################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Takes control of a selected web browser tab for interactive manipulation. .DESCRIPTION This function enables interactive control of a browser tab that was previously selected using Select-WebbrowserTab. It provides direct access to the Microsoft Playwright Page object's properties and methods, allowing for automated browser interaction. .PARAMETER UseCurrent When specified, uses the currently assigned browser tab instead of prompting to select a new one. This is useful for continuing work with the same tab. .PARAMETER Force Forces a browser restart by closing all tabs if no debugging server is detected. Use this when the browser connection is in an inconsistent state. .EXAMPLE Unprotect-WebbrowserTab -UseCurrent .EXAMPLE wbctrl -Force #> function Unprotect-WebbrowserTab { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("wbctrl")] param( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Use the current tab already assigned instead of selecting a new one" )] [Alias("current")] [switch] $UseCurrent, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Restart webbrowser (closes all) if no debugging server is detected" )] [switch] $Force ######################################################################## ) begin { Write-Verbose "Initializing browser tab control sequence..." # get references to powershell window and process for later manipulation $pwshW = Get-PowershellMainWindow $pwshP = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess } process { if (-not $UseCurrent) { Clear-Host Write-Verbose "Prompting user to select a browser tab..." Write-Host "Select to which browser tab you want to send commands to" # attempt to get list of available browser tabs Select-WebbrowserTab -Force:$Force | Out-Host if ($Global:ChromeSessions.Length -eq 0) { Write-Host "No browser tabs are open" return } # get valid tab selection from user with input validation $tabNumber = 0 do { $tabNumber = Read-Host "Enter the number of the tab you want to control" $tabNumber = $tabNumber -as [int] $tabCount = $Global:ChromeSessions.Length if ($tabNumber -lt 0 -or $tabNumber -gt $tabCount - 1) { Write-Host "Invalid tab number. Please enter a number between 0 and $($tabCount-1)" continue } break } while ($true) # activate the selected browser tab Select-WebbrowserTab $tabNumber } if (-not $Global:chromeController) { Write-Host "No ChromeController object found" return } try { # maximize the powershell window $pwshW.maximize(); } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to maximize PowerShell window" } # create background job to handle keyboard input sequence $null = Start-Job { # send keyboard sequence to expose chrome controller object $null = Send-Keys ` "{Escape}", "Clear-Host", "{Enter}", "`$ChromeController", ".", "^( )", "y" ` -DelayMilliSeconds 500 # allow time for commands to complete $null = Start-Sleep 3 } try { # attempt to bring powershell window to front $null = Get-PowershellMainWindow | ForEach-Object { $null = $_.setForeground() Set-ForegroundWindow $_.handle } } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to set PowerShell window focus" } } end { } } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ |