
# Get-Mailprotection.ps1
# Andres Bohren / /
# Version 1.0 / 21.02.2015 Initial Version
# Version 1.1 / 08.04.2015 IDN Domains / Crawled Domains / Unique Domains
# Version 1.2 / 13.04.2015 STARTTLS Support
# Version 1.3 / 26.08.2022 Addet BIMI / DANE / MTA-STS / M365 Checks
# Version 1.4 / 03.10.2022 Addet Reverse Lookup of MX Records / CAA Lookup / TLS-RPT Lookup
# Version 1.5 / 13.10.2022 Fixed Lyncdiscover / Added NS Records & Autodiscover / Minor fixes
# Version 1.6 / 03.04.2023 Addet Parameter -SMTPConnect [true/false] and -ReturnObject [false/true] that is now a PSCustomObject
# Version 1.7 / 16.05.2023 Fixed Lyncdiscover CNAME
# Version 1.8 / 30.09.2023 - Andres Bohren
# - Fixed ReturnObject Nameserver
# - Changed MTA-STSAvailable to MTA-STSAvailable and MTA-STSWeb to MTASTSWeb in ReturnObject
# - ReturnObject of MTASTSWeb is now String
# - ReturnObject of TLSRPT is now String
# - ReturnObject of MXIP is now Array
# - ReturnObject of CAA is now Array
# Version 1.9 / 29.10.2023 - Andres Bohren
# - Fixed Error in Nameserver Output
# - Improved SMTP Connect
# - Addet SMTPBanner
# - Addet SMTPCertificateIssuer
# - Fixed Errorhandling in DANE and NS Lookups
# - Better Errorhandling in SMTPConnect
# - Fixed Autodiscover Lookup
# - Fixed Lyncdiscover Lookup
# - General cleanup of Code
# - Added Security.txt
# - Added -Silent Parameter
# Version 1.10
# - Fixed STARTTLS and STARTTLS Support in Output and ReturnValue
# Version 1.11
# - Fixed Issue when testing SMTP Connectivity
# Version 1.12
# - Fixed Bug in Detection of Multiple SPF Records
# Version 1.13 30.03.2024
# - Fixed Bug in DANESupport when -SMTPConnect was set to $false
# Version 1.14
# - Moved from Resolve-DNS to DNS over Https (DoH)
# - Addet Property DMARCAuthorisationRecord
# - Addet Property SPFLookupCount - SPF Record Lookup check if max 10 records are used
# - Fixed some Autodiscover / Lyncdiscover Bugs
# - Changed Parameter -Silent and -Returnobject to Switch
# Version 1.15
# - Fixed a Bug in Reverse Lookup of MX Records
# - Added SMTPError to Output
# - Added -ExportCSV Parameter
# - Some minor Bugfixes
# Version 1.16
# - Addet -AppendCSVExport Parameter
# - Added M365NameSpaceType and M365FederatedAuthURL to Output
# Backlog / Whishlist
# - Open Mail Relay Check
# - Parameter for DKIM Selector

.GUID 3bd03c2d-6269-4df1-b8e5-216a86f817bb
.AUTHOR Andres Bohren Contact:
.COPYRIGHT Free to copy, inspire, etc...
.TAGS DNSSEC, MX, Reverse Lookup, STARTTLS, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE, MTA-STS, TLSRPT, BIMI, CAA, Autodiscover, Lynciscover, Teamsfederation, M365, TenantID, Security.txt
Version 1.16
- Addet -AppendCSVExport Parameter
- Added M365NameSpaceType and M365FederatedAuthURL to Output

