################################################################################ Describe "Initialize-KeyValueStores Initialize-KeyValueStores" { BeforeAll { # set up test paths $Script:testRoot = $PSScriptRoot # set local database path $Script:localDbPath = Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\GenXdev.Local\KeyValueStores.sqllite.db" # determine onedrive path dynamically $Script:userProfile = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile') $Script:shadowDbPath = Expand-Path "$userProfile\OneDrive\GenXdev.PowerShell.SyncObjects\KeyValueStores.sqllite.db" Write-Verbose "Setting up test environment" try { # ensure clean test environment & "$PSScriptRoot\Clear-TestData.ps1" } catch { throw } } AfterAll { Write-Verbose "Cleaning up test environment" try { # clean up test data & "$PSScriptRoot\Clear-TestData.ps1" } catch { throw } } It "Should create both local and shadow databases" { # initialize the stores Initialize-KeyValueStores # verify database files exist $null = Test-Path $Script:localDbPath | Should -BeTrue $null = Test-Path $Script:shadowDbPath | Should -BeTrue } } ################################################################################ |