* All intellectual rights of this framework, including this source file belong to Appicacy, René Vaessen. * Customers of Appicacy, may copy and change it, as long as this header remains. * */ using System.Security.Authentication; using GenXdev.Configuration; using GenXdev.Helpers; using System.Net; namespace GenXdev.AsyncSockets.Configuration { public class DefaultTLSConfiguration : ConfigurationBase, ISocketHandlerTLSConfiguration { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")] public DefaultTLSConfiguration(string filePath = null) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_TLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName)) _TLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName = GenXdev.Helpers.Environment.GetAssemblyCompanyName(this.GetType().Assembly); filePath = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath) && File.Exists(filePath) ? filePath : Path.Combine( GenXdev.Helpers.Environment.GetApplicationRootDirectory(), this.GetType().Name + ".cfg" ); LoadConfigurationFromDisk(filePath); } object _SyncRoot = new object(); public object SyncRoot { get { return _SyncRoot; } } /// <summary> /// Provides a uniquename by which certificates using this configuration will be cached /// </summary> public string UniqueConfigurationName { get { return GetUniqueConfigurationName(); } set { SetUniqueConfigurationName(value); } } protected virtual void SetUniqueConfigurationName(string value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _UniqueConfigurationName = value; } protected virtual string GetUniqueConfigurationName() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _UniqueConfigurationName; } string _UniqueConfigurationName = String.Empty; /// <summary> /// Determines when to start TLS /// </summary> public SocketHandlerTLSActivationOptions TLS_ActivationOptions { get { return GetTLS_ActivationOptions(); } set { SetTLS_ActivationOptons(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_ActivationOptons(SocketHandlerTLSActivationOptions value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_ActivationOptions = value; } protected virtual SocketHandlerTLSActivationOptions GetTLS_ActivationOptions() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_ActivationOptions; } SocketHandlerTLSActivationOptions _TLS_ActivationOptions = SocketHandlerTLSActivationOptions.TLSAutoDetect; /// <summary> /// Determines how to obtain the server certificate for TLS usage /// </summary> public SocketHandlerTLSCertificateUsage TLS_CertificateUsage { get { return GetTLS_CertificateUsage(); } set { SetTLS_CertificateUsage(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_CertificateUsage(SocketHandlerTLSCertificateUsage value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_CertificateUsage = value; } protected virtual SocketHandlerTLSCertificateUsage GetTLS_CertificateUsage() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_CertificateUsage; } SocketHandlerTLSCertificateUsage _TLS_CertificateUsage = SocketHandlerTLSCertificateUsage.AutoGenerate; /// <summary> /// Which SSL/TLS protocols to support /// </summary> public SslProtocols TLS_EnabledProtocols { get { return GetTLS_EnabledProtocols(); } set { SetTLS_EnabledProtocols(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_EnabledProtocols(SslProtocols value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_EnabledProtocols = value; } protected virtual SslProtocols GetTLS_EnabledProtocols() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_EnabledProtocols; } SslProtocols _TLS_EnabledProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12; /// <summary> /// The list of hostnames for auto generated (if enabled) server certificate /// </summary> public string[] TLS_AdditionalHostNames { get { return GetTLS_AdditionalHostNames(); } set { SetTLS_AdditionalHostNames(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_AdditionalHostNames(string[] value) { lock (_SyncRoot) { if (value != null) { value = (from q in value where !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(q) select q.Trim().ToLower()).Distinct<string>().ToArray<String>(); } _TLS_AdditionalHostNames = value; } } protected virtual string[] GetTLS_AdditionalHostNames() { lock (_SyncRoot) { if (_TLS_AdditionalHostNames == null) { return new string[1] { GenXdev.Helpers.Network.GetPublicExternalHostname(null) }; } return _TLS_AdditionalHostNames; } } string[] _TLS_AdditionalHostNames = null; /// <summary> /// The full PFX filepath to the load/store the certificate-authority certificate from /// This file must contain both public and private keys /// </summary> public string TLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename { get { return GetTLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename(); } set { SetTLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename(string value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename = value; } protected virtual string GetTLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename; } string _TLS_CACertificate_PfxFilename = null; /// <summary> /// The password for the PFX file, or null if none /// </summary> public string TLS_CACertificate_Password { get { return GetTLS_CACertificate_Password(); } set { SetTLS_CACertificate_Password(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_CACertificate_Password(string value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_CACertificate_Password = value; } protected virtual string GetTLS_CACertificate_Password() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_CACertificate_Password; } string _TLS_CACertificate_Password = null; /// <summary> /// The organisation name for the autogenerated (if enabled) CA Certificate /// </summary> public string TLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName { get { return GetTLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName(); } set { SetTLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName(string value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName = value; } protected virtual string GetTLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName; } string _TLS_Default_CACertificate_AuthorityName; /// <summary> /// The full PFX filepath to the load/store the server certificate from /// This file must contain both public and private keys /// </summary> public string TLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename { get { return GetTLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename(); } set { SetTLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename(string value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename = value; } protected virtual string GetTLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename; } string _TLS_ServerCertificate_PfxFilename = null; /// <summary> /// The password for the PFX file, or null if none /// </summary> public string TLS_ServerCertificate_Password { get { return GetTLS_ServerCertificate_Password(); } set { SetTLS_ServerCertificate_Password(value); } } protected virtual void SetTLS_ServerCertificate_Password(string value) { lock (_SyncRoot) _TLS_ServerCertificate_Password = value; } protected virtual string GetTLS_ServerCertificate_Password() { lock (_SyncRoot) return _TLS_ServerCertificate_Password; } string _TLS_ServerCertificate_Password = null; } } |