Script written by Andres Bohren /
This Script checks diffrent DNS Records about a Domain - mostly about Mailsecurity Settings.
It checks for the following Information
- DNS Zone Signed (DNSSEC)
- NS (Nameserver)
- CAA (Certification Authority Authorization)
- MX (MailExchanger)
- MX Reverse Lookup
- Connects to the MX Servers and checks for STARTTLS and shows SMTP Banner and Certificate Information
- SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
- SPF Lookup Count (Max 10 Lookups allowed)
- DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
- DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance)
- DMARCAuthorisationRecord
- DANE (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities)
- BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification)
- MTA-STS (SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security)
- MTA-STS Web (https://mta-sts.domain.tld/.well-known/mta-sts.txt)
- TLSRPT (TLS Reporting)
- Autodiscover (Outlook)
- Lyncdiscover
- Lync/Skype/Teamsfederation
- M365 (Check via Open ID Connect)
- M365 TenantID
- M365 NameSpaceType (Managed /Federated)
- M365 FederatedAuthURL (ADFS or 3rd Party Auth URI)
- Security.txt
This Script checks diffrent DNS Records about a Domain - mostly about Mailsecurity Settings.
Most of the Querys are simple DNS Querys (NS, MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, BIMI, MTA-STS, TLSRPT).
The Script uses also DNS over HTTP for several checks (ZoneSigned, TLSA Record for DANE).
Also some Webrequests are required for MTA-STS, TenantID (OIDC), Security.txt.
And connects via SMTP to check if the Server supports STARTTLS.
Note that DKIM is hard to query, because the Selector can be literally anything.
Script is published here:
Get-Mailprotection.ps1 -Domain
Get-Mailprotection.ps1 -Domain -CSVExport "C:\Temp\Export.csv"
Get-Mailprotection.ps1 -Domain -CSVExport "C:\Temp\Export.csv" -AppendCSVExport $True
$Result = Get-Mailprotection.ps1 -Domain -ReturnObject
$Result = Get-Mailprotection.ps1 -Domain -SMTPConnect $False -ReturnObject
$Result = Get-Mailprotection.ps1 -Domain -SMTPConnect $False -ReturnObject -Silent
.PARAMETER [string]Domain
Mandatory Parameter. You need to specify a Domain as a string Value
domain.tld or subdomain.domain.tld
Optional Parameter. You can specify not to connect with SMTP to the Server. This Setting is TRUE by default.
You can add the Parameter -SMTPConnect $False
.PARAMETER [switch]ReturnObject
Optional Parameter. You can specify if a the Script returns an Object (For Scripting purposes). Per Default this Setting is FALSE.
You can add the Parameter -ReturnObject
.PARAMETER [switch]Silent
Optional Parameter. You can specify to not get an Output to the Console. Per Default this Setting is FALSE.
You can add the Parameter -Silent
Can be helpful if you use it with the -ReturnObject
.PARAMETER [String]$CSVExport
Optional Parameter. You can Specify a Path for CSV Export.
You can add the Parameter -CSVExport "C:\Temp\Export.csv"
.PARAMETER [bool]$AppendCSVExport
Optional Parameter. You can Specify a if the Output should appended to the CSV Export.
You can add the Parameter -AppendCSVExport $True

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$SMTPConnect = $True,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$ReturnObject = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Silent = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$CSVExport = $Null,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$AppendCSVExport = $False

    # Function Get-SPFLookupCount
    # Inspired by
    Function Get-SPFLookupCount {
    param (
        # Domain Name
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1)]
        $DNSQueryCount = 0
        $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=TXT"
        $SPFRecord = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "V=SPF1*"}
        If ($SPFRecord.Count -eq 0)
            $SPFRecord = $NULL
        } else {
            If ($SPFRecord.Count -eq 1)
                [string]$SPFRecord = ($SPFRecord | Out-String).Replace("'","").Trim()

                $SPFRecord = $SPFRecord.Replace("v=spf1 ","")
                $SPFRecord = $SPFRecord.Replace(" -all","")
                $SPFRecord = $SPFRecord.Replace(" ~all","")
                $SPFRecord = $SPFRecord.Replace(" +all","")
                $SPFRecord = $SPFRecord.Replace(" ?all","")
                $SPFDetails = $SPFRecord.Split(" ")

                Foreach ($Entry in $SPFDetails)
                    $Entry = $Entry.Trim()
                    If ($Entry -like "include:*")
                        Write-Verbose "Include Record: $Entry"
                        $Include = $Entry.Replace("include:","")
                        $Count = Get-SPFLookupCount -Domain "$Include"
                        $DNSQueryCount = $DNSQueryCount + $Count + 1

                    If ($Entry -like "redirect=*")
                        Write-Verbose "Redirect Record: $Entry"
                        $Redirect = $Entry.Replace("redirect=","")
                        $Count = Get-SPFLookupCount -Domain "$Redirect"
                        $DNSQueryCount = $DNSQueryCount + $Count + 1

                    If ($Entry -like "A:*")
                        Write-Verbose "A Record: $Entry"
                        $DNSQueryCount = $DNSQueryCount + 1

                    If ($Entry -like "MX:*")
                        Write-Verbose "MX Record: $Entry"
                        $DNSQueryCount = $DNSQueryCount + 1

                    If ($Entry -like "PTR:*")
                        Write-Verbose "PTR Record: $Entry"
                        $DNSQueryCount = $DNSQueryCount + 1

                    If ($Entry -like "EXISTS:*")
                        Write-Verbose "EXISTS Record: $Entry"
                        $DNSQueryCount = $DNSQueryCount + 1
    return $DNSQueryCount

