* All intellectual rights of this framework, including this source file belong to Appicacy, René Vaessen. * Customers of Appicacy, may copy and change it, as long as this header remains. * */ using System.Text; public static class Extensions { #region Exception.ToLogString /// <summary> /// <para>Creates a log-string from the Exception.</para> /// <para>The result includes the stacktrace, innerexception et cetera, separated by <seealso cref="Environment.NewLine"/>.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">The exception to create the string from.</param> /// <param name="additionalMessage">Additional message to place at the top of the string, maybe be empty or null.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ToLogString(this Exception ex, string additionalMessage) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalMessage)) { msg.Append(additionalMessage); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); } if (ex != null) { try { Exception orgEx = ex; msg.Append("Exception:"); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); while (orgEx != null) { msg.Append(orgEx.Message); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); orgEx = orgEx.InnerException; } if (ex.Data != null) { foreach (object i in ex.Data) { msg.Append("Data :"); msg.Append(i.ToString()); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); } } if (ex.StackTrace != null) { msg.Append("StackTrace:"); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); msg.Append(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); } if (ex.Source != null) { msg.Append("Source:"); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); msg.Append(ex.Source); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); } if (ex.TargetSite != null) { msg.Append("TargetSite:"); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); msg.Append(ex.TargetSite.ToString()); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); } Exception baseException = ex.GetBaseException(); if (baseException != null) { msg.Append("BaseException:"); msg.Append(Environment.NewLine); msg.Append(ex.GetBaseException()); } } finally { } } return msg.ToString(); } #endregion Exception.ToLogString } |