.VERSION 1.2.0 .GUID 2ec72304-ff34-4f42-bd0c-2211df4d9074 .AUTHOR Erlend Westervik .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Device, Warranty, Lenovo, Hardware, Age, Warranties, Endpoint, Management, Serialnumber, Serial, Product, Model, Manufacturer, Specification, Specc .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Version: 1.0.0 - Original published version Version: 1.1.0 - Rewrite. New baseline. Version: 1.2.0 - Added 'ShowCachesCombined' + fixed some output that got pre-formated #> <# .SYNOPSIS Get product specifications and warranty information of Lenovo device using serialnumber. .DESCRIPTION The scripts will create a local CSV-file cache, and then add warranty and/or product specifications for every serialnumber that is queried, and store it to the cache. If the serialnumber/model-code does not exist in cache (eg. first time queried), the script will go online and fetch warranty and/or product spec info from Lenovo web-services. In addition to the standard output from Lenovo web-pages, days left of warranty or days since expired will be calculated, alog with an aproximate age of the computer using (years since waranty start) .PARAMETER Brief Warranty: Shows only base product warranties. If more than one, show premium/on-site support warranty Product: Output limited to the most essential hardware components of product .PARAMETER InspectCache Shows content in exising offline cache file(s) in a gridview. .PARAMETER ClearCache Deletes one or more offline cache file(s) from disk. .PARAMETER Serialnumber One or more serialnumber(s) that you want to get warranty and/or product specs for. .PARAMETER Type What type of information to query. This can be 'Warranty' or 'ProductSpecification'. Default 'Warranty'. .EXAMPLE .\Get-LenovoInfo.ps1 -Serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' -Type Warranty This example will return the product warranties for the Lenovo computer with serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' .EXAMPLE .\Get-LenovoInfo.ps1 -Serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' -Type ProductSpecification -Brief | Format-Table * This example will return a brief overview of the product specifications of a Lenovo computer with serialnumber 'PF0A0BBB' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Serialnumber, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Brief, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('Warranty', 'ProductSpecification')] [string]$Type = 'Warranty', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$ForceWeb, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('Warranty', 'ProductSpecification', 'ProductID')] [string]$InspectCache, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('All','Warranty', 'ProductSpecification', 'ProductID')] [string]$ClearCache, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$ShowCachesCombined ) begin { if ($Brief) { $Properties = @( @{Expression={$_.DeliveryType -replace 'depot', 'Depot/mail' -replace 'on_site', 'On site'};Label='DeliveryType'}, @{Expression={$_.ProductName -replace "\(.+$"};Label='ProductName'}, @{Expression={$_.Model};Label='Model'}, @{Expression={$_.SerialNumber};Label='SerialNumber'}, @{Expression={$_.Name};Label='Name'}, @{Expression={$_.Status -replace '-1', 'Expired' -replace '1', 'Active'};Label='Status'}, @{Expression={((Get-Date $_.End) - (Get-date)).TotalDays -replace "(,|\.).+$"};Label='DaysLeft'}, @{Expression={$_.YearsSinceBought};Label='YearsSinceBought'} ) } else { $Properties = @( @{Expression={$_.WarrentyType};Label='WarrentyType'}, @{Expression={$_.DeliveryType -replace 'depot', 'Depot/mail' -replace 'on_site', 'On site'};Label='DeliveryType'}, @{Expression={$_.ProductName};Label='ProductName'}, @{Expression={$_.Model};Label='Model'}, @{Expression={$_.SerialNumber};Label='SerialNumber'}, @{Expression={$_.Name};Label='Name'}, @{Expression={$_.Description};Label='Description'}, @{Expression={$_.Status -replace '-1', 'Expired' -replace '1', 'Active'};Label='Status'}, @{Expression={$_.Start};Label='Start'}, @{Expression={$_.End};Label='End'}, @{Expression={$_.Duration};Label='Duration'}, @{Expression={((Get-Date $_.End) - (Get-date)).TotalDays -replace "(,|\.).+$"};Label='DaysLeft'}, @{Expression={$_.Origin};Label='Origin'}, @{Expression={$_.CountryName};Label='CountryName'} @{Expression={$_.YearsSinceBought};Label='YearsSinceBought'} ) } $Script:CacheProductID = @() $Script:CacheWarranty = @() $Script:CacheProductSpecification = @() $Script:ProductIDResults = @() $Script:WarrantyResults = @() $Script:SpecResults = @() $Script:CacheFileProductID = "$(Get-Location)\Get-LenovoInfo-ProductIDCache.csv" $Script:CacheFileWarranty = "$(Get-Location)\Get-LenovoInfo-WarrantyCache.csv" $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications = "$(Get-Location)\Get-LenovoInfo-ProductSpecificationsCache.csv" Function Write-Log { param( [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] [int]$Level, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Message, [switch]$Silent ) $Message = $Message.Replace("`r",'').Replace("`n",' ') switch ($Level) { 0 { $Status = 'Info' ;$FGColor = 'White' } 1 { $Status = 'Success' ;$FGColor = 'Green' } 2 { $Status = 'Warning' ;$FGColor = 'Yellow' } 3 { $Status = 'Error' ;$FGColor = 'Red' } 4 { $Status = 'Console' ;$FGColor = 'Gray' } Default { $Status = '' ;$FGColor = 'Black' } } if (-not $Silent) { Write-Host "$((Get-Date).ToString()) " -ForegroundColor 'DarkGray' -NoNewline Write-Host "$Status" -ForegroundColor $FGColor -NoNewline if ($level -eq 4) { Write-Host ("`t " + $Message) -ForegroundColor 'Cyan' } else { Write-Host ("`t " + $Message) -ForegroundColor 'White' } } if ($Level -eq 3) { $LogErrors += $Message } } Function Invoke-ProductIDWebRequest { Param( [String]$Serialnumber ) try { Clear-Variable Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Url = "$SerialNumber" #CASE-SENSITIVE! Clear-Variable Response -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop Clear-Variable Product -Scope script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:ProductWebResponse = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - ProductID: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url'" if (!$ { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - ProductID: Incomplete response. Product ID not found for serialnumber '$Serialnumber'" } else { $Product = [pscustomobject]@{ SerialNumber = $SerialNumber ProductID = $Script:ProductWebResponse.Id ModelCode = ($Script:ProductWebResponse.Id -split '/')[-2] } $Script:CacheProductID += $Product $Script:CacheResultProductID = $Product try { if (!$ForceWeb) { $Product | Export-Csv -Path $Script:CacheFileProductID -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "CSV Cache Product ID - Product ID for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' added to cache" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "CSV Cache Product ID - Failed to add product ID for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' to cache $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - ProductID: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url', Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } Function Invoke-ProductSpecificationWebRequest { param( [String]$ModelCode, [String]$Serialnumber ) try { Clear-Variable Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Url = "$ModelCode" Clear-Variable Response -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop Clear-Variable Specs -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Specs = $Response | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Product Specification: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url'" } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Product Specification: $($Response.StatusCode) $($Response.StatusDescription) '$Url', Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($ { # Loop all components $Parts = @() $ | Select-Object Title, Name, Content | ForEach-Object { $Part = [pscustomobject]@{ Serial = $Serialnumber ModelCode = $ModelCode Part = $_.Name Value = ($_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content) -replace "(®|™)" -replace '\<.+>' -replace "(\r\n|\n|\r)", "" -replace '(USB-C).+$', 'USB-C' } $Parts += $Part } # Add each component to the script result variable $Script:SpecResults += $Parts # Update imported cache with new live-entries, discarding serialnumber... $Script:CacheProductSpecification += $Parts | Select-Object ModelCode, Part, Value try { if (!$ForceWeb) { # Export the results to offline cache file, discarding serialnumber $Parts | Select-Object ModelCode, Part, Value | Export-Csv -Path $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Model '$ModelCode' added to cache" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Failed to add model '$ModelCode' to cache $($_.Exception.Message)" } } else { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Product Specification: Incomplete response. Product specification not found for model code '$ModelCode'" } } Function Invoke-WarrantyWebRequest { Param( [String]$Serialnumber, [String]$ProductID ) if ($ProductID) { try { Clear-Variable Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Url = '' + $ProductID.ToLower() + '/warranty' Clear-Variable Result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $Url -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Warranty: $($Result.StatusCode) $($Result.StatusDescription) '$Url'" } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Warranty: $($Result.StatusCode) $($Result.StatusDescription) '$Url', Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } # Parse HTML and extract JSON if ($Result) { Clear-Variable PSObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $PSObject = ((($Result.content -split "`n") | Where-Object {$_ -match 'var ds_warranties'}) -replace 'var ds_warranties = window.ds_warranties \|\| ' -replace ';$') | ConvertFrom-Json } if ($PSObject) { $Warranties = @() $Warranties += $PSObject.BaseWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.UpmaWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.AodWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.InstantWarranties $Warranties += $PSObject.SaeWarranties $Warranties | ForEach-Object { Clear-Variable Warranty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Warranty = $_ $ApproximateAgeInYears = (((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $Warranty.Start)).TotalDays / 365) try { $Obj = [pscustomobject]@{ WarrentyType = $Warranty.WarrentyType DeliveryType = $Warranty.DeliveryType ProductName = $PSObject.ProductName Model = ($PSObject.MachineType, $PSObject.Mode -join '') SerialNumber = $PSObject.Serial Name = $Warranty.Name Description = $Warranty.Description Status = $Warranty.Status Start = $Warranty.Start End = $Warranty.End Duration = $Warranty.Duration Origin = $Warranty.Origin CountryName = $Warranty.CountryName YearsSinceBought = [math]::Round($ApproximateAgeInYears,2) } $Script:WarrantyResults += $Obj $Script:CacheWarranty += $Obj if (!$ForceWeb) { $Obj | Export-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Path $Script:CacheFileWarranty -Append -Encoding utf8 -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - Warranty $($Warranty.Name) for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' added to cache" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Offline Cache - Failed to add Warranty $($Warranty.Name) for serialnumber '$Serialnumber' to cache $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } else { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Invoke-WebRequest - Warranty: Failed for serialnumber '$Serialnumber'" } } Function Import-CSVCache { Param([string]$File) try { if ($File -match 'WarrantyCache') { $Script:CacheWarranty += Import-Csv $File -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - File loaded ($($Script:CacheWarranty.count) entries)" } elseif ($File -match 'ProductSpecificationsCache') { $Script:CacheProductSpecification += Import-Csv $File -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - File loaded ($($Script:CacheProductSpecification.count) entries)" } elseif ($File -match 'ProductID') { $Script:CacheProductID += Import-Csv $File -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Offline Cache - File loaded ($($Script:CacheProductID.count) entries)" } } catch { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Offline Cache - Failed to load file $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Clear-CSVCache { Param($File) try { Remove-Item $File -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -Level 1 -Message "Remove-Item - File '$File' was deleted" } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'not exist') { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Remove-Item - Cache file did not exist '$File'" } else { Write-Log -Level 3 -Message "Remove-Item - Failed to delete file '$File' $($_.Exception.Message)" } } } function Test-CSVCache { Param($File) if (Test-Path $File) { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - File exist ('$File')" Import-CSVCache -File $File } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - File not found ('$File')" } } Function Test-CSVProductIDCacheMatch { Param( [String]$Serialnumber ) if ($Script:CacheProductID -and !$ForceWeb) { Clear-Variable CacheResultProductID -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:CacheResultProductID = $Script:CacheProductID | Where-Object {$_.SerialNumber -eq $Serialnumber} if ($Script:CacheResultProductID) { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product ID: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' found in cache" } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product ID: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' not found in cache" } } } Function Test-CSVProductSpecificationCacheMatch { Param( [String]$ModelCode, [String]$Serialnumber ) if ($Script:CacheProductSpecification) { Clear-Variable CacheResultsSpecification -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:CacheResultsSpecification = $Script:CacheProductSpecification | Where-Object {$_.ModelCode -eq $ModelCode} if ($CacheResultsSpecification -and !$ForceWeb) { $Script:CacheResultsSpecification | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Serial -Value $Serialnumber -Force $Script:SpecResults += $CacheResultsSpecification Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Model '$ModelCode' found in cache" } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Product Specifications: Model '$ModelCode' not found in cache" } } } Function Test-CSVWarrantyCacheMatch { Param([String]$Serialnumber) Clear-Variable CacheResultsWarranty -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Script:CacheResultsWarranty = $Script:CacheWarranty | Where-Object {$_.SerialNumber -eq $Serialnumber} if ($Script:CacheResultsWarranty -and !