    # Function Invoke-STARTTLS
    # Connect to SMTP Server, check for STARTTLS and then get the Certificate
    # Based on Code from Glen Scales
    # 29.06.2021 V1.0 Andres Bohren - Initial Version
    # 02.08.2022 V1.1 Thomas Nolte - Add optonal ignoring of certifcation errors
    # 01.10.2022 V1.2 Andres Bohren - Fixed an error when connection was not sucessful
    Function Invoke-STARTTLS
        PARAM (

        [bool]$TLSSupport = $false
        $Port = "25"
        #$Sendingdomain = ""
        $Sendingdomain = "$env:computername.$env:userdnsdomain"
    try {
            If ($Silent -ne $True)
                Write-Host("Connect $SMTPServer $Port") -ForegroundColor Magenta
            $socket = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($SMTPServer, $Port)
            $stream = $socket.GetStream()
            $streamWriter = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream)
            $streamReader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($stream)
            $stream.ReadTimeout = 500
            $stream.WriteTimeout = 500
            $streamWriter.AutoFlush = $true

            $Callback = {param($objsender,$cert,$chain,$errors) return $true}
            $sslStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($stream, $false, $Callback)

            $sslStream.ReadTimeout = 500
            $sslStream.WriteTimeout = 500
            $ConnectResponse = $streamReader.ReadLine();
            If ($Silent -ne $True)
                #throw "Error connecting to the SMTP Server"
                $SMTPError = $ConnectResponse
            } else {
                $SMTPBanner = $ConnectResponse

            #Send "EHLO"
            If ($Silent -ne $True)
                Write-Host(("EHLO " + $Sendingdomain)) -ForegroundColor Magenta
            $streamWriter.WriteLine(("EHLO " + $Sendingdomain));

        } catch {
            If ($Silent -ne $True)
                Write-Host "ERROR $_"

        $response = @()
        Try {
            while($streamReader.EndOfStream -ne $true)
                    $ehloResponse = $streamReader.ReadLine();
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)
                        If ($ehloResponse -match "550")
                            Write-Host "SMTPError occured"
                            $SMTPError = $ehloResponse
                    $response += $ehloResponse
        } catch {

            If ($response -match "STARTTLS")
                    $TLSSupport = $true

                    #StartTLS found
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)
                        Write-Host("STARTTLS") -ForegroundColor Magenta

                    $startTLSResponse = $streamReader.ReadLine();
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)

                    #Get Certificate
                    $ccCol = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection
                    $Cert = $sslStream.RemoteCertificate.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert)

                    #Show Certificate Details
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)
                        Write-Host "Certificate Details:" -ForegroundColor Green
                        Write-Host "Issuer: $($sslStream.RemoteCertificate.Issuer)"
                        Write-Host "Subject: $($sslStream.RemoteCertificate.Subject)"
                        Write-Host "ValidFrom: $($sslStream.RemoteCertificate.GetEffectiveDateString())"
                        Write-Host "ValidTo: $($sslStream.RemoteCertificate.GetExpirationDateString())"
                        Write-Host "SerialNumber: $($sslStream.RemoteCertificate.GetSerialNumberString())"
                        Write-Host "Thumbprint: $($sslStream.RemoteCertificate.GetCertHashString())"

                    $SMTPCertIssuer = $sslStream.RemoteCertificate.Issuer


            } else {
                If ($Silent -ne $True)
                    Write-Host "ERROR: No <STARTTLS> found" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                [bool]$TLSSupport = $false

        $ResultObject = [PSCustomObject]@{}
        $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SMTPBanner' -Value $SMTPBanner
        $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SMTPCertIssuer' -Value $SMTPCertIssuer
        $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TLSSupport' -Value $TLSSupport
        $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SMTPError' -Value $SMTPError

        return $ResultObject
        #return $TLSSupport

# Function Get-MailProtection
Function Get-MailProtection
    PARAM (

    [bool]$ZoneDNSSigned = $false
    [Array]$Nameserver = @()
    [Array]$MXRecord = @()
    [Array]$MXReverseLookup = @()
    [String]$DANERecord = $Null
    [bool]$MXAvailable = $False
    [int]$MXCount = 0
    $MXReverseLookup = $Null
    [int]$StartTLSCount = 0
    [bool]$SPFAvailable = $False
    [string]$SPFRecord = $Null
    [int]$SPFLookupCount = 0
    [bool]$DomainKeyAvailable = $False
    [String]$DomainKeySupport = "None"
    [bool]$DMARCAvailable = $False
    [string]$DMARCRecord = $Null
    [bool]$DMARCAuthorisationRecord = $False
    [int]$DANECount = 0
    [bool]$DANEAvailable = $False
    [string]$DANESupport = "None"
    [bool]$M365 = $False
    [bool]$BIMIAvailable = $False
    [string]$BIMIRecord = $Null
    [bool]$MTASTSAvailable = $False
    [string]$Autodiscover = $Null
    [string]$LyncDiscover = $Null

