
namespace GenXdev.MemoryManagement
    public interface IServiceMemoryManager : IDisposable
        // Summary:
        // Releases the buffers currently cached in the manager.
        void Clear();
        // Summary:
        // Returns a buffer to the pool.
        // Parameters:
        // buffer:
        // A reference to the buffer being returned.
        // Exceptions:
        // System.ArgumentNullException:
        // buffer reference cannot be null.
        // System.ArgumentException:
        // Length of buffer does not match the pool's buffer length property.
        void ReturnBuffer(byte[] buffer);
        // Summary:
        // Gets a buffer of at least the specified size from the pool.
        // Parameters:
        // bufferSize:
        // The size, in bytes, of the requested buffer.
        // Returns:
        // A byte array that is the requested size of the buffer.
        // Exceptions:
        // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:
        // bufferSize cannot be less than zero.
        byte[] TakeBuffer(int bufferSize);