
Takes control of a selected web browser tab for interactive manipulation.
This function enables interactive control of a browser tab that was previously
selected using Select-WebbrowserTab. It provides direct access to the Microsoft
Playwright Page object's properties and methods, allowing for automated browser
When specified, uses the currently assigned browser tab instead of prompting to
select a new one. This is useful for continuing work with the same tab.
Forces a browser restart by closing all tabs if no debugging server is detected.
Use this when the browser connection is in an inconsistent state.
Unprotect-WebbrowserTab -UseCurrent
wbctrl -Force

function Unprotect-WebbrowserTab {

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "Use the current tab already assigned instead of selecting a new one"
        [switch] $UseCurrent,
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1,
            HelpMessage = "Restart webbrowser (closes all) if no debugging server is detected"
        [switch] $Force

    begin {

        Write-Verbose "Initializing browser tab control sequence..."

        # get references to powershell window and process for later manipulation
        $pwshW = Get-PowershellMainWindow
        $pwshP = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess

    process {

        if (-not $UseCurrent) {


            Write-Verbose "Prompting user to select a browser tab..."
            Write-Host "Select to which browser tab you want to send commands to"

            # attempt to get list of available browser tabs
            Select-WebbrowserTab -Force:$Force | Out-Host

            if ($Global:ChromeSessions.Length -eq 0) {

                Write-Host "No browser tabs are open"

            # get valid tab selection from user with input validation
            $tabNumber = 0
            do {
                $tabNumber = Read-Host "Enter the number of the tab you want to control"
                $tabNumber = $tabNumber -as [int]
                $tabCount = $Global:ChromeSessions.Length

                if ($tabNumber -lt 0 -or $tabNumber -gt $tabCount - 1) {
                    Write-Host "Invalid tab number. Please enter a number between 0 and $($tabCount-1)"
            } while ($true)

            # activate the selected browser tab
            Select-WebbrowserTab $tabNumber

        if (-not $Global:chromeController) {

            Write-Host "No ChromeController object found"

        try {
            # maximize the powershell window
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Failed to maximize PowerShell window"

        # create background job to handle keyboard input sequence
        $null = Start-Job {

            # send keyboard sequence to expose chrome controller object
            $null = Send-Keys `
                "{Escape}", "Clear-Host", "{Enter}", "`$ChromeController", ".", "^( )", "y" `
                -DelayMilliSeconds 500

            # allow time for commands to complete
            $null = Start-Sleep 3

        try {
            # attempt to bring powershell window to front
            $null = Get-PowershellMainWindow | ForEach-Object {

                $null = $_.setForeground()
                Set-ForegroundWindow $_.handle
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Failed to set PowerShell window focus"

    end {