using GenXdev.Buffers;
using System.Text; namespace GenXdev.Helpers { public static class BufferHelpers { public static byte[] Concat(byte[] buffer1, byte[] buffer2) { var result = new byte[buffer1.Length + buffer2.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer1, 0, result, 0, buffer1.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer2, 0, result, buffer1.Length, buffer2.Length); return result; } public static bool TryGetStringFromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer Buffer, out string Value, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Value = null; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int)) { Count = sizeof(int) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; var stringLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (stringLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check { if (stringLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("String is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } } // does not have the whole string in the buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int) + stringLength) { Count = (sizeof(int) + stringLength) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // remove length Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int)); // convert it Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Buffer.RemoveBytes(stringLength) ); return true; } public static bool TryGetStringAndInt32FromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer Buffer, out string Value, out Int32 IntValue, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Value = null; IntValue = 0; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int)) { Count = sizeof(int) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; var stringLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (stringLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check if (stringLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("String is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // does not have the whole string in the buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int) + stringLength + sizeof(Int32)) { Count = (sizeof(int) + stringLength + sizeof(Int32)) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // remove length Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int)); // convert it Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Buffer.RemoveBytes(stringLength) ); // get Int32 value var pos = Buffer.Position; Buffer.Position = 0; IntValue = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); Buffer.Position = pos; Buffer.Remove(sizeof(Int32)); return true; } public static bool TryGetStringFromBuffer(DynamicBuffer Buffer, out string Value, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Value = null; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int)) { return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; var stringLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (stringLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check { if (stringLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("String is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } } // does not have the whole string in the buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int) + stringLength) { return false; } // remove length Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int)); // convert it Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Buffer.RemoveBytes(stringLength) ); return true; } public static bool TryGetStringAndInt32FromBuffer(DynamicBuffer Buffer, out string Value, out Int32 IntValue, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Value = null; IntValue = 0; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int)) { return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; var stringLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (stringLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check if (stringLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("String is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // does not have the whole string in the buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int) + stringLength + sizeof(Int32)) { return false; } // remove length Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int)); // convert it Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Buffer.RemoveBytes(stringLength) ); // get Int32 value var pos = Buffer.Position; Buffer.Position = 0; IntValue = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); Buffer.Position = pos; Buffer.Remove(sizeof(Int32)); return true; } public static bool TryGetStringFromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer Buffer, out bool FirstResultByte, out string Value, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Value = null; FirstResultByte = false; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int) + 1) { Count = (sizeof(int) + 1) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; FirstResultByte = Buffer.Reader.ReadByte() == 1; var stringLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (stringLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check { if (stringLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("String is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } } // does not have the whole string in the buffer? if (Buffer.Count < (sizeof(int) + 1) + stringLength) { Count = ((sizeof(int) + 1) + stringLength) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // remove length + result byte Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) + 1); // convert it Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Buffer.RemoveBytes(stringLength) ); return true; } public static bool TryGetStringAndInt32FromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer Buffer, out bool FirstResultByte, out string Value, out Int32 IntValue, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Value = null; IntValue = 0; FirstResultByte = false; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int) + 1) { Count = (sizeof(int) + 1) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; FirstResultByte = Buffer.Reader.ReadByte() == 1; var stringLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (stringLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check if (stringLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("String is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // does not have the whole string in the buffer? if (Buffer.Count < (sizeof(int) + 1) + stringLength + sizeof(Int32)) { Count = ((sizeof(int) + 1) + stringLength + sizeof(Int32)) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // remove length + result byte Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) + 1); // convert it Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Buffer.RemoveBytes(stringLength) ); // get Int32 value var pos = Buffer.Position; Buffer.Position = 0; IntValue = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); Buffer.Position = pos; Buffer.Remove(sizeof(Int32)); return true; } public static bool TryGetBytesFromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer Buffer, out byte[] Bytes, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Bytes = null; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int)) { Count = (sizeof(int)) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // read length Buffer.Position = 0; var packetLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check { if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long."); } } // does not have the whole packet in the buffer? if (Buffer.Length < sizeof(int) + packetLength) { Count = (sizeof(int) + packetLength) - Buffer.Count; return false; } // createbuffer Bytes = new byte[packetLength]; // remove length Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int)); // remove from buffer Buffer.Remove(Bytes, 0, packetLength); return true; } public static bool TryGetBytesFromBuffer(DynamicBuffer Buffer, out byte[] Bytes, int maxLength) { // init output variaible Bytes = null; // does not have length value in buffer? if (Buffer.Count < sizeof(int)) { return false; } // read string length Buffer.Position = 0; var packetLength = Buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length int too small < 0, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check { if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long."); } } // does not have the whole packet in the buffer? if (Buffer.Length < sizeof(int) + packetLength) { return false; } // createbuffer Bytes = new byte[packetLength]; // remove length Buffer.Remove(sizeof(int)); // remove from buffer Buffer.Remove(Bytes, 0, packetLength); return true; } public static void WriteBytesToBuffer(DynamicBuffer Buffer, byte[] Bytes, int offset = 0, int? length = null) { // init length length = length.HasValue ? length.Value : Bytes.Length; // limit length length = Math.Min(Bytes.Length - offset, length.Value); // write length Buffer.Writer.Write(length.Value); Buffer.Writer.Flush(); // write content Buffer.Add(Bytes, offset, length.Value); } public static void WriteStringToBuffer(DynamicBuffer Buffer, string Value) { var bytes = (new UTF8Encoding(false)).GetBytes(Value); Buffer.Writer.Write(bytes.Length); Buffer.Writer.Flush(); Buffer.Add(bytes); } public static void WriteObjectJsonToBuffer(DynamicBuffer Buffer, object objectToWrite) { WriteStringToBuffer(Buffer, GenXdev.Helpers.Serialization.ToJson(objectToWrite)); } public static bool TryGetObjectFromBuffer<T>(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer Buffer, out T objectRead, int maxLength) { // init objectRead = default(T); string json = String.Empty; // got the whole json string out of the buffer? if (TryGetStringFromBuffer(ref Count, Buffer, out json, maxLength)) { // de-serialize it, throw exception if failed, should never occur objectRead = GenXdev.Helpers.Serialization.FromJson<T>(json); return true; } return false; } public static bool TryGetBytesFromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer buffer, out byte[] bytes, out int additionalInt, int maxLength) { // init output variaible bytes = null; additionalInt = 0; // does not have length value in buffer? if (buffer.Count < sizeof(int) * 2) { Count = (sizeof(int) * 2) - buffer.Count; return false; } // read string length buffer.Position = 0; additionalInt = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); var packetLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } // check if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } // does not have the whole in the buffer? if (buffer.Length < (sizeof(int) * 2) + packetLength) { Count = ((sizeof(int) * 2) + packetLength) - buffer.Count; return false; } // remove integers buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) * 2); // create buffer bytes = new byte[packetLength]; // remove from buffer buffer.Remove(bytes, 0, packetLength); return true; } public static bool TryGetBytesFromBuffer(ref int? Count, DynamicBuffer buffer, out byte[] bytes, out string additionalString, int maxLength, int maxStringLength) { // init output variaible bytes = null; additionalString = ""; // does not have length value in buffer? if (buffer.Count < sizeof(int) * 2) { Count = (sizeof(int) * 2) - buffer.Count; return false; } // read string length buffer.Position = 0; var additionalStrLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); var packetLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); var requiredBytes = (sizeof(int) * 2) + additionalStrLength + packetLength; if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } if (additionalStrLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + additionalStrLength.ToString()); } // check if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } if (additionalStrLength > maxStringLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxStringLength.ToString() + ", received