
    .VERSION 1.0.1
    .GUID cd46c714-bb58-4416-947b-1691b8185859
    .AUTHOR florian.burnel
    .TAGS ActiveDirectory
    .DESCRIPTION This script query the Active Directory to check the unicode value "dsHeuristics". The 7th value of this settings determine if anonymous access is authorized or not in your environment. So, if the value if "not defined", it's OK because equal 0. But if the value is 2, it's bad !

         This script query the Active Directory to check the unicode value "dsHeuristics".
         The 7th value of this settings determine if anonymous access is authorized or not in your environment.
         So, if the value if "not defined", it's OK because equal 0. But if the value is 2, it's bad !
         NAME: Get-ADAnonymousAccessStatus.ps1
         AUTHOR: Florian Burnel
         URL :
         TWITTER: @FlorianBurnel
         PS> .\Get-ADAnonymousAccessStatus.ps1
         NO PARAMETER.
        1.0.0 2018.01.25
                Initial Version
        1.0.1 2018.01.25
                Add block "PSScriptInfo" for PowerShell Gallery

$TargetDN = ("CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration," + (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
$ValuedsHeuristics = (Get-ADObject -Identity $TargetDN -Properties dsHeuristics).dsHeuristics

if(($ValuedsHeuristics -eq "") -or ($ValuedsHeuristics.Length -lt 7)){
    Write-Output "Good ! Anonymous access is already disable !"

}elseif(($ValuedsHeuristics.Length -ge 7) -and ($ValuedsHeuristics[6] -eq "2")){

    Write-Output "Warning ! Anonymous access is enable and authorized on your Active Directory ! Value = $ValuedsHeuristics"
