.VERSION 1.6.0 .GUID 2ec72304-ff34-4f42-bd0c-2211df4d9074 .AUTHOR Erlend Westervik .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Device, Warranty, Lenovo, Hardware, Age, Warranties, Endpoint, Management, Serialnumber, Serial, Product, Model, Manufacturer, Specification, Specc .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Version: 1.0.0 - Original published version Version: 1.1.0 - Rewrite. New baseline. Version: 1.5.0 - Added 'ShowCachesCombined' + fixed some output that got pre-formated Version: 1.6.0 - Added 'VerboseLogging'-parameter and changed default cache location to script location instead of current directory. #> <# .SYNOPSIS Get product specifications and warranty information of Lenovo device using serialnumber. .DESCRIPTION The scripts will create a local CSV-file cache, and then add warranty and/or product specifications for every serialnumber that is queried, and store it to the cache. If the serialnumber/model-code does not exist in cache (eg. first time queried), the script will go online and fetch warranty and/or product spec info from Lenovo web-services. In addition to the standard output from Lenovo web-pages, days left of warranty or days since expired will be calculated, alog with an aproximate age of the computer using (years since waranty start) .PARAMETER Serialnumber One or more serialnumber(s) that you want to get warranty and/or product specs for. .PARAMETER Type What type of information to query. This can be 'Warranty' or 'ProductSpecification'. Default 'Warranty'. .PARAMETER Brief Warranty: Shows only base product warranties. If more than one, show premium/on-site support warranty Product: Output limited to the most essential hardware components of product .PARAMETER InspectCache Shows content in exising offline cache file(s). Pipe results to gridview for easy filtering and searching. .PARAMETER ClearCache Deletes one or more offline cache file(s) from disk. .PARAMETER ShowCachesCombined Shows selected info on all devices that exist in local cache. Pipe results to gridview for easy filtering and searching. .PARAMETER VerboseLogging Logging to console. .EXAMPLE .\Get-LenovoInfo.ps1 -Serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' -Type Warranty This example will return the product warranties for the Lenovo computer with serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' .EXAMPLE .\Get-LenovoInfo.ps1 -Serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' -Type ProductSpecification -Brief | Format-Table * This example will return a brief overview of the product specifications of a Lenovo computer with serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Serialnumber, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Brief, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('Warranty', 'ProductSpecification')] [string]$Type = 'Warranty', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$ForceWeb, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('Warranty', 'ProductSpecification', 'ProductID')] [string]$InspectCache, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('All','Warranty', 'ProductSpecification', 'ProductID')] [string]$ClearCache, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$ShowCachesCombined, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$VerboseLogging ) begin { if ($Brief) { $Properties = @( @{Expression={$_.DeliveryType -replace 'depot', 'Depot/mail' -replace 'on_site', 'On site'};Label='DeliveryType'}, @{Expression={$_.ProductName -replace "\(.+$"};Label='ProductName'}, @{Expression={$_.Model};Label='Model'}, @{Expression={$_.SerialNumber};Label='SerialNumber'}, @{Expression={$_.Name};Label='Name'}, @{Expression={$_.Status -replace '-1', 'Expired' -replace '1', 'Active'};Label='Status'}, @{Expression={((Get-Date $_.End) - (Get-date)).TotalDays -replace "(,|\.).+$"};Label='DaysLeft'}, @{Expression={$_.YearsSinceBought};Label='YearsSinceBought'} ) } else { $Properties = @( @{Expression={$_.WarrentyType};Label='WarrentyType'}, @{Expression={$_.DeliveryType -replace 'depot', 'Depot/mail' -replace 'on_site', 'On site'};Label='DeliveryType'}, @{Expression={$_.ProductName};Label='ProductName'}, @{Expression={$_.Model};Label='Model'}, @{Expression={$_.SerialNumber};Label='SerialNumber'}, @{Expression={$_.Name};Label='Name'}, @{Expression={$_.Description};Label='Description'}, @{Expression={$_.Status -replace '-1', 'Expired' -replace '1', 'Active'};Label='Status'}, @{Expression={$_.Start};Label='Start'}, @{Expression={$_.End};Label='End'}, @{Expression={$_.Duration};Label='Duration'}, @{Expression={((Get-Date $_.End) - (Get-date)).TotalDays -replace "(,|\.).