    ## Check if DNS Zone is signed
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: DNS Zone Signed" -ForegroundColor Green
    $URI = "$Domain&type=NS"
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI
    If ($ -eq "True")
        $ZoneDNSSigned = $true

    ## Nameserver (NS)
    Foreach ($Entry in $
        $Nameserver += $Entry.Substring(0,$Entry.Length-1)

    ## CAA
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: CAA" -ForegroundColor Green
    #$Domain = ""
    $CAA = $Null
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=CAA"
    If ($Null -ne $json.Answer.Data)
        [Array]$CAA = $json.Answer.Data # ($json.Answer.Data | Out-String).Trim()

    ##Check for MX Record
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: MX" -ForegroundColor Green
    $URI = "$Domain&type=MX"
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI
    Foreach ($Entry in $
        $MXRecordData = $Entry.split(" ")[1]
        If ($MXRecordData -eq ".")
            #Null MX
            Write-Debug "Null MX Record found"
            $MXRecord += "NullMX"
        } else {
            $MXRecord += $MXRecordData.Substring(0,$MXRecordData.Length-1)

    Foreach ($MXEntry in $MXRecord)
        #If ($Null -ne $MXEntry.NameExchange)
        If ($Null -ne $MXEntry)
            If ($MXEntry -ne "NullMX")
                #MX Found
                $MXAvailable = $true
                $MXCount = $MXCount + 1

                $URI = "$MXEntry&type=A"
                $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI
                $MXIP = $json.Answer.Data

                #Foreach ($IP in $MXIP.IPAddress)
                Foreach ($IP in $MXIP)
                    [Array]$MXIPArray += $IP
                    $SplitIP = $IP.split(".")
                    $ReverseLookupIP = $SplitIP[3] + "." + $SplitIP[2] + "." + $SplitIP[1] + "." + $SplitIP[0] + ""
                    $URI = "$ReverseLookupIP&type=PTR"
                    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URI
                    $ReverseLookupName = $json.Answer.Data
                    If ($Null -ne $json.Answer.Data)
                        $ReverseLookupName = $json.Answer.Data.Substring(0,$json.Answer.Data.Length-1)

                    If ($Null -ne $ReverseLookupName)
                        [Array]$MXReverseLookup += $ReverseLookupName

                #Only Connect if Parameter $SMTPConnect is True (default)
                If ($SMTPConnect -eq $True)
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)
                        Write-Host "Check: SMTPConnect" -ForegroundColor Green
                    try {
                        $tcpClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
                        $portOpened = $tcpClient.ConnectAsync($MXEntry, "25").Wait(1000)
                    } catch {
                        $PortOpened = $false

                    If ($PortOpened -eq $true)
                        If ($Silent -ne $True)
                            Write-Host "Check: StartTLS" -ForegroundColor Green
                        $StartTLSReturn = Invoke-STARTTLS -SMTPServer $MXEntry
                        [Array]$SMTPBannerArray += $StartTLSReturn.SMTPBanner
                        [Array]$SMTPCertIssuerArray += $StartTLSReturn.SMTPCertIssuer
                        [String]$SMTPError = $StartTLSReturn.SMTPError
                If ($StartTLSReturn.TLSSupport -eq $true)
                    $StartTLSCount = $StartTLSCount + 1

                try {
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)
                        Write-Host "Check: DANE" -ForegroundColor Green
                    $TLSAQuery = "_25._tcp.$($MXEntry)"
                    #$URL= "$TLSAQuery&type=TLSA"
                    #Write-Host "DEBUG: TLSAQuery: $TLSAQuery" -ForegroundColor magenta
                    #Write-Host "DEBUG: URI$TLSAQuery&type=TLSA" -ForegroundColor magenta
                    $json = $Null
                    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$TLSAQuery&type=TLSA"

                } catch {
                    If ($Silent -ne $True)
                        Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        Write-Host "Query:" $TLSAQuery -ForegroundColor Yellow
                If ($null -ne $
                    #DANE Found
                    $TLSA = $
                    $DANEAvailable = $true
                    $DANECount = $DANECount + 1
                    $DANERecord = $DANERecord + $TLSA

    #Check if all MX support StartTLS
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: StartTLS Support" -ForegroundColor Green
    If ($MXCount -gt 0)
        If ($MXCount -eq $StartTLSCount)
            #All Mailserver in MX Records support STARTTLS
            $StartTLSSupport = "All"
        If ($MXCount -gt $StartTLSCount)
            #Some Mailserver in MX Records support STARTTLS
            $StartTLSSupport = "Some"
        If ($StartTLSCount -eq 0)
            #None Mailserver in MX Records support STARTTLS
            $StartTLSSupport = "None"

