.VERSION 1.1 .GUID c9788cc2-d4af-4219-bf7d-8dd8fa89584f .AUTHOR Igor Iric,, .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS fileserver folder-structure modification-date last-modified last-write-time path-too-long .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Added -Exclude and -Threads parameters, for more info see .DESCRIPTION Get-FolderAge returns `LastModifiedDate` for a specified folder(s) and if folders were modified after a specified cut-off date. #> # class FolderAgeResult { # [string]$Path # [datetime]$LastWriteTime # [Nullable[boolean]]$Modified # } function Global:Get-FolderAge { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-FolderAge returns `LastModifiedDate` for a specified folder(s) and if folders were modified after a specified cut-off date. .DESCRIPTION Get-FolderAge returns LastModifiedDate for a specified folder(s) and if folders were modified after a specified cut-off date. Input folders can be specified as an array or via pipeline, or via input file. The function is intended to run on a large number of big/huge folders, i.e. in file servers environment. .INPUTS [string[]] Input can be specified in three ways: - parameter -FolderName followed by string or an array of strings specifying paths to be checked - via pipeline - the same values as above can be passed via pipeline, see the example with Get-ChildItem - parameter -InputFile - a file specifying folders to be processed, one folder per line .OUTPUTS [FolderAgeResult[]] Script outputs array of FolderAgeResult objects. Each object contain these properties: - [string] Path - as specified in input parameters (or obtained subfolder names) - [DateTime] LastWriteTime - the latest write time for all items inside of the folder - [bool] Modified - if folder was modified since last cut-off date (or null if date not given) It also outputs diagnostic/statistics info: - [bool] Confident - if Modified return value is confident result, in case script is called with QuickTest switch, return value for Modified might not be correct. This does not apply to LastWriteTime. - [int] TotalFiles - total number of files and directories scanned - [int] TotalFolders - total number of directories scanned - [string] LastItem - item with latest timestamp found (note that this might not ber really the latest modified file. If this timestamp is newer than CutOffDate, script will not search further. - [int] Depth - total depth of scanned folders relative to initial folder. If QuickTest, then it will be 1, regardless of real depth. If CutOffDate specified, it might not go to full depth, so this number will be smaller than full depth. - [decimal] ElapsedSeconds - time spent in checking the folder - [DateTime] FinishTime - date and time when folder check was completed - [bool] Errors - indicate if command encountered errors during its execution (i.e. Access Denied on part of the files) - [string] LastError - text of the last encountered error .EXAMPLE Get-FolderAge -Folder '\\server\Docs' Returns last modification date of the specified folder. .EXAMPLE Get-FolderAge -Folder '\\\Users -TestSubFolders' Returns last modification date for each user share on file server. .EXAMPLE Get-FolderAge -InputFile 'ShareList.txt' -OutputFile 'ShareScanResults.csv' -CutoffDays 3 Tests if folders listed in specified input file (one folder per line) are modified since "cut-off" 3 days ago. Results are saved to file in csv format. .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem \\server\share | ? Name -like 'User*' | Get-FolderAge Obtains list of folders and filters it by name. Then this list is passed via pipeline to Get-FolderAge .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem -Input '10shares.txt' -Threads 5 Gather information about 10 shares from input file, running 5 shares at the time. Requires ThreadJob module, which can be installed with Install-Module ThreadJob .PARAMETER FolderName FolderName specifies the folder which will be evaluated. Parameter accepts multiple values or pipeline input. Pipeline input can be obtained for example via Get-ChildItem command (see examples). .PARAMETER InputFile String specifying file name which contains a list of folders to be processed, one folder per line. .PARAMETER CutOffTime Specifies a point in time for evaluating "Modified" field in the result. If not specified, the field will have $null value. This can speed up the script as processing will exit once first "modified" file or folder is found. Date format is following standard PowerShell definition and script is not handling any additional conversion. In case of issues specifying an exact date, consider using -CutOffDays parameter. .PARAMETER CutOffDays An integer specifying how many days passed since the last cut off point in time. With -Verbose output you can see actual point in time used for cutoff time. If both CutOffTime and CutOffDays specified, the script will throw a warning. .PARAMETER OutputFile A string specifying file name which will be used for output. If not specified, there will be no file output generated. This is especially useful for long running commands. Each folder as soon as processed will be stored in the file. .PARAMETER Exclude Specifies, as a string array, an folder names that this cmdlet excludes in the search operation. .PARAMETER Threads If this parameter specifies number larger than 