* All intellectual rights of this framework, including this source file belong to Appicacy, René Vaessen. * Customers of Appicacy, may copy and change it, as long as this header remains. * */ using System.Text; using GenXdev.Configuration; namespace GenXdev.AsyncSockets.Containers { public unsafe class HttpResponseHeaders : IHttpResponseHeaders { public byte[] MemoryBuffer; int CharCount; int CharByteCount; UTF8Encoding UTF8Encoding; public Uri Location { get; private set; } public bool IsValidRequest { get; private set; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { MemoryBuffer = null; CharCount = 0; CharByteCount = 0; } } ~HttpResponseHeaders() { Dispose(false); } public HttpResponseHeaders(IMemoryManagerConfiguration Configuration, byte[] MemoryBuffer, byte[] RequestBuffer, int Length, UTF8Encoding UTF8Encoding) { // store references this.MemoryBuffer = MemoryBuffer; this.UTF8Encoding = UTF8Encoding; this.IsValidRequest = true; // only really unsafe if memorybuffer is not at least 2x RequestBuffer.length due to UTF8 -> Unicode chars translation unsafe { // get pointer to first byte element in requestbuffer fixed (byte* requestBufferBytePointer = &RequestBuffer[0]) { // get pointer to first byte element in memorybuffer fixed (byte* memoryBufferBytePointer = &MemoryBuffer[0]) { // convert byte pointer to char pointer char* memoryBufferCharPointer = (char*)memoryBufferBytePointer; // get the unicode chars and put them in the memory buffer CharCount = UTF8Encoding.GetChars(requestBufferBytePointer, Length, memoryBufferCharPointer, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(MemoryBuffer.Length / 2.0))); CharByteCount = CharCount * 2; } } } } // make sure HeaderName parameter is lowercase! public string this[string HeaderName] { get { int matchCount = 0; int cursorBytePosition = 0; int valueStart = 0; bool inValue = false; bool matched = false; var value = new StringBuilder(50); bool inHeaders = false; // loop while (cursorBytePosition < CharByteCount) { // get pointer to character at cursor fixed (byte* memoryBufferBytePointer = &MemoryBuffer[cursorBytePosition]) { // get pointer to the character at the cursor position char* c = (char*)memoryBufferBytePointer; // are we matching a headername? if ((inHeaders) && (!inValue) && (matchCount < HeaderName.Length) && (HeaderName[matchCount] == char.ToLower(*c))) { // increase nr of matched characters matchCount++; // have matched all characters of the requested headername? if (matchCount == HeaderName.Length) { // set flag matched = true; } } else { // not reached the actual headers yet? if (!inHeaders) { // maybe now? if (*c == '\n') { // set the flag inHeaders = true; } } else // have we encountered the headername/value seperator? if ((!inValue) && (*c == ':')) { // toggle the inValue flag inValue = true; valueStart = cursorBytePosition + 2; } else // encountered a space at the beginning of a header value? if (inValue && (*c == ' ') && (valueStart == cursorBytePosition)) { // trim! valueStart = cursorBytePosition; } else // headername longer then requested headername? if (matched && !inValue) { // then we don't have a match! matched = false; } else // append this character to the result if we are collecting the value of the requested headername if (matched && (*c != '\r')) value.Append(*c); // end of value? if (inValue && ((*c == '\r') || (cursorBytePosition == CharByteCount - 2))) { // toggle inValue flag inValue = false; // we were collecting the value, because this is the value of the requested headername? if (matched) { // return the results return value.ToString(); } } // reset the match count matchCount = 0; } } // move cursor to next unicode character cursorBytePosition += 2; } return ""; } } } } |