

Performs a Spotify search and plays the first found item
Performs a Spotify search and plays the first found item on the active device
The search phrase
Optionally, the type of item to search for
PS C:\> Search-SpotifyAndPlay Rage against the machine
PS C:\> fmp Dire Straits You and your friend

function Search-SpotifyAndPlay {

    [Alias("smp", "fmp")]

        [Alias("q", "Value", "Name", "Text", "Query")]
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [ValidateSet("Album", "Artist", "Playlist", "Track", "Show", "Episode", "All")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]] $SearchType = @("Track")

    begin {

        $Queries = Build-InvocationArguments $MyInvocation $Queries

        [int] $SearchTypeTypeId = 0;

        if ($SearchType -contains "Album") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 1 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Artist") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 2 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Playlist") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 4 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Track") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 8 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Show") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 16 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Episode") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 32 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "All") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 63 }

    process {

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::SearchAndPlay((Get-SpotifyApiToken), $Query, $SearchTypeTypeId) | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $PSItem) { $PSItem } } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Performs a Spotify search and adds the first item to the queue
Performs a Spotify search and adds the first item to the queue
The search phrase
Optionally, the type of item to search for
PS C:\> Search-SpotifyAndEnqueue Rage against the machine
PS C:\> fmq Dire Straits You and your friend

function Search-SpotifyAndEnqueue {

    [Alias("smq", "fmq")]

        [Alias("q", "Value", "Name", "Text", "Query")]
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [ValidateSet("Album", "Artist", "Playlist", "Track", "Show", "Episode", "All")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]] $SearchType = @("Track")

    begin {

        $Queries = Build-InvocationArguments $MyInvocation $Queries

        [int] $SearchTypeTypeId = 0;

        if ($SearchType -contains "Album") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 1 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Artist") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 2 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Playlist") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 4 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Track") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 8 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Show") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 16 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Episode") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 32 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "All") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 63 }

    process {

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::SearchAndAdd((Get-SpotifyApiToken), $Query, $SearchTypeTypeId) | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $PSItem) { $PSItem } } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Performs a Spotify search and returns the search results
Performs a Spotify search and returns the search results
The search phrase
Optionally, the type of item to search for
PS C:\> Search-Spotify Rage against the machine
PS C:\> fm Dire Straits You and your friend

function Search-Spotify {

    [Alias("sm", "fm")]

        [Alias("q", "Value", "Name", "Text", "Query")]
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [ValidateSet("Album", "Artist", "Playlist", "Track", "Show", "Episode", "All")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]] $SearchType = @("Track")

    begin {

        $Queries = Build-InvocationArguments $MyInvocation $Queries

        [int] $SearchTypeTypeId = 0;

        if ($SearchType -contains "Album") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 1 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Artist") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 2 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Playlist") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 4 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Track") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 8 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Show") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 16 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "Episode") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 32 }
        if ($SearchType -contains "All") { $SearchTypeTypeId += 63 }

    process {

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::Search((Get-SpotifyApiToken), $Query, $SearchTypeTypeId) | ForEach-Object { $PSItem } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


Starts Spotify playback
Starts playback on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyStart {

    [Alias("play", "Start-Music")]


Pauses Spotify playback
Pauses playback on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyPause {

    [Alias("pausemusic", "Resume-Music")]


Stops Spotify playback
Stops playback on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyStop {

    [Alias("stop", "Stop-Music")]


Skips to previous track on Spotify
Skips to previous track on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyPrevious {

    [Alias("previous", "prev")]


Skips to next track on Spotify
Skips to next track on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyNext {

    [Alias("next", "skip")]


Enables Spotify song-repeat
Enables song-repeat on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyRepeatSong {




Enables Spotify playlist-repeat
Enables playlist-repeat on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyRepeatContext {




Disables Spotify repeat
Disables repeat on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyRepeatOff {

    [Alias("norepeat", "repeatoff")]


Enables Spotify song-shuffle
Enables song-shuffle on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyShuffleOn {

    [Alias("shuffle", "shuffleon")]


Disables Spotify song-shuffle
Disables song-shuffle on the device that is active on Spotify

function Set-SpotifyShuffleOff {

    [Alias("noshuffle", "shuffleoff")]



Returns a fully populated collection of Spotify playlists owned by current user
Returns a fully populated collection of Spotify playlists owned by current user
PS C:\> $playLists = Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists; $playLists.Tracks.Items.Track.Name
PS C:\> (upl).Tracks.Items.Track.Name

function Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists {


        [Alias("Uri", "Id", "Name")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string[]] $Filter = @("*"),