1, checks will be done in more than one thread. This means that multiple folders will be processed in parallel which can bring significant speed improvement. Prerequisite for this functionality is module ThreadJob available from PS Gallery (run: inmo threadjob). .PARAMETER QuickTest Switch which if specified will force to script to run in quick mode. The default is full depth search. QuickTest means only contents of the folder itself will be evaluated, i.e. it will not do full depth scan. Results in this case may not be correct. This is useful for testing input file and network connectivity issues. .PARAMETER TestSubFolders Instead of specifying all subfolders inside certain folder or share, you can use the switch -TestSubFolders. It will generate results for each subfolder inside of the specified folder. .PARAMETER ProgressBar Script can displays standard PowerShell progress bar showing current processed folder and percent of completion. Be aware that this can prolong running time. .LINK .NOTES NAME: Get-FolderAge AUTHOR: Igor Iric,, CREATEDATE: October 2018 #> param ( # # Input parameters # [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='Folders')] [Alias('FullName')][string[]]$FolderName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false,ParameterSetName='InputFile')] [string]$InputFile, # # Other parameters # [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$OutputFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CutOffDays, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [DateTime]$CutOffTime, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$Exclude, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Threads = 0, # # Switches # [switch]$QuickTest, [switch]$TestSubFolders, [switch]$ProgressBar ) BEGIN { # function begin phase $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f G) $FunctionName starting" # process $InputFile if ($InputFile) { if (!(Test-Path $InputFile)) { throw "$FunctionName cannot find input file $InputFile" } $FolderName = Get-Content -Path $InputFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($FolderName) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) successfully read $InputFile with $(@($FolderName).Count) entries" } else { throw "$FunctionName cannot read content of input file $InputFile, check if file is readable and not empty." } } # Process $CutOffDays if ($CutOffDays -and $CutOffTime) { Write-Warning -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) $FunctionName has -CutOffTime specified, ignoring CutOffDays." } if (!($CutOffTime)) { if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'CutOffDays') { $CutOffTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$CutOffDays) Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) setting cut off date for $CutOffTime" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) running script without CutOffTime" } } $First = $true # Used if there is output to file, only first line drops header $Separator = [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar $UC = '\\?\' if ($Threads -gt 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) checking threads prerequisites" if (!(Get-Module ThreadJob -ListAvailable)) { Write-Error "$FunctionName cannot find module ThreadJob, continuing without threads support" $Threads = 0 } elseif (!(Get-Module ThreadJob)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) importing module ThreadJob" Import-Module ThreadJob } $SourceFile = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.File $JobList = @() if ($QuickTest -or $ProgressBar) { Write-Warning -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) $FunctionName cannot be use QuickTest or ProgressBar together Threads, disabling these options." $QuickTest = $ProgressBar = $false } if ($CutOffTime) { $CutOffString = [string]$CutOffTime if (([datetime]$CutOffString - $CutOffTime).TotalSeconds -gt 1) { throw "$FunctionName cannot convert CutOffTime ($CutOffString)" } } } } PROCESS { foreach ($FolderEntry in $FolderName) { if ($FolderName.Count -gt 1) {Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) Processing $FolderEntry"} if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FolderEntry)) { # non-terminating error, we can proceed to next FolderEntry Write-Error "$FunctionName cannot find folder $FolderEntry" continue } $RP = Resolve-Path $FolderEntry if ($RP.Provider.Name -ne 'FileSystem') { Write-Error "$FunctionName provided path $FolderEntry is not on the FileSystem" continue } elseif ($FolderEntry -ne $RP.ProviderPath) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) Expanding $FolderEntry to $($RP.ProviderPath) via $($RP.Provider.Name) call" $FolderEntry = $RP.ProviderPath } if ($TestSubFolders) { $FolderList = @(Get-ChildItem $FolderEntry -Directory -ea SilentlyContinue | Select -Expand FullName) if ($FolderList) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) Processing $($FolderList.Count) subfolders of $FolderEntry" } else { Write-Error "$FunctionName cannot find subfolders from $FolderEntry" continue } } else { $FolderList = @($FolderEntry) } foreach ($Folder in $FolderList) { Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) PROCESS.foreach.foreach $Folder" # processing single folder $Folder if ($Threads -gt 1) { $JobCode = "$FunctionName '$Folder'" if ($CutOffTime) {$JobCode += " -CutOffTime '$CutOffString'"} if ($Exclude) {$Join = "', '"; $JobCode += " -Exclude '$($Exclude -join $Join)'"} if ($OutputFile) {$JobCode += " -OutputFile '$OutputFile'"} # TODO: Process other required parameters: CutOffTime, Exclude, OutputFile Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) starting background job for '$Folder': $JobCode" $JobCode = ". $SourceFile`n$JobCode" # first import function $JobList += Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($JobCode)) -ThrottleLimit $Threads continue # to next $Folder } # initialize loop $StartTime = Get-Date $i = 0 $queue = @($Folder) $LastWriteTime = Get-Item -Path $Folder | Select -Expand LastWriteTime $TotalFiles = 0 $LastItemName = $Folder $KeepProcessing = $true $ErrorsFound = $false $LastError = $null # # # main non-recursive loop # # while ($KeepProcessing -and ($i -lt ($queue.Count))) { $Current = $queue[$i] Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) PROCESS.foreach.foreach.while $i/$($queue.Count) $Current" if ($ProgressBar) { Write-Progress -Activity $Folder -PercentComplete (100 * $i / ($queue.Count)) -Status $Current } if (($Current.Length -gt 250) -and (!($Current.StartsWith($UC))) -and (!($IsLinux))) { $Current = $UC + $Current # too long path, append unicode prefix, see } # read files and folders inside $Children = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Current -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ErrVar if ($ErrVar) { $ErrorsFound = $true $LastError = [string]$ErrVar } # keep all files and not excluded folders if ($Exclude) { if ($Children | where {$_.PSIsContainer} | where {$Exclude -contains ($_.Name)}) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) excluding $(($Children | where {$_.PSIsContainer} | where {$Exclude -contains ($_.Name)}).Name -join ',')" $Children = $Children | where {($_.PSIsContainer -eq $false) -or (!($Exclude -contains ($_.Name)))} } } # check LastWriteTime $Children | % { if (($_.LastWriteTime -gt $LastWriteTime) -or ($_.CreationTime -gt $LastWriteTime)) { $LastItemName = $_.FullName $LastWriteTime = if ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $_.CreationTime) {$_.LastWriteTime} else {$_.CreationTime} Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) remembered newer entry $LastItemName" # Check for exit? if ($CutOffTime -and ($LastWriteTime -gt $CutOffTime)) {$KeepProcessing = $false} } } if ($Children) {$TotalFiles += @($Children).Count} # v2 gives 1 for empty array Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) total items checked: $TotalFiles" # If quick check, we add children only if $i = 0 if ($QuickTest) { # skip adding children Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) not processing subfolders due to -QuickTest switch" } else { # add sub-folders for further processing $SubFolders = $Children | where {$_.PSIsContainer} if ($SubFolders) { $queue += $SubFolders | Select -Expand FullName # we can use List instead of Array for $queue, but we are not spending much time on this operation anyway Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) PROCESS.foreach.foreach.while new queue length $($queue.Count), last `'$($queue[$queue.Count-1])`'" } } $i++ } # # # return value # # Write-Debug -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) preparing return value for $Folder" if (!$CutOffTime) { $Modified = $Confident = $null } elseif ($LastWriteTime -gt $CutOffTime) { $Modified = $true $Confident = !($ErrorsFound) } else { $Modified = $false $Confident = (!($QuickTest)) -and (!($ErrorsFound)) } # normalize paths if ($LastItemName.StartsWith($UC)) {$LastItemName = $LastItemName.Replace($UC,'')} if ($queue[$i-1].StartsWith($UC)) {$queue[$i-1] = $queue[$i-1].Replace($UC,'')} $EndTime = Get-Date Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) return value for $Folder" $RetVal = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Path = $Folder LastWriteTime = $LastWriteTime Modified = $Modified Confident = $Confident TotalFiles = $TotalFiles TotalFolders = $queue.Count LastItem = $LastItemName Depth = ($queue[$i-1].split($Separator)).Count - ($queue[0].split($Separator)).Count + 1 ElapsedSeconds = ($EndTime - $StartTime).TotalSeconds FinishTime = $EndTime Errors = $ErrorsFound LastError = $LastError } # File output, if needed if ($OutputFile) { if ($First) { try { $RetVal | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation # Export-csv in PS v2 has no -LiteralPath Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) created output file $OutputFile" $First = $false } catch { Write-Error "$FunctionName failed while writing to $OutputFile, file output is skipped`n$_" $OutputFile = $null } } else { try { $RetVal | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select -Skip 1 | Out-File -LiteralPath $OutputFile -Append -Encoding Unicode Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) appended new line to output file $OutputFile" } catch { Write-Error "$FunctionName failed to append date to $OutputFile, entry for $Folder will be skipped.`n$_" } } } # Return to pipeline $RetVal } } } END { # if threads, receive them if ($Threads -gt 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) $FunctionName waiting for background jobs results." Receive-Job $JobList -Wait } # function closing phase Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f T) $FunctionName finished" } } |