+$"};Label='DaysLeft'}, @{Expression={$_.Origin};Label='Origin'}, @{Expression={$_.CountryName};Label='CountryName'} @{Expression={$_.YearsSinceBought};Label='YearsSinceBought'} ) } $Script:CacheProductID = @() $Script:CacheWarranty = @() $Script:CacheProductSpecification = @() $Script:ProductIDResults = @() $Script:WarrantyResults = @() $Script:SpecResults = @() $Script:CacheFileProductID = "$PSScriptRoot\Get-LenovoInfo-ProductIDCache.csv" $Script:CacheFileWarranty = "$PSScriptRoot\Get-LenovoInfo-WarrantyCache.csv" $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications = "$PSScriptRoot\Get-LenovoInfo-ProductSpecificationsCache.csv" Function Write-Log { param( [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] [int]$Level, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Message ) $Message = $Message.Replace("`r",'').Replace("`n",' ') switch ($Level) { 0 { $Status = 'Info' ;$FGColor = 'White' } 1 { $Status = 'Success' ;$FGColor = 'Green' } 2 { $Status = 'Warning' ;$FGColor = 'Yellow' } 3 { $Status = 'Error' ;$FGColor = 'Red' } 4 { $Status = 'Console' ;$FGColor = 'Gray' } Default { $Status = '' ;$FGColor = 'Black' } } if ($VerboseLogging) { Write-Host "$((Get-Date).ToString()) " -ForegroundColor 'DarkGray' -NoNewline Write-Host "$Status" -ForegroundColor $FGColor -NoNewline if ($level -eq 4) { Write-Host ("`t " + $Message) -ForegroundColor 'Cyan' } else { Write-Host ("`t " + $Message) -ForegroundColor 'White' } } if ($Level -eq 3) { $LogErrors += $Message } } Function Invoke-ProductIDWebRequest { Param( [String]$Serialnumber ) try { Clear-Variable Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Url = "$SerialNumber" #CASE-SENSITIVE! Clear-Variable Response -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop Clear-Variable Product -Scope script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:ProductWebResponse = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - ProductID: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url'" if (!$ { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - ProductID: Incomplete response. Product ID not found for serialnumber '$Serialnumber'" } else { $Product = [pscustomobject]@{ SerialNumber = $SerialNumber ProductID = $Script:ProductWebResponse.Id ModelCode = ($Script:ProductWebResponse.Id -split '/')[-2] } $Script:CacheProductID += $Product $Script:CacheResultProductID = $Product try { if (!$ForceWeb) { $Product | Export-Csv -Path $Script:CacheFileProductID -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "CSV Cache Product ID - Product ID for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' added to cache" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "CSV Cache Product ID - Failed to add product ID for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' to cache $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - ProductID: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url', Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } Function Invoke-ProductSpecificationWebRequest { param( [String]$ModelCode, [String]$Serialnumber ) try { Clear-Variable Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Url = "$ModelCode" Clear-Variable Response -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop Clear-Variable Specs -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Specs = $Response | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Product Specification: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url'" } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Product Specification: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url', Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($ { # Loop all components $Parts = @() $ | Select-Object Title, Name, Content | ForEach-Object { $Part = [pscustomobject]@{ Serial = $Serialnumber ModelCode = $ModelCode Part = $_.Name Value = ($_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content) -replace "(®|™)" -replace '\<.+>' -replace "(\r\n|\n|\r)", "" -replace '(USB-C).+$', 'USB-C' } $Parts += $Part } # Add each component to the script result variable $Script:SpecResults += $Parts # Update imported cache with new live-entries, discarding serialnumber... $Script:CacheProductSpecification += $Parts | Select-Object ModelCode, Part, Value try { if (!$ForceWeb) { # Export the results to offline cache file, discarding serialnumber $Parts | Select-Object ModelCode, Part, Value | Export-Csv -Path $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Model '$ModelCode' added to cache" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Failed to add model '$ModelCode' to cache $($_.Exception.Message)" } } else { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Product Specification: Incomplete response. Product specification not found for model code '$ModelCode'" } } Function Invoke-WarrantyWebRequest { Param( [String]$Serialnumber, [String]$ProductID ) if ($ProductID) { try { Clear-Variable Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Url = '' + $ProductID.ToLower() + '/warranty' Clear-Variable Result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Warranty: $($Result.StatusCode) $($Result.StatusDescription) '$Url'" } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Warranty: $($Result.StatusCode) $($Result.StatusDescription) '$Url', Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } # Parse HTML and extract JSON if ($Result) { Clear-Variable PSObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $PSObject = ((($Result.content -split "`n") | Where-Object {$_ -match 'var ds_warranties'}) -replace 'var ds_warranties = window.ds_warranties \|\| ' -replace ';$') | ConvertFrom-Json } if ($PSObject) { $Warranties = @() $Warranties += $PSObject.BaseWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.UpmaWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.AodWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.InstantWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.SaeWarranties $Warranties | ForEach-Object { Clear-Variable Warranty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Warranty = $_ $ApproximateAgeInYears = (((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $Warranty.Start)).TotalDays / 365) try { $Obj = [pscustomobject]@{ WarrentyType = $Warranty.WarrentyType DeliveryType = $Warranty.DeliveryType ProductName = $PSObject.ProductName Model = ($PSObject.MachineType, $PSObject.Mode -join '') SerialNumber = $PSObject.Serial Name = $Warranty.Name Description = $Warranty.Description Status = $Warranty.Status Start = $Warranty.Start End = $Warranty.End Duration = $Warranty.Duration Origin = $Warranty.Origin CountryName = $Warranty.CountryName YearsSinceBought = [math]::Round($ApproximateAgeInYears,2) } $Script:WarrantyResults += $Obj $Script:CacheWarranty += $Obj if (!$ForceWeb) { $Obj | Export-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Path $Script:CacheFileWarranty -Append -Encoding utf8 -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - Warranty $($Warranty.Name) for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' added to cache" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Offline Cache - Failed to add Warranty $($Warranty.Name) for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' to cache $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } else { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Warranty: Failed for serialnumber '$Serialnumber'" } } Function Import-CSVCache { Param([string]$File) try { if ($File -match 'WarrantyCache') { $Script:CacheWarranty += Import-Csv $File -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - File loaded ($($Script:CacheWarranty.count) entries)" } elseif ($File -match 'ProductSpecificationsCache') { $Script:CacheProductSpecification += Import-Csv $File -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - File loaded ($($Script:CacheProductSpecification.count) entries)" } elseif ($File -match 'ProductID') { $Script:CacheProductID += Import-Csv $File -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - File loaded ($($Script:CacheProductID.count) entries)" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Offline Cache - Failed to load file $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Clear-CSVCache { Param($File) try { Remove-Item $File -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Remove-Item - File '$File' was deleted" } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'not exist') { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Remove-Item - Cache file did not exist '$File'" } else { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Remove-Item - Failed to delete file '$File' $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } function Test-CSVCache { Param($File) if (Test-Path $File) { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - File exist ('$File')" Import-CSVCache -File $File } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - File not found ('$File')" } } Function Test-CSVProductIDCacheMatch { Param( [String]$Serialnumber ) if ($Script:CacheProductID -and !$ForceWeb) { Clear-Variable CacheResultProductID -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:CacheResultProductID = $Script:CacheProductID | Where-Object {$_.SerialNumber -eq $Serialnumber} if ($Script:CacheResultProductID) { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product ID: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' found in cache" } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product ID: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' not found in cache" } } } Function Test-CSVProductSpecificationCacheMatch { Param( [String]$ModelCode, [String]$Serialnumber ) if ($Script:CacheProductSpecification) { Clear-Variable CacheResultsSpecification -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:CacheResultsSpecification = $Script:CacheProductSpecification | Where-Object {$_.ModelCode -eq $ModelCode} if ($CacheResultsSpecification -and !$ForceWeb) { $Script:CacheResultsSpecification | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Serial -Value $Serialnumber -Force $Script:SpecResults += $CacheResultsSpecification Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Model '$ModelCode' found in cache" } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Model '$ModelCode' not found in cache" } } } Function Test-CSVWarrantyCacheMatch { Param([String]$Serialnumber) Clear-Variable CacheResultsWarranty -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:CacheResultsWarranty = $Script:CacheWarranty | Where-Object {$_.SerialNumber -eq $Serialnumber} if ($Script:CacheResultsWarranty -and !