string length: " + additionalStrLength.ToString()); } if (buffer.Count < requiredBytes) { Count = requiredBytes; return false; } // remove integers buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) * 2); if (additionalStrLength > 0) { additionalString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.RemoveBytes(additionalStrLength)); } // create buffer bytes = new byte[packetLength]; // remove from buffer buffer.Remove(bytes, 0, packetLength); return true; } public static int TryGetBytesFromBuffer(ref int? Count, byte[] bytes, DynamicBuffer buffer, out int additionalInt, int maxLength) { // init output variaible additionalInt = 0; // does not have length value in buffer? if (buffer.Count < sizeof(int) * 2) { Count = (sizeof(int) * 2) - buffer.Count; return 0; } // read additional int buffer.Position = 0; additionalInt = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); // read length var packetLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } // check if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } // check buffer if (bytes.Length < packetLength) throw new InvalidOperationException("Provided buffer to small"); // does not have the it whole in the buffer? if (buffer.Length < (sizeof(int) * 2) + packetLength) { Count = ((sizeof(int) * 2) + packetLength) - buffer.Count; return 0; } // remove integers buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) * 2); // remove from buffer return buffer.Remove(bytes, 0, packetLength); } public static int TryGetBytesFromBuffer(ref int? Count, byte[] bytes, DynamicBuffer buffer, out string additionalString, int maxLength, int maxStringLength) { // init output variaible bytes = null; additionalString = ""; // does not have length value in buffer? if (buffer.Count < sizeof(int) * 2) { Count = (sizeof(int) * 2) - buffer.Count; return 0; } // read string length buffer.Position = 0; var additionalStrLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); var packetLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); var requiredBytes = (sizeof(int) * 2) + additionalStrLength + packetLength; if (additionalStrLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + additionalStrLength.ToString()); } if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } // check { if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } if (additionalStrLength > maxStringLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxStringLength.ToString() + ", received string length: " + additionalStrLength.ToString()); } } // check buffer if (bytes.Length < packetLength) throw new InvalidOperationException("Provided buffer to small"); // does not have the it whole in the buffer? if (buffer.Length < (sizeof(int) * 2) + (packetLength + additionalStrLength)) { Count = ((sizeof(int) * 2) + packetLength) - buffer.Count; return 0; } // remove integers buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) * 2); if (additionalStrLength > 0) { additionalString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.RemoveBytes(additionalStrLength)); } // remove from buffer return buffer.Remove(bytes, 0, packetLength); } public static int TryGetBytesFromBuffer(byte[] bytes, DynamicBuffer buffer, out int additionalInt, int maxLength) { // init output variaible additionalInt = 0; // does not have length value in buffer? if (buffer.Count < sizeof(int) * 2) { return 0; } // read additional int buffer.Position = 0; additionalInt = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); // read length var packetLength = buffer.Reader.ReadInt32(); if (packetLength < 0) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is less then zero, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol, maxlength: " + maxLength.ToString() + ", received packet length: " + packetLength.ToString()); } // check { if (packetLength > maxLength) { // disconnect client throw new InvalidOperationException("Length is too long, possibly a client speaking an incompatible protocol."); } } // check buffer if (bytes.Length < packetLength) throw new InvalidOperationException("Provided buffer to small"); // does not have the it whole in the buffer? if (buffer.Length < (sizeof(int) * 2) + packetLength) { return 0; } // remove integers buffer.Remove(sizeof(int) * 2); // remove from buffer return buffer.Remove(bytes, 0, packetLength); } public static void WriteBytesToBuffer(DynamicBuffer buffer, byte[] bytes, int additionalInt, int offset = 0, int? length = null) { // init length int maxBytes = length.HasValue ? length.Value : bytes.Length; // limit length maxBytes = Math.Min(maxBytes, bytes.Length - offset); // write additional int buffer.Writer.Write(additionalInt); // write length buffer.Writer.Write(maxBytes); buffer.Writer.Flush(); // write content buffer.Add(bytes, offset, maxBytes); } public static void WriteBytesToBuffer(DynamicBuffer buffer, byte[] bytes, string additionalString, int offset = 0, int? length = null) { // init length int maxBytes = length.HasValue ? length.Value : bytes.Length; // limit length maxBytes = Math.Min(maxBytes, bytes.Length - offset); if (additionalString.Length > 0) { var strBytes = (new UTF8Encoding(false)).GetBytes(additionalString); // write length buffer.Writer.Write(strBytes.Length); buffer.Writer.Flush(); // write length buffer.Writer.Write(maxBytes); buffer.Writer.Flush(); // add string buffer.Add(strBytes); } else { // write additional int buffer.Writer.Write(additionalString.Length); // write length buffer.Writer.Write(maxBytes); buffer.Writer.Flush(); } // write content buffer.Add(bytes, offset, maxBytes); } public static unsafe bool ByteArraysAreEqual(byte[] buffer1, byte[] buffer2) { if (buffer1.Length != buffer2.Length) return false; if (buffer1.Length == 0) return true; fixed (byte* pb1 = buffer1) fixed (byte* pb2 = buffer2) { byte* b1 = pb1; byte* b2 = pb2; for (var i = 0; i < buffer1.Length; i++) { if (*b1++ != *b2++) return false; } } return true; } } } |