        [switch] $Force

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;
        $Filter = Build-InvocationArguments $MyInvocation $Filter
        $filePath = Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\GenXdev.Local\Spotify.Playlists.json"

    process {

        [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]] $SpotifyPlaylistCache = $null;

        if ($Force -ne $true) {

            if ($null -eq $Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache) {

                $filePath = Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\GenXdev.Local\Spotify.Playlists.json"
                $playlistCache = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($filePath);

                if ($playlistCache.Exists -and ([datetime]::Now - $playlistCache.LastWriteTime -lt [timespan]::FromHours(12))) {

                    $SpotifyPlaylistCache = $playlistCache.OpenText().ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
                    Set-Variable -Name SpotifyPlaylistCache -Value $SpotifyPlaylistCache -Scope Global -Force

        if (($Force -eq $true) -or ($null -eq $Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache) -or ( $Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache.Count -eq 0)) {

            $SpotifyPlaylistCache = [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::GetUserPlaylists($apiToken, "*");
            Set-Variable -Name SpotifyPlaylistCache -Value $SpotifyPlaylistCache -Scope Global -Force
            $SpotifyPlaylistCache | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $filePath -Force

        $Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue {

            if ($PSItem.Name -like $Filter) {


    end {



Adds tracks to a Spotify playlist
Adds tracks to a Spotify playlist
The Spotify playlist to add tracks to
The Spotify tracks that should be added to the playlist

function Add-SpotifyTracksToPlaylist {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")]

            ParameterSetName = "ByName",
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to add tracks to"
        [string[]] $PlaylistName,

            ParameterSetName = "ById",
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to add tracks to"
        [string[]] $PlaylistId,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify tracks that should be added to the playlist"
        [string[]] $Uri = @()

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

        if ($PlaylistName.Length -gt 0) {

            $PlaylistId = @(Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName -PlaylistName @($PlaylistName))

    process {

        foreach ($Id in $PlaylistId) {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::AddToPlaylist($apiToken, $Id, $Uri);

    end {



Creates a new Spotify playlist
Creates a new Spotify playlist
The name for the new playlist
.PARAMETER Description
The description for the new playlist
Make this a public playlist
.PARAMETER Collabrative
Allow others to make changes

function Add-SpotifyNewPlaylist {



            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The name for the new playlist"
        [string] $Name,
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1,
            HelpMessage = "The description for the new playlist"
        [string] $Description = "",
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Make this a public playlist"
        [switch] $Public,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Allow others to make changes"
        [switch] $Collabrative

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        $result = [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::NewPlaylist($apiToken, $Name, $Description, ($Public -eq $true), ($Collabrative -eq $true));

        if ($Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache -is [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]) {

            $Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache.Insert(0, $result);
            $filePath = Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\GenXdev.Local\Spotify.Playlists.json"
            $Global:SpotifyPlaylistCache | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $filePath -Force


    end {



Sets the main properties of a Spotify playlist
Sets the main properties of a Spotify playlist
The Spotify playlist to set properties for
The new name for the playlist
.PARAMETER Description
The new description for the playlist
Make the playlist public
.PARAMETER Collabrative
Allow others to make changes
Make the playlist private
.PARAMETER NoCollabrations
Disallow others to make changes

function Set-SpotifyPlaylistDetails {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to make changes to"
        [string] $PlaylistId,
            Position = 1,
            HelpMessage = "The name for the new playlist"
        [string] $Name,
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 2,
            HelpMessage = "The description for the new playlist"
        [string] $Description = "",
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Make this a public playlist"
        [switch] $Public,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Allow others to make changes to this playlist"
        [switch] $Collabrative,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Make the playlist private"
        [switch] $Private,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Disallow others to make changes"
        [switch] $NoCollabrations


    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

        $P = $null;
        $C = $null;

        if ($Public -eq $true) {

            $P = $true

        if ($Collabrative -eq $true) {

            $C = $true

        if ($Private -eq $true) {

            $P = $false

        if ($NoCollabrations -eq $true) {

            $C = $False

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::ChangePlaylistDetails($PlaylistId, $apiToken, $Name, $P, $C, $Description);

    end {



Removes tracks from a Spotify playlist
Removes tracks from a Spotify playlist
The Spotify playlist to delete tracks from
The Spotify tracks that should be removed from the playlist

function Remove-SpotifyTracksFromPlaylist {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")]

            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to delete tracks from"
        [string[]] $PlaylistName,

            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to delete tracks from"
        [string[]] $PlaylistId,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify tracks that should be removed from the playlist"
        [string[]] $Uri = @()