    #Check if all MX support DANE
    If ($MXCount -gt 0)
        If ($MXCount -eq $DANECount)
            #All Mailserver in MX Records support DANE
            $DANESupport = "All"
        If ($MXCount -gt $DANECount)
            #Some Mailserver in MX Records support DANE
            If ($DANECount -gt 0)
                $DANESupport = "Some"
            } else {
                $DANESupport = "None"
        If ($SMTPConnect -ne $false)
            If ($StartTLSCount -eq 0)
                #None Mailserver in MX Records support DANE
                $DANESupport = "None"

    ## SPF
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: SPF" -ForegroundColor Green

    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=TXT"
    [Array]$SPFRecord = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "V=SPF1*"}
    If ($SPFRecord.Count -eq 0)
        $SPFRecord = $NULL
    } else {
        #SPF Record Present
        If ($SPFRecord.Count -eq 1)
            [string]$SPFRecord = ($SPFRecord | Out-String).Replace("'","").Trim()
            $SPFLookupCount = Get-SPFLookupCount -Domain $Domain
        } else {
            Write-Debug "Multiple SPF Records found"
            $SPFRecord = "MULTIPLE SPF RECORDS"

    #Foreach ($TXTEntry in $TXT)
    Foreach ($TXTEntry in $
        If ($TXTEntry -match "v=spf" -or $TXTEntry -match "spf2.0")
            #SPF Found
            $SPFAvailable = $true

    ## Check for DomainKey / DKIM
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: DKIM" -ForegroundColor Green
    $DomainKeyRecord = $Null
    $DomainKeySupport = $False

    #Try O365 Selector1 and Selector2
    If ($DomainKeyAvailable -eq $false)
        $dnshost1 = "selector1._domainkey." + $Domain
        $dnshost2 = "selector2._domainkey." + $Domain
        #$DomainkeyS1 = Resolve-DnsName -Name $dnshost1 -Type CNAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$dnshost1&type=CNAME"
        #$DKIMRecord1 = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "v=DKIM1*"}
        $DKIMRecord1 = $

        #$DomainkeyS2 = Resolve-DnsName -Name $dnshost2 -Type CNAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$dnshost2&type=CNAME"
        #$DKIMRecord2 = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "v=DKIM1*"}
        $DKIMRecord2 = $

        If ($Null -ne $DKIMRecord1 -or $Null -ne $DKIMRecord2)
            $DomainKeySupport = $True
            $DomainKeyAvailable = $True
            [Array]$DomainKeyRecord += $DKIMRecord1.Substring(0,$DKIMRecord1.Length-1)
            [Array]$DomainKeyRecord += $DKIMRecord2.Substring(0,$DKIMRecord2.Length-1)

    ## Check for DMARC
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: DMARC" -ForegroundColor Green

    $dnshost = "_dmarc." + $Domain
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$dnshost&type=TXT"
    $DMARC = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "V=DMARC1*"}
    Foreach ($DMARCEntry in $DMARC)
        $DMARCRecord = $DMARCEntry.Replace("'","")
        $DMARCAvailable = $true

    ## DMARC Authorisation Record TXT v=DMARC1;
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: DMARC Authorization" -ForegroundColor Green

    If ($Null -ne $DMARC)
        $RUA = $DMARC.Split(";") | Where-Object {$_ -match "rua="}
        If ($Null -ne $RUA)
            $RUA = ($RUA).Trim()
            [Array]$RUAArray = $RUA.Split(",")
            Foreach ($RUAEntry in $RUAArray)
                #$RUAEntry = $RUAEntry.replace("mailto:","")
                $RUARecipientDomain = $RUAEntry.replace("mailto:","").split("@")[1]
                $dnshost = "$domain._report._dmarc." + $RUARecipientDomain
                Write-Verbose "DMARC Authorisation Record: $dnshost"
                $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$dnshost&type=TXT"
                If ($ -match "v=DMARC1")
                    $DMARCAuthorisationRecord = $True

    ## BIMI
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: BIMI" -ForegroundColor Green
    } in txt
    #"v=BIMI1; l=; a=;"
    $dnshost = "default._bimi." + $Domain
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$dnshost&type=TXT"
    $BIMI = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "V=BIMI1*"}
    Foreach ($BIMIEntry in $BIMI)
            #BIMI Found
            $BIMIAvailable = $true
            [String]$BIMIRecord = $BIMIEntry -Join " "