$ForceWeb) { $Script:WarrantyResults += $Script:CacheResultsWarranty Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Warranty: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' found in cache" } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Warranty: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' not found in cache" } } # Load needed offline cache from CSV files if they exist Test-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductID if ($Type -eq 'Warranty' -or $InspectCache -eq 'Warranty' -or $ShowCachesCombined) {Test-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileWarranty } if ($Type -eq 'ProductSpecification' -or $InspectCache -eq 'ProductSpecification' -or $ShowCachesCombined) {Test-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications} # Load needed offline cache from CSV files if they exist if ($InspectCache) { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Parameter '-InspectCache' used. Displaying cache for '$InspectCache', ignoring other parameters" if ($InspectCache -eq 'Warranty') { Return $Script:CacheWarranty } elseif ($InspectCache -eq 'ProductSpecification') { Return $Script:CacheProductSpecification } elseif ($InspectCache -eq 'ProductID') { Return $Script:CacheProductID } Break } if ($ShowCachesCombined) { $Script:Devices = @() $Script:CacheProductID | ForEach-Object { Clear-Variable SerialNumber, ModelCode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Serialnumber = $_.SerialNumber $ModelCode = $_.ModelCode if ($Serialnumber -and $ModelCode) { Clear-Variable WarrantyMatch, ProductSpecificationMatch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $WarrantyMatch = $Script:CacheWarranty | Where-Object {$_.SerialNumber -eq $Serialnumber -and $_.Name -notmatch 'Battery'} | Select-Object -Last 1 $ProductSpecificationMatch = $Script:CacheProductSpecification | Where-Object {$_.ModelCode -match $ModelCode} if ($WarrantyMatch -and $ProductSpecificationMatch) { Clear-Variable Device, DeviceAge -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DeviceAge = (((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $WarrantyMatch.Start)).TotalDays / 365) $Device = [pscustomobject]@{ Serial = [string]$Serialnumber ModelCode = [string]$ModelCode ProductName = [string]$WarrantyMatch.ProductName -replace "\(.+$" WarrantyName = [string]$WarrantyMatch.Name WarrantyDaysLeft = [int](((Get-Date $WarrantyMatch.End) - (Get-date)).TotalDays -replace "(,|\.).+$") DeviceAge = [decimal]([math]::Round($DeviceAge,2)) DeviceMemory = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Memory'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) DeviceProcessor = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Processor'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) DeviceStorage = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Storage'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) DeviceSecurityChip = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Security Chip'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) } $Script:Devices += $Device } } } } # Delete offline CSV cache-file if($ClearCache) { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Parameter '-ClearCache' used. Deleting offline cache-file(s)" if ($ClearCache -match '(All|ProductID)') {Clear-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductID} if ($ClearCache -match '(All|ProductSpecification)') {Clear-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications} if ($ClearCache -match '(All|Warranty)') {Clear-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileWarranty} } if ($ForceWeb) { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Parameter '-ForceWeb' used. Cache is excluded (not used, and results are not added to cache)" } } process { if (!$ShowCachesCombined -and !$InspectCache) { if ($Serialnumber) { Test-CSVProductIDCacheMatch -Serialnumber $Serialnumber if (!$Script:CacheResultProductID -or $ForceWeb) { Invoke-ProductIDWebRequest -Serialnumber $Serialnumber } if ($Script:CacheResultProductID) { if ($Type -eq 'ProductSpecification') { Test-CSVProductSpecificationCacheMatch -ModelCode $Script:CacheResultProductID.ModelCode -Serialnumber $Serialnumber if (!$Script:CacheResultsSpecification -or $ForceWeb) { Invoke-ProductSpecificationWebRequest -ModelCode $Script:CacheResultProductID.ModelCode -Serialnumber $Serialnumber } } if ($Type -match 'Warranty') { Test-CSVWarrantyCacheMatch -Serialnumber $Serialnumber if (!$Script:CacheResultsWarranty -or $ForceWeb) { Invoke-WarrantyWebRequest -Serialnumber $Serialnumber -ProductID $Script:CacheResultProductID.ProductID } } } } else { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message 'No input provided. Please input one or more serialnumbers' } } } end { if (!$ShowCachesCombined -and !$InspectCache) { if ($Type -eq 'Warranty') { if ($Brief) { if ($Script:WarrantyResults.Name -match 'Premier') { $Output = $Script:WarrantyResults | Where-Object {$_.Name -match 'Premier'} | Select-Object $Properties } else { $Output = $Script:WarrantyResults | Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch 'Battery'} | Select-Object $Properties } } else { $Output = $Script:WarrantyResults | Select-Object $Properties } } elseif ($Type -eq 'ProductSpecification') { if ($Brief) { $Output = $Script:SpecResults | Where-Object {$_.Part -match "(Processor|Graphics|Memory|Storage|Display|WLAN)"} | Select-Object ModelCode, Part, Value } else { $Output = $Script:SpecResults } } Return $Output } else { Return $Script:Devices } } |