<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.19 .GUID 0f5a4a8f-a301-4933-9b08-da09bc38b401 .AUTHOR PiotrG .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .DESCRIPTION Sample script to get Win32App entries from IntuneManagedInstaller.log If you want to provide feedback or contribute, please use Github website: #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The name of the logfile. IntuneManagedExtension.log is used by default")] [String]$LogFileName = "IntuneManagementExtension.log", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The number of last lines to return")] [Int]$LinesNumber = 100, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Tai mode enabled")] [Bool]$TailModeEnabled = $true ) $LogFilePath = "c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs\$($LogFileName)" Function ShowCMLog ($sLine) { $reLine = ([regex]'<!\[LOG\[(.+)\]LOG\]!>').matches($sLine); if ($reline.count -gt 0 ) { $body = $reLine[0].Groups[1].Value } $reLine = ([regex]'<time="(.+)" date="(.+)" component').matches($sLine); if ($reline.count -gt 0 ) { $DateTime = $reLine[0].Groups[2].Value + " " + $reLine[0].Groups[1].Value } $oLog = New-Object System.Object; $oLog | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name DateTime -value $DateTime; $oLog | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Message -value $body $oLog = $oLog | Sort-Object 'DateTime' if ($reline.count -gt 0 ) { $oLog } } Function ShowFilteredContent { $global:content = $global:content | select-string -Pattern "BackgroundWorker is checking at" -NotMatch $global:content = $global:content | select-string -Pattern "Total valid AAD User session count is" -NotMatch $global:content = $global:content | select-string -Pattern "ESP checker found 0 session for user" -NotMatch $global:content = $global:content | select-string -Pattern "active user sessions" -NotMatch $global:content = $global:content | Select-Object -last $LinesNumber $global:content3 = @() $global:content3 = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $global:content -DifferenceObject $global:content2 $diff = $global:content3.InputObject #| Sort-Object #$content =( $content | Where-Object { $_ -like } ) $lines = @() foreach ($line in ($diff) ) { $lines += ShowCMLog $line } $lines = $lines | Sort-Object 'DateTime' foreach ($oLog in $lines) { if ($oLog.Message -ilike "*exception*") { write-host -Foreground Yellow "$($oLog.DateTime) $($oLog.Message)" } else { write-host "$($oLog.DateTime) $($oLog.Message)" } } $global:content2 = $global:content } Function ProcessLog { $global:content = @() $FileContent = get-content $LogFilePath $FileContent2 = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FileContent.Length; $i++) { if ($null -ne ([regex]'<!\[LOG\[(.+)\]LOG\]!>').matches($FileContent[$i]).Success) { $FileContent2 += $FileContent[$i] } else { if ($null -ne ([regex]'<!\[LOG\[(.+)').matches($FileContent[$i]).Success) { $merged = $false [string]$str = $FileContent[$i] while (!$merged) { $i++; $str += $FileContent[$i] if ($null -ne ([regex]'\]LOG\]!>').matches($FileContent[$i]).Success) { $merged = $true $FileContent2 += $str } } } } } $global:content += $FileContent2 | Select-String -pattern "\[Win32App\]" $global:content += $FileContent2 | Select-String -pattern "WebException" ShowFilteredContent | Sort-Object } $global:content2 = @() if (Test-Path $LogFilePath) { if ($TailModeEnabled) { while (1) { ProcessLog start-sleep -Seconds 1 } } else { ProcessLog } } else { "File $($LogFilePath) doesn't exist" } |