function Get-Cesi { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'vm' )] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachine[]] $VM, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'dept')] [String] $department, [Parameter()] [String] $csvPath = '~/git/virt/scripts/Hosting Customer Catalog - Customer Catalog.csv', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'vm')] [Switch] $groupByDept, [switch] $LiveData, # if this switch is used, the function will download the csv from the google sheet, azure is needed for keys/auth [switch] $UseAzIdentity # useful for running in azure non-interactively, uses the managed identity ) begin { try { if (!$LiveData) { # check age of csv, recommend downloading again if past 30 days? $csv = $csvPath | Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction Stop if ($csv.CreationTime -lt ((Get-Date).AddMonths(-1))) { Write-Warning 'The CSV file is older than 30 days. Please download a new copy.' Write-Warning '' } # try to import the data $csvData = Import-Csv -Path $csv } else { #connect to azure if not already connected if (-not (Get-AzContext)) { if ($UseAzIdentity) { Connect-AzAccount -Identity } else { Connect-AzAccount } } $ResourceGroupName = 'HEAT-Automation-TST' $AcctName = 'AutoAccount-TST' $KeyVault = (Get-AzAutomationVariable -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AcctName -Name 'Automation-KV').Value $base64value = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name 'virt-infra-doc' -VaultName $keyVault -AsPlainText $certpwd = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name 'virt-infra-doc-pwd' -VaultName $keyVault -AsPlainText $byteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64value) $cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($byteArray, $certpwd, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags]::Exportable) $Scope = '' $ISS = '' $accessToken = Get-GOAuthTokenService -scope $scope -iss $ISS -certObj $cert $owner = 'Customer Catalog' $SpreadsheetID = '1Uyd0_dhfadwGINJ-KvKu5nGNq_27VRG5RUq1Jio392c' $csvData = Get-GSheetData -accessToken $accessToken -cell AllData -sheetName $owner -spreadSheetID $SpreadsheetID } } catch { throw 'Unable to import Data.' } $objects = @() } process { if ($VM) { $department = ($vm | Get-TagAssignment -Category 'Department').Tag.Name } if ($department ) { #-and ($objects.DepartmentId -notcontains $department)){ $deptInfo = $csvData | Where-Object { $_.'Unit Short ID' -eq $department } $deptObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ VM = $vm.Name DepartmentId = $deptInfo.'Unit Short ID' DepartmentName = $deptInfo.'Unit Long Name' Contacts = $deptInfo.'Contact(s) (Customer Contacts for General Notifications & Inquiries and Outages & Issues)' Director = $deptInfo.'IT Director, Unit IT Lead, or Service Owner' WinAdmins = $deptInfo.'Administrators Windows' LinuxAdmins = $deptInfo.'Administrators Linux' SMEAdmins = $deptInfo.'Administrators Self-Managed' WinRequestors = ($deptInfo.'Authorized Requestors Windows'.split(',').trim() | ForEach-Object { $_ + '' }) -join '; ' LinuxRequestors = ($deptInfo.'Authorized Requestors Linux'.split(',').trim() | ForEach-Object { $_ + '' }) -join '; ' SMERequestors = ($deptInfo.'Authorized Requestors Self-Managed'.split(',').trim() | ForEach-Object { if ($_) { $_ + '' } }) -join '; ' OnBoardDate = $deptInfo.'On-boarding Date' } $objects += $deptObj } else { $deptObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ VM = $vm.Name DepartmentId = 'Undefined' DepartmentName = 'Undefined' } $objects += $deptObj } } End { $count = $objects.count if ($groupByDept) { #how do $objects = $objects | Group-Object -Property 'DepartmentId' -AsHashTable $groupedObjects = @() foreach ($item in $objects.keys) { $deptObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ VM = $objects.item($item).vm -join ' | ' DepartmentId = $objects.item($item).departmentid | Get-Unique DepartmentName = $objects.item($item).departmentName | Get-Unique Contacts = $objects.item($item).Contacts | Get-Unique Director = $objects.item($item).Director | Get-Unique WinAdmins = $objects.item($item).WinAdmins | Get-Unique LinuxAdmins = $objects.item($item).LinuxAdmins | Get-Unique SMEAdmins = $objects.item($item).SMEAdmins | Get-Unique WinRequestors = $objects.item($item).WinRequestors | Get-Unique LinuxRequestors = $objects.item($item).LinuxRequestors | Get-Unique SMERequestors = $objects.item($item).SMERequestors | Get-Unique OnBoardDate = $objects.item($item).OnBoardDate | Get-Unique } $groupedobjects += $deptObj } return $groupedObjects } else { return $objects } } } function New-CesiUnit { <# .DESCRIPTION Creates a new tag in the 'Department' category for the given unit short ID. .PARAMETER UnitShortID The short ID for the unit. .PARAMETER Description A description of the unit. .EXAMPLE New-tag -Category 'Department' -Name 'VHL' -Description 'Visible Heart Laboratories' #> param ( [String] $UnitShortID, [String] $Description ) New-Tag -Category 'Department' -Name $UnitShortID -Description $Description } function Remove-CesiUnit{ <# .DESCRIPTION Removes an existing tag if no vms are found .PARAMETER UnitShortID The short ID of the cesi unit #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param ( [string]$UnitShortID ) $tag = get-tag -Category 'Department' | Where-Object {$ -like $UnitShortID} if (Get-VM -Tag $tag){ Remove-Tag $tag } else { Write-Error "VMs found with $UnitShortID, will not delete the tag." } } |