

This script displays diagnostics information from the current PC or a captured set of logs.  This includes details about the Autopilot profile settings; policies, apps, certificate profiles, etc. being tracked via the Enrollment Status Page; and additional information.

This should work with Windows 10 1903 and later (earlier versions have not been validated).  This s
This script displays diagnostics information from the current PC or a captured set of logs.  This includes details about the Autopilot profile settings; policies, apps, certificate profiles, etc. being tracked via the Enrollment Status Page; and additional information.

This should work with Windows 10 1903 and later (earlier versions have not been validated).  This script will not work on ARM64 systems due to registry redirection from the use of x86 PowerShell.exe.

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name Get-AutopilotDiagnostics

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • Michael Niehaus


Windows AutoPilot


RecordStatus AddDisplay ProcessApps ProcessModernApps ProcessSidecar ProcessPolicies ProcessCerts ProcessNodeCache ProcessEvents GetIntuneObjects


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Version 5.6:  Fixed parameter handling
Version 5.5:  Added support for a zip file
Version 5.4:  Added additional ESP details
Version 5.3:  Added hardware and OS version details
Version 5.2:  Added device registration events
Version 5.1:  Bug fixes
Version 5.0:  Bug fixes
Version 4.9:  Bug fixes
Version 4.8:  Added Delivery Optimization results (but not when using a CAB file), ensured events are displayed even when no ESP
Version 4.7:  Added ESP settings, fixed bugs
Version 4.6:  Fixed typo
Version 4.5:  Fixed but to properly reported Win32 app status when a Win32 app is installed during user ESP
Version 4.4:  Added more ODJ info
Version 4.3:  Added policy tracking
Version 4.2:  Bug fixes for Windows 10 2004 (event ID changes)
Version 4.1:  Renamed to Get-AutopilotDiagnostics
Version 4.0:  Added sidecar installation info
Version 3.9:  Bug fixes
Version 3.8:  Bug fixes
Version 3.7:  Modified Office logic to ensure it accurately reflected what ESP thinks the status is.  Added ShowPolicies option.
Version 3.2:  Fixed sidecar detection logic
Version 3.1:  Fixed ODJ applied output
Version 3.0:  Added the ability to process logs as well
Version 2.2:  Added new IME MSI guid, new -AllSessions switch
Version 2.0:  Added -online parameter to look up app and policy details
Version 1.0:  Original published version


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
5.6 (current version) 6,507,261 8/18/2020