
Function Change-ACL
        This function will add or remove an ACE to the ACL for a directory.
        This function will add or remov e an ACE to the ACL for a directory.
    .PARAMETER Directory
        This is the directory you will add/remove an ACE for.
    .PARAMETER UserNames
        These are the UserNames of the user(s) you want to change permissions for.
    .PARAMETER AccessLevel
        This is the level of accesss you want to grant for the user(s). If you are removing perissions, all inherited levels are removed
        This switch specifies whether to add the permissions specified in the AccessLevel Parameter
    .PARAMETER Remove
        This switch specifies whether to remove the user's permissions
        Version: 1.2
        Author: Lars Panzerbjrn
        Creation Date: 2017.11.01
        Purpose/Change: Initial script development
        Change-ACL -Directory "\\lonfs1\InfServices\Sec\SecOps" -UserNames Panzerbjrn_L_a -AccessLevel Write -Add
        This will give the user Panzerbjrn_L_a access to write to the directory.
        Change-ACL -Directory "\\lonfs1\InfServices\Sec\SecOps" -UserNames Panzerbjrn_L_a -Remove
        This will remove the user Panzerbjrn_L_a from the ACL for the directory.

    $Path = $Directory
    $TestedPath = Test-Path $Path
    IF($TestedPath -eq $False) {Write-Verbose "$($Path) Doesn't exist; thank you please come again";break}
    $ACL = (Get-Item $Path).GetAccessControl('Access')
    ForEach ($UserName in $UserNames)
        $USR = Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -like $UserName} -Properties *
        $Usrname = "CentralIndustrial\"+$USR.SamaccountName
        $Inherit = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
        $Propagation = []"None"
        $AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($Usrname, $AccessLevel, $Inherit, $Propagation, "Allow")
    IF(($Add) -OR ($Remove)) {Set-Acl -path $Path -AclObject $Acl}
    ELSE {Write-Verbose "No Add or Remove action was specified"}