$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' . "$here\$sut" Describe "Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions" { Context 'Parameters' { It "Errors when -Versions is null" { { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions -Versions $null 6>$null } | Should -Throw } } Context 'Behavior' { BeforeEach { Push-Location "TestDrive:\" $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE = "TestDrive:\generate/definitions/versions.json" New-Item (Split-Path $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE -Parent) -ItemType Container # Mock Set-Content {} } AfterEach { Pop-Location # Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -Scope It -Times 1 Remove-Item "TestDrive:\generate" -Recurse -Force } It "Honors -ErrorAction Continue" { Mock ConvertTo-Json { throw } Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions '0.1.0' -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable err 2>$null 6>$null $err | Should -Not -Be $null } It "Honors -ErrorAction Stop" { Mock ConvertTo-Json { throw } { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions '0.1.0' -ErrorAction Stop 6>$null } | Should -Throw } It "Sets versions.json" { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions '0.1.0' 6>$null Get-Content $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE -Raw | Should -Be @" "0.1.0" "@ '0.1.0' | Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions 6>$null Get-Content $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE -Raw | Should -Be @" "0.1.0" "@ } It "Sets versions.json (-WhatIf)" { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions '0.1.0' -WhatIf >$null 6>$null Test-Path $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE | Should -Be $false } It "Sets versions.json with an empty array (first arg)" { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions @() 6>$null Get-Content $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE -Raw | Should -Be @" [] "@ } It "Sets versions.json with a non-empty array" { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions -Versions @( '0.1.0', '0.2.0' ) 6>$null Get-Content $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE -Raw | Should -Match @" [ \s+"0.1.0", \s+"0.2.0" ] "@ } It "It sets -DoubleNewlines" { Set-DockerImageVariantsVersions -Versions @( '0.1.0', '0.2.0' ) -DoubleNewlines 6>$null Get-Content $VERSIONS_JSON_FILE -Raw | Should -Match @" [ \s+"0.1.0", \s+"0.2.0" ] "@ } } } |