    ## MTA STS
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: MTA-STS" -ForegroundColor Green
    #$Domain = ""
    #$Domain = ""
    #$Domain = ""
    $DNSHost = "_mta-sts." + $Domain
    $MTASTSAvailable = $False
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$dnshost&type=TXT"
    $MTASTS = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "V=STSv1*"}
    Foreach ($MTASTSEntry in $MTASTS)
        #MTA-STS Found
        $MTASTSAvailable = $true
        #Write-Host "MTA STS Found" -ForegroundColor Green

        $URI = "https://mta-sts.$Domain/.well-known/mta-sts.txt"
        try {
            $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI -TimeoutSec 1
            If ($response.Content -is [byte[]]) 
                $MTASTSTXT = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response.Content) #.trim().Replace("`r`n","")
            } else {
                $MTASTSTXT = ($response.Content).trim().Replace("`r`n","")
        } catch {
                Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" #-ForegroundColor Yellow

    ## TLS-RPT IN TXT "{v=TLSRPTv1;}"
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: TLS-RPT" -ForegroundColor Green
    $TLSRPTQuery = "_smtp._tls.$Domain"
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$TLSRPTQuery&type=TXT"
    $TLSRPT = $ | Where-Object {$_ -like "V=TLSRPTv1*"}
    If ($Null -ne $TLSRPT)
        [String]$TLSRPTRecord = $TLSRPT

    ## Autodiscover
    #$URI = "$domain?Protocol=AutodiscoverV1"
    $Autodiscover = $Null
    $AutodiscoverCNAME = $Null
    $AutodiscoverA = $Null

    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: Autodiscover" -ForegroundColor Green
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=CNAME"
    $AutodiscoverCNAME = $
    If ($Null -ne $AutodiscoverCNAME)
        $AutodiscoverCNAME = $AutodiscoverCNAME.Substring(0,$AutodiscoverCNAME.Length-1)
        [string]$Autodiscover = $AutodiscoverCNAME
    } else {
        #Autodiscover A
        $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=A"
        If ($Null -ne $json.Answer.Data)
            $AutodiscoverA = $json.answer.Data[0]
        If ($Null -ne $AutodiscoverA)
            Try {
                #Check if IPv4
                $IP = []$AutodiscoverA
                $Autodiscover = $AutodiscoverA.tostring()
            } catch {
                #Then it must be a DNS Name
                $AutodiscoverA = $AutodiscoverA.Substring(0,$AutodiscoverA.Length-1)
                [string]$Autodiscover = $AutodiscoverA
        } else {
            #Autodiscover SRV
            #Write-Host "DEBUG: Autodiscover SRV" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=SRV"
            $AutodiscoverSRV = $
            If ($Null -ne $
                #Write-Host "DEBUG: Autodiscover SRV SUBSRING" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $AutodiscoverSRV = $AutodiscoverSRV.Substring(0,$AutodiscoverSRV.Length-1)
                [string]$Autodiscover = $AutodiscoverSRV.Split(" ")[3]
            } else {
                $Autodiscover = $Null

    ## LyncDiscover
    $LyncDiscoverCNAME = $Null
    $LyncDiscoverA = $Null
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: Lyncdiscover" -ForegroundColor Green
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=CNAME"
    $LyncDiscoverCNAME = $
    If ($Null -ne $
        $LyncDiscoverCNAME = $LyncDiscoverCNAME.Substring(0,$LyncDiscoverCNAME.Length-1)
        [string]$Lyncdiscover = $LyncDiscoverCNAME
    } else {
        #Lyncdiscover A
        $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=A"
        If ($Null -ne $
            $LyncDiscoverA = $json.answer.Data

        If ($Null -ne $LyncDiscoverA)
            Try {
                #Check if IPv4
                $IP = []$LyncDiscoverA
                $Lyncdiscover = $LyncdiscoverA.tostring()
            } catch {
                #Then it must be a DNS Name
                $LyncDiscoverA = $LyncDiscoverA.Substring(0,$LyncDiscoverA.Length-1)
                [string]$Lyncdiscover = $LyncDiscoverA
        } else {
            $Lyncdiscover = $Null

    ## Skype4B / Teams Federation
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: Skype4B / Teams Federation" -ForegroundColor Green
    $json = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&type=SRV"
    If ($null -ne $
        #Prio Weight Port Hostname
        #100 1 5061
        $SkypeFederationSRV = $

        $SpaceCount = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -eq " "}).Count
        If ($SpaceCount -eq 3)
            $SkypeFederationSRV = $SkypeFederationSRV.Split(" ")[3]
            $SkypeFederationSRV = $SkypeFederationSRV.Substring(0,$SkypeFederationSRV.Length-1)
            $SkypeFederation = $SkypeFederationSRV
        } else {
            $SkypeFederation = $SkypeFederationSRV.Substring(0,$SkypeFederationSRV.Length-1)
    } else {
        $SkypeFederation = $Null

