The [Get-MarkdownHelp][1] cmdlet retrieves the [comment-based help][2] and converts it to a Markdown page
similar to the general online PowerShell help pages (as e.g. [Get-Content]).\
Note that this cmdlet *doesn't* support `XML`-based help files, but has a few extra features for the comment-based
help as opposed to the native [platyPS][3] [New-MarkdownHelp]:
* **Cod
similar to the general online PowerShell help pages (as e.g. [Get-Content]).\
Note that this cmdlet *doesn't* support `XML`-based help files, but has a few extra features for the comment-based
help as opposed to the native [platyPS][3] [New-MarkdownHelp]:
* **Cod
The [Get-MarkdownHelp][1] cmdlet retrieves the [comment-based help][2] and converts it to a Markdown page
similar to the general online PowerShell help pages (as e.g. [Get-Content]).\
Note that this cmdlet *doesn't* support `XML`-based help files, but has a few extra features for the comment-based
help as opposed to the native [platyPS][3] [New-MarkdownHelp]:
* **Code Blocks**
To create code blocks, indent every line of the block by at least four spaces or one tab relative the **text indent**.
The **text indent** is defined by the smallest indent of the current - and the `.SYNOPSIS` section.\
Code blocks are automatically [fenced][4] for default PowerShell color coding.\
The usual comment-based help prefix for code (`PS. \>`) might also be used to define a code lines.
For more details, see the [-PSCodePattern parameter].
As defined by the standard help interpreter, code blocks (including fenced code blocks) can't include help keywords.
Meaning (fenced) code blocks will end at the next section defined by `.<help keyword>`.
* **Titled Examples**
Examples can be titled by adding an (extra) hash (`#`) in front of the first line in the section.
This line will be removed from the section and added to the header of the example.
* **Links**
> As Per markdown definition, The first part of a [reference-style link][5] is formatted with two sets of brackets.
> The first set of brackets surrounds the text that should appear linked. The second set of brackets displays
> a label used to point to the link you're storing elsewhere in your document, e.g.: `[rabbit-hole][1]`.
> The second part of a reference-style link is formatted with the following attributes:
> * The label, in brackets, followed immediately by a colon and at least one space (e.g., `[label]:` ).
> * The URL for the link, which you can optionally enclose in angle brackets.
> * The optional title for the link, which you can enclose in double quotes, single quotes, or parentheses.
For the comment-base help implementation, the second part should be placed in the `.LINK` section to automatically
listed in the end of the document. The reference will be hidden if the label is an explicit empty string(`""`).
* **Quick Links**
Any phrase existing of a combination alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and dashes between squared brackets
(e.g. `[my link]`) will be linked to the (automatic) anchor id in the document, e.g.: `[my link](#my-link)`.
> **Note:** There is no confirmation if the internal anchor really exists.
* **Parameter Links**
**Parameter links** are similar to **Quick Links** but start with a dash and contain an existing parameter name possibly
followed by the word "parameter". E.g.: `[-AlternateEOL]` or `[-AlternateEOL parameter]`.
In this example, the parameter link will refer to the internal [-AlternateEOL parameter].
* **Cmdlet Links**
**Cmdlet links** are similar to **Quick Links** but contain a cmdlet name where the online help is known. E.g.: `[Get-Content]`.
In this example, the cmdlet link will refer to the online help of the related [Get-Content] cmdlet.
Show more
similar to the general online PowerShell help pages (as e.g. [Get-Content]).\
Note that this cmdlet *doesn't* support `XML`-based help files, but has a few extra features for the comment-based
help as opposed to the native [platyPS][3] [New-MarkdownHelp]:
* **Code Blocks**
To create code blocks, indent every line of the block by at least four spaces or one tab relative the **text indent**.
The **text indent** is defined by the smallest indent of the current - and the `.SYNOPSIS` section.\
Code blocks are automatically [fenced][4] for default PowerShell color coding.\
The usual comment-based help prefix for code (`PS. \>`) might also be used to define a code lines.
For more details, see the [-PSCodePattern parameter].
As defined by the standard help interpreter, code blocks (including fenced code blocks) can't include help keywords.
Meaning (fenced) code blocks will end at the next section defined by `.<help keyword>`.
* **Titled Examples**
Examples can be titled by adding an (extra) hash (`#`) in front of the first line in the section.
This line will be removed from the section and added to the header of the example.
* **Links**
> As Per markdown definition, The first part of a [reference-style link][5] is formatted with two sets of brackets.
> The first set of brackets surrounds the text that should appear linked. The second set of brackets displays
> a label used to point to the link you're storing elsewhere in your document, e.g.: `[rabbit-hole][1]`.
> The second part of a reference-style link is formatted with the following attributes:
> * The label, in brackets, followed immediately by a colon and at least one space (e.g., `[label]:` ).
> * The URL for the link, which you can optionally enclose in angle brackets.
> * The optional title for the link, which you can enclose in double quotes, single quotes, or parentheses.
For the comment-base help implementation, the second part should be placed in the `.LINK` section to automatically
listed in the end of the document. The reference will be hidden if the label is an explicit empty string(`""`).
* **Quick Links**
Any phrase existing of a combination alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and dashes between squared brackets
(e.g. `[my link]`) will be linked to the (automatic) anchor id in the document, e.g.: `[my link](#my-link)`.
> **Note:** There is no confirmation if the internal anchor really exists.
* **Parameter Links**
**Parameter links** are similar to **Quick Links** but start with a dash and contain an existing parameter name possibly
followed by the word "parameter". E.g.: `[-AlternateEOL]` or `[-AlternateEOL parameter]`.
In this example, the parameter link will refer to the internal [-AlternateEOL parameter].
* **Cmdlet Links**
**Cmdlet links** are similar to **Quick Links** but contain a cmdlet name where the online help is known. E.g.: `[Get-Content]`.
In this example, the cmdlet link will refer to the online help of the related [Get-Content] cmdlet.
Installation Options
Package Details
- iRon
Sentence Indent StopError GetHelpItems GetHelp SplitInLineCode QuickLinks GetMarkDown GetTypeLink
This script has no dependencies.
- Get-MarkdownHelp.nuspec
- Get-MarkdownHelp.ps1