
function Get-Cesi{
        [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachine[]] $VM,
        [String] $department,
        [String] $csvPath = '~/git/virt/scripts/Hosting Customer Catalog - Customer Catalog.csv',
        [Switch] $groupByDept

    begin {
        # check age of csv, recommend downloading again if past 30 days?
        $csv = $csvPath|Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($csv.CreationTime -lt ((Get-Date).AddMonths(-1))) {
            Write-Warning "The CSV file is older than 30 days. Please download a new copy."
            Write-Warning ""
        # try to import the data
            $csvData = Import-Csv -path $csv
        } catch {
            throw "Unable to import CSV file. Please check the path and try again."
        $objects = @()

    } process {
        if ($VM){
            $department = ($vm | Get-TagAssignment -Category 'Department').Tag.Name
        if ($department ){#-and ($objects.DepartmentId -notcontains $department)){
            $deptInfo = $csvData | Where-Object {$_.'Unit Short ID' -eq $department} 
            $deptObj =  [PSCustomObject]@{
                VM = $vm.Name
                DepartmentId = $deptInfo.'Unit Short ID'
                DepartmentName = $deptInfo.'Unit Long Name'
                Contacts = $deptInfo.'Contact(s) (Customer Contacts for General Notifications & Inquiries and Outages & Issues)'
                Director = $deptInfo.'IT Director, Unit IT Lead, or Service Owner'
                WinAdmins = $deptInfo.'Administrators Windows'
                LinuxAdmins = $deptInfo.'Administrators Linux'
                SMEAdmins = $deptInfo.'Administrators Self-Managed'
                WinRequestors = ($deptInfo.'Authorized Requestors Windows'.split(",").trim()|ForEach-Object {$_ + ""}) -join "; "
                LinuxRequestors = ($deptInfo.'Authorized Requestors Linux'.split(",").trim()|ForEach-Object {$_ + ""}) -join "; "
                SMERequestors = ($deptInfo.'Authorized Requestors Self-Managed'.split(",").trim()|ForEach-Object {if ($_){$_ + ""}}) -join "; "
                OnBoardDate = $deptInfo.'On-boarding Date'
                $objects += $deptObj
        } else {
            $deptObj =  [PSCustomObject]@{
                VM = $vm.Name
                DepartmentId = 'Undefined'
                DepartmentName = 'Undefined'
            $objects += $deptObj
    } End {
        $count = $objects.count
        Write-Host "Found $count vms"
        if ($groupByDept){
            #how do
            $objects = $objects | Group-Object -Property 'DepartmentId' -AsHashTable
            $groupedObjects = @()
            foreach ($item in $objects.keys){
                $deptObj =  [PSCustomObject]@{
                    VM = $objects.item($item).vm -join " | "
                    DepartmentId = $objects.item($item).departmentid|Get-unique
                    DepartmentName = $objects.item($item).departmentName|Get-unique
                    Contacts = $objects.item($item).Contacts|Get-unique
                    Director = $objects.item($item).Director|Get-unique
                    WinAdmins =  $objects.item($item).WinAdmins|Get-unique
                    LinuxAdmins = $objects.item($item).LinuxAdmins|Get-unique
                    SMEAdmins = $objects.item($item).SMEAdmins|Get-unique
                    WinRequestors = $objects.item($item).WinRequestors|Get-unique
                    LinuxRequestors = $objects.item($item).LinuxRequestors|Get-unique
                    SMERequestors = $objects.item($item).SMERequestors|Get-unique
                    OnBoardDate = $objects.item($item).OnBoardDate|Get-unique
                $groupedobjects += $deptObj
            return $groupedObjects
        } else {
            return $objects