    ## M365
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: M365 Tenant (OpenIDConnect)" -ForegroundColor Green
    try {
        #$TenantID = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing$($Domain)/.well-known/openid-configuration|ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
        $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing$($Domain)/.well-known/openid-configuration -TimeoutSec 1
        $TenantID = ($Response | ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
        $M365 = $True

    } catch {
        Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" #-ForegroundColor Yellow
        $TenantID = $Null
        $M365 = $False

    ## Check for M365 Managed / Federated Domain
    If ($Null -ne $TenantID)
        If ($Silent -ne $True)
            Write-Host "Check: Entra NameSpaceType / FederatedAuthURL" -ForegroundColor Green
        try {
            $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$Domain&json=1" -Method "GET"
            $M365NameSpaceType = $Response.NameSpaceType
            $M365FederatedAuthURL = $Response.AuthURL
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" #-ForegroundColor Yellow
            $M365NameSpaceType = $Null
            $M365FederatedAuthURL = $Null

    ## Check for
    # Example:
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "Check: security.txt" -ForegroundColor Green

    [bool]$SecurityTXTAvailable = $false
    $URI = "https://$Domain/.well-known/security.txt"
    try {
        $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI $URI -TimeoutSec 1
        If ($Null -ne $Response)
            [bool]$SecurityTXTAvailable = $true
    } catch {
            Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" #-ForegroundColor Yellow

    $URI = "https://$Domain/security.txt"
    try {
        $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI $URI -TimeoutSec 1
        If ($Null -ne $Response)
            [bool]$SecurityTXTAvailable = $true
    } catch {
        Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" #-ForegroundColor Yellow

    # Convert Arrays to String
    $MXIPString = $MXIPArray -join " "
    If ($Null -ne $Nameserver -or $Nameserver -ne "")
        $NameserverString = $Nameserver -Join " "

    [String]$SMTPBanner = ""
    If ($Null -ne $SMTPBannerArray)
        $SMTPBanner = $SMTPBannerArray -join " "

    [String]$SMTPCertIssuer = ""
    If ($Null -ne $SMTPCertIssuerArray)
        $SMTPCertIssuer = $SMTPCertIssuerArray -join " "

    #Write Output
    If ($Silent -ne $True)
        Write-Host "SUMMARY: $Domain" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "Nameserver:" $NameserverString -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "Zone DNS Signed: $ZoneDNSSigned" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "Certification Authority Authorization (CAA): $CAA" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "MXCount: $MXCount" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "MXRecord: $MXRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "MXIP: $MXIPString" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "MXReverseLookup: $MXReverseLookup" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "STARTTLS: $StartTLSCount" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "STARTTLS Support: $StartTLSSupport" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SMTPBanner: $SMTPBanner" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SMTPCertIssuer: $SMTPCertIssuer" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SMTPError: $SMTPError" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SPF: $SPFAvailable" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SPFRecord: $SPFRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-host "SPFLookupCount: $SPFLookupCount" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DKIM: $DomainKeyAvailable" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DKIM Support: $DomainKeySupport" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DKIM Record: $DomainKeyRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DMARC: $DMARCAvailable " -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DMARCRecord: $DMARCRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DMARC Authorisation Record: $DMARCAuthorisationRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DANECount: $DANECount" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DANESupport: $DANESupport" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "DANERecord: $DANERecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "BIMI: $BIMIAvailable" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "BIMI Record: $BIMIRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "MTA-STS: $MTASTSAvailable" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "MTA-STS-Web: $MTASTSTXT" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "TLS-RPT: $TLSRPTRecord" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "Autodiscover: $Autodiscover" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "Lyncdiscover: $Lyncdiscover" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SkypeFederation: $SkypeFederation" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "M365: $M365" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "TenantID: $TenantID" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "M365NameSpaceType: $M365NameSpaceType" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "M365FederatedAuthURL: $M365FederatedAuthURL" -ForegroundColor cyan
        Write-Host "SecurityTXT: $SecurityTXTAvailable" -ForegroundColor cyan

