
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using WebSocket4Net;
namespace GenXdev.Helpers
    public class Chrome
        public static object padLock = new object();
        const string JsonPostfix = "/json";
        public string remoteDebuggingUri;
        public string sessionWSEndpoint;
        public int Port { get; private set; }
        public Chrome(string remoteDebuggingUri)
            this.remoteDebuggingUri = remoteDebuggingUri;
            this.Port = (new Uri(this.remoteDebuggingUri)).Port;
        public TRes SendRequest<TRes>()
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                return (Task.Run(async () =>
                    string url = remoteDebuggingUri + JsonPostfix;
                    var response = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
                    return Deserialise<TRes>(response);
        public List<RemoteSessionsResponse> GetAvailableSessions()
            var res = this.SendRequest<List<RemoteSessionsResponse>>();
            return (from r in res
                    where r.devtoolsFrontendUrl != null
                    select r).ToList();
        public string NavigateTo(string uri)
            // Page.navigate is working from M18
            //var json = @"{""method"":""Page.navigate"",""params"":{""url"":""""},""id"":1}";
            // Instead of Page.navigate, we can use document.location
            var json = @"{""method"":""Runtime.evaluate"",""params"":{""expression"":" + Serialization.ToJson("document.location='" + uri + "'") + @",""objectGroup"":""console"",""allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP"":true,""includeCommandLineAPI"":true,""doNotPauseOnExceptions"":false,""returnByValue"":false},""id"":1}";
            return this.SendCommand(json);
        public string GetElementsByTagName(string tagName)
            // Page.navigate is working from M18
            //var json = @"{""method"":""Page.navigate"",""params"":{""url"":""""},""id"":1}";
            // Instead of Page.navigate, we can use document.location
            var json = @"{""method"":""Runtime.evaluate"",""params"":{""expression"":""document.getElementsByTagName('" + tagName + @"')"",""objectGroup"":""console"",""allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP"":true,""includeCommandLineAPI"":true,""doNotPauseOnExceptions"":false,""returnByValue"":false},""id"":1}";
            return this.SendCommand(json);
        public string Eval(string cmd)
            return Eval(cmd, false);
        public string GetEvalCommand(string cmd, bool allowTopLevelAwait = false)
            string awaitParam = "";
            if (allowTopLevelAwait)
                awaitParam = @"""replMode"":true,";
            var json = @"{""method"":""Runtime.evaluate"",""params"":{""expression"":" + Serialization.ToJson(cmd) + @"," + awaitParam + @"""objectGroup"":""console"",""allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP"":true,""includeCommandLineAPI"":true,""doNotPauseOnExceptions"":true,""returnByValue"":true},""id"":1}";
            // return json;
            return json;
        public string Eval(string cmd, bool allowTopLevelAwait = false, uint timeoutseconds = 30)
            // return json;
            return this.SendCommand(GetEvalCommand(cmd, allowTopLevelAwait), timeoutseconds = 30);
        public string SendCommand(string cmd, uint timeoutseconds = 30)
            string ep;
            lock (Chrome.padLock)
                ep = this.sessionWSEndpoint;
            string message = "";
            ManualResetEvent waitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            Exception exc = null;
            bool active = true;
            var t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
                    WebSocket4Net.WebSocket j = new WebSocket4Net.WebSocket(ep);
                    j.LocalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 0);
                    byte[] data;
                    j.Opened += delegate (System.Object o, EventArgs e)
                    j.MessageReceived += delegate (System.Object o, MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
                        message = e.Message;
                        active = false;
                    j.Error += delegate (System.Object o, SuperSocket.ClientEngine.ErrorEventArgs e)
                        active = false;
                        exc = e.Exception;
                    j.Closed += delegate (System.Object o, EventArgs e)
                        active = false;
                    j.DataReceived += delegate (System.Object o, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
                        active = false;
                        data = e.Data;
                    System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                    while (active && (System.DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalSeconds < timeoutseconds && Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                        if (j.State != WebSocket4Net.WebSocketState.Closed)
                    catch { }
            if (exc != null) throw exc;
            return message;
        private T Deserialise<T>(string json)
            T obj = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json)))
                DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(obj.GetType());
                obj = (T)serializer.ReadObject(ms);
                return obj;
        private T Deserialise<T>(Stream json)
            T obj = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
            DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(obj.GetType());
            obj = (T)serializer.ReadObject(json);
            return obj;
        public void SetActiveSession(string sessionWSEndpoint)
            lock (padLock)
                // Sometimes binding to localhost might resolve wrong AddressFamily, force IPv4
                this.sessionWSEndpoint = sessionWSEndpoint.Replace("ws://localhost", "ws://").Replace("wss://localhost", "wss://");