this cmdlet gets all current user of the processes on the local computer.
    The Get-UserProcess cmdlet gets current user processes on a local computer.
    Without parameters, this cmdlet gets all current user of the processes on the local computer.
    Name of specific process from current user on the local computer.
    Disable the built-in Format-Table and Sort-Object.
    List all current user of the processes on the local computer with built-in Format-Table and Sort-Object.
    Get-UserProcess -Force
    List all current user of the processes on the local computer and disable built-in Format-Table and Sort-Object.
    Get-UserProcess -Name explorer
    List specific process from current user on the local computer with built-in Format-Table and Sort-Object.
    Get-UserProcess -Name explorer -Force
    List specific process from current user on the local computer and disable the built-in Format-Table and Sort-Object.

    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string]$Name = "*",
    $UN = $env:USERNAME
    $UP1 = ".exe"
    $UP2 = $Name.Replace("*", "%").Replace($UP1, "")
    $UP3 = Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "Name like ""$UP2$UP1"""
    $UP4 = $UP3 | Select-Object Name, ProcessId, @{Label = "Owner"; Expression = {($_ | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName GetOwner).User}} | Where-Object {$_.Owner -match $UN}
    if ($Force) {$UP4} else {$UP4 | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table -AutoSize} # Output