    #Better ResponseObject
    $ResultObject = [PSCustomObject]@{}
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Domain' -Value $Domain
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'NameServer' -Value $Nameserver
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ZoneDNSSigned' -Value $ZoneDNSSigned
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'CAA' -Value $CAA
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MXCount' -Value $MXCount
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MXRecord' -Value $MXRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MXIP' -Value $MXIPArray
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MXReverseLookup' -Value $MXReverseLookup
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StartTLSCount' -Value $StartTLSCount
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StartTLSSupport' -Value $StartTLSSupport
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SMTPBanner' -Value $SMTPBannerArray
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SMTPCertIssuer' -Value $SMTPCertIssuerArray
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SMTPError' -Value $SMTPError
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SPFAvailable' -Value $SPFAvailable
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SPFRecord' -Value $SPFRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SPFLookupCount' -Value $SPFLookupCount
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DomainKeyAvailable' -Value $DomainKeyAvailable
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DomainKeySupport' -Value $DomainKeySupport
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DomainKeyRecord' -Value $DomainKeyRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DMARCAvailable' -Value $DMARCAvailable
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DMARCRecord' -Value $DMARCRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DMARCAuthorisationRecord' -Value $DMARCAuthorisationRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DANECount' -Value $DANECount
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DANESupport' -Value $DANESupport
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DANERecord' -Value $DANERecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'BIMIAvailable' -Value $BIMIAvailable
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'BIMIRecord' -Value $BIMIRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MTASTSAvailable' -Value $MTASTSAvailable
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MTASTSWeb' -Value $MTASTSTXT
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TLSRPT' -Value $TLSRPTRecord
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Autodiscover' -Value $Autodiscover
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'LyncDiscover' -Value $Lyncdiscover
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SkypeFederation' -Value $SkypeFederation
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'M365' -Value $M365
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TenantID' -Value $TenantID
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'M365NameSpaceType' -Value $M365NameSpaceType
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'M365FederatedAuthURL' -Value $M365FederatedAuthURL
    $ResultObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SecurityTXT' -Value $SecurityTXTAvailable

    return $ResultObject

# Main Script
$Result = Get-MailProtection -Domain $Domain -SMTPConnect $SMTPConnect
If ($ReturnObject -eq $true)

#Export a PowerShell object with nested arrays to CSV
#$Properties = $Result | Get-Member | where {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} | select Name

If ($CSVExport -ne "")
    Write-Host "Export to CSV: $CSVExport" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    # Replace Line Breaks
    [string]$MTASTSWeb = $Result.MTASTSWeb
    If ($MTASTSWeb -ne "")
        $MTASTSWeb = $MTASTSWeb.replace("`r`n"," ")
        $MTASTSWeb = $MTASTSWeb.replace("`r"," ")
        $MTASTSWeb = $MTASTSWeb.replace("`n"," ")

    # Flatten the array
    $flattenedObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Domain = $Result.Domain
        NameServer = ($Result.Nameserver -Join " ")
        ZoneDNSSigned = $Result.ZoneDNSSigned
        CAA = ($Result.CAA -join " ")
        MXCount = $Result.MXCount
        MXRecord = ($Result.MXRecord -Join " ")
        MXIP = ($Result.MXIP -Join " ")
        MXReverseLookup = ($Result.MXReverseLookup -Join " ")
        StartTLSCount = $Result.StartTLSCount
        StartTLSSupport = $Result.StartTLSSupport
        SMTPBanner = ($Result.SMTPBanner -Join " ")
        SMTPCertIssuer = ($Result.SMTPCertIssuer -Join " ")
        SMTPError = $Result.SMTPError
        SPFAvailable = $Result.SPFAvailable
        SPFRecord = $Result.SPFRecord
        SPFLookupCount = $Result.SPFLookupCount
        DomainKeyAvailable = $Result.DomainKeyAvailable
        DomainKeySupport = $Result.DomainKeySupport
        DomainKeyRecord = ($Result.DomainKeyRecord -Join " ")
        DMARCAvailable = $Result.DMARCAvailable
        DMARCRecord = $Result.DMARCRecord
        DMARCAuthorisationRecord = $Result.DMARCAuthorisationRecord
        DANECount = $Result.DANECount
        DANESupport = $Result.DANESupport
        DANERecord = $Result.DANERecord
        BIMIAvailable = $Result.BIMIAvailable
        BIMIRecord = $Result.BIMIRecord
        MTASTSAvailable = $Result.MTASTSAvailable
        MTASTSWeb = $MTASTSWeb
        TLSRPT = $Result.TLSRPT
        Autodiscover = $Result.Autodiscover
        LyncDiscover = $Result.Lyncdiscover
        SkypeFederation = $Result.SkypeFederation
        M365 = $Result.M365
        TenantID = $Result.TenantID
        M365NameSpaceType = $Result.M365NameSpaceType
        M365FederatedAuthURL = $Result.M365FederatedAuthURL
        SecurityTXT = $Result.SecurityTXT

    # Export to CSV
    If ($AppendCSVExport -eq $true)
        $flattenedObject | Export-Csv -Path $CSVExport -NoTypeInformation -Append
    } else {
        $flattenedObject | Export-Csv -Path $CSVExport -NoTypeInformation