$ForceWeb) { $Script:WarrantyResults += $Script:CacheResultsWarranty Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Warranty: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' found in cache" } else { Write-Log -Level 0 -Message "Offline Cache - Warranty: Serialnumber '$Serialnumber' not found in cache" } } # Load needed offline cache from CSV files if they exist Test-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductID if ($Type -eq 'Warranty' -or $InspectCache -eq 'Warranty' -or $ShowCachesCombined) {Test-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileWarranty } if ($Type -eq 'ProductSpecification' -or $InspectCache -eq 'ProductSpecification' -or $ShowCachesCombined) {Test-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications} # Load needed offline cache from CSV files if they exist if ($InspectCache) { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Parameter '-InspectCache' used. Displaying cache for '$InspectCache', ignoring other parameters" if ($InspectCache -eq 'Warranty') { Return $Script:CacheWarranty } elseif ($InspectCache -eq 'ProductSpecification') { Return $Script:CacheProductSpecification } elseif ($InspectCache -eq 'ProductID') { Return $Script:CacheProductID } Break } else { $InspectCache = $false } if ($ShowCachesCombined) { $Script:Devices = @() $Script:CacheProductID | ForEach-Object { Clear-Variable SerialNumber, ModelCode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Serialnumber = $_.SerialNumber $ModelCode = $_.ModelCode if ($Serialnumber -and $ModelCode) { Clear-Variable WarrantyMatch, ProductSpecificationMatch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $WarrantyMatch = $Script:CacheWarranty | Where-Object {$_.SerialNumber -eq $Serialnumber -and $_.Name -notmatch 'Battery'} | Select-Object -Last 1 $ProductSpecificationMatch = $Script:CacheProductSpecification | Where-Object {$_.ModelCode -match $ModelCode} if ($WarrantyMatch -and $ProductSpecificationMatch) { Clear-Variable Device, DeviceAge -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DeviceAge = (((Get-Date) - (Get-Date $WarrantyMatch.Start)).TotalDays / 365) $Device = [pscustomobject]@{ Serial = [string]$Serialnumber ModelCode = [string]$ModelCode ProductName = [string]$WarrantyMatch.ProductName -replace "\(.+$" WarrantyName = [string]$WarrantyMatch.Name WarrantyDaysLeft = [int](((Get-Date $WarrantyMatch.End) - (Get-date)).TotalDays -replace "(,|\.).+$") DeviceAge = [decimal]([math]::Round($DeviceAge,2)) DeviceMemory = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Memory'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) DeviceProcessor = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Processor'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) DeviceStorage = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Storage'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) DeviceSecurityChip = [string]($ProductSpecificationMatch | Where-Object {$_.Part -eq 'Security Chip'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value) } $Devices += $Device } } } } # Delete offline CSV cache-file if($ClearCache) { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Parameter '-ClearCache' used. Deleting offline cache-file(s)" if ($ClearCache -match '(All|ProductID)') {Clear-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductID} if ($ClearCache -match '(All|ProductSpecification)') {Clear-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileProductSpecifications} if ($ClearCache -match '(All|Warranty)') {Clear-CSVCache -File $Script:CacheFileWarranty} } if ($ForceWeb) { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message "Parameter '-ForceWeb' used. Cache is excluded (not used, and results are not added to cache)" } } process { if (!$ShowCachesCombined -and !$InspectCache) { if ($Serialnumber) { Test-CSVProductIDCacheMatch -Serialnumber $Serialnumber if (!$Script:CacheResultProductID -or $ForceWeb) { Invoke-ProductIDWebRequest -Serialnumber $Serialnumber } if ($Script:CacheResultProductID) { if ($Type -eq 'ProductSpecification') { Test-CSVProductSpecificationCacheMatch -ModelCode $Script:CacheResultProductID.ModelCode -Serialnumber $Serialnumber if (!$Script:CacheResultsSpecification -or $ForceWeb) { Invoke-ProductSpecificationWebRequest -ModelCode $Script:CacheResultProductID.ModelCode -Serialnumber $Serialnumber } } if ($Type -match 'Warranty') { Test-CSVWarrantyCacheMatch -Serialnumber $Serialnumber if (!$Script:CacheResultsWarranty -or $ForceWeb) { Invoke-WarrantyWebRequest -Serialnumber $Serialnumber -ProductID $Script:CacheResultProductID.ProductID } } } } else { Write-Log -Level 2 -Message 'No input provided. Please input one or more serialnumbers' } } } end { if (!$ShowCachesCombined -or !$InspectCache) { if ($Type -eq 'Warranty') { if ($Brief) { $Output = $Script:WarrantyResults | Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch 'Battery'} | Select-Object $Properties -Last 1 } else { $Output = $Script:WarrantyResults | Select-Object $Properties } } elseif ($Type -eq 'ProductSpecification') { if ($Brief) { $Output = $Script:SpecResults | Where-Object {$_.Part -match "(Processor|Graphics|Memory|Storage|Display|WLAN)"} | Select-Object ModelCode, Part, Value } else { $Output = $Script:SpecResults } } Return $Output } else { Return $Script:Devices } } |