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

        if ($PlaylistName.Length -gt 0) {

            $PlaylistId = @(Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName -PlaylistName $PlaylistName)

    process {

        foreach ($Id in $PlaylistId) {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::RemoveFromPlaylist($apiToken, $Id, $Uri);

    end {



Returns the currently on Spotify playing track
Returns the currently on Spotify playing track
PS C:\> Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying
PS C:\> (gcp).Item

function Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying {



    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {


    end {



Returns Spotify track audio feature information
Returns Spotify track audio feature information
The Spotify track to return audio features for

function Get-SpotifyTrackAudioFeatures {


            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify track to return audio features for"
        [string[]] $TrackId

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::GetSeveralAudioFeatures($apiToken, $TrackId);

    end {



Returns full Spotify track information by given TrackId
Returns full Spotify track information by given TrackId
The Spotify track id of the track to lookup

function Get-SpotifyTrackById {


            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string] $TrackId

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::GetTrackById($apiToken, $TrackId);

    end {



Reorders a range of tracks inside a Spotify playlist
Reorders a range of tracks inside a Spotify playlist
The Spotify playlist to perform the re-ordering on
The position of the first item to be reordered
.PARAMETER InsertBefore
The position where the items should be inserted. To reorder the items to the
end of the playlist, simply set insert_before to the position after the last
item. Examples: To reorder the first item to the last position in a playlist
with 10 items, set range_start to 0, and insert_before to 10. To reorder the
last item in a playlist with 10 items to the start of the playlist, set range_start
to 9, and insert_before to 0.
.PARAMETER RangeLength
The amount of items to be reordered. Defaults to 1 if not set. The range of items
to be reordered begins from the range_start position, and includes the range_length
subsequent items. Example: To move the items at index 9-10 to the start of the
playlist, range_start is set to 9, and range_length is set to 2.

function Set-SpotifyPlaylistOrder {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to perform the re-ordering on"
        [string] $PlaylistId,

            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The position of the first item to be reordered"
        [int] $RangeStart,

            Position = 1,
            HelpMessage = "The position where the items should be inserted. To reorder the items to the
            end of the playlist, simply set insert_before to the position after the last
            item. Examples: To reorder the first item to the last position in a playlist
            with 10 items, set range_start to 0, and insert_before to 10. To reorder the
            last item in a playlist with 10 items to the start of the playlist, set range_start
            to 9, and insert_before to 0."

        [int] $InsertBefore,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 2,
            HelpMessage = "The amount of items to be reordered. Defaults to 1 if not set. The range of items
            to be reordered begins from the range_start position, and includes the range_length
            subsequent items. Example: To move the items at index 9-10 to the start of the
            playlist, range_start is set to 9, and range_length is set to 2."

        [System.Nullable[int]] $RangeLength = $null

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::ReorderPlaylist($apiToken, $PlaylistId, $RangeStart, $InsertBefore, $RangeLength);

    end {



Returns all tracks of a Spotify playlist
Returns all tracks of a Spotify playlist
The Spotify playlist to return tracks for

function Get-SpotifyPlaylistTracks {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")]

            ParameterSetName = "ByName",
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to return tracks for",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string] $PlaylistName,

            ParameterSetName = "ById",
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist to return tracks for",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string] $PlaylistId

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PlaylistName) -eq $false) {

            $PlaylistId = @(Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName -PlaylistName @($PlaylistName)) | Select-Object -First 1

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::GetPlaylistTracks($apiToken, $PlaylistId);

    end {



Returns all tracks saved in users own Spotify Library
Returns all tracks saved in users own Spotify Library

function Get-SpotifyLikedTracks {



    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {


    end {



Adds tracks to the users own Spotify Library
Adds tracks to the users own Spotify Library
The Spotify track Ids of the songs that should be added to liked"

function Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked {


            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify track Uris of the songs that should be added to the playlist"
        [string[]] $TrackId = @()

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        if ($TrackId.Length -eq 0) {

            $CurrentlyPlaying = Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying

            if ($null -eq $CurrentlyPlaying -or $CurrentlyPlaying.CurrentlyPlayingType -ne "track") {

                Write-Warning "There are no tracks playing at this time"


            Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked -TrackId ($CurrentlyPlaying.Item.Id)

        else {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::AddToLiked($apiToken, $TrackId);

    end {



Moves all tracks from the users own Spotify Library to specified playlist
Moves all tracks from the users own Spotify Library to specified playlist
The Spotify playlist where all liked tracks should move to"

function Move-SpotifyLikedTracksToPlaylist {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByName")]

            ParameterSetName = "ByName",
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist where all liked tracks should move to"
        [string[]] $PlaylistName,

            ParameterSetName = "ById",
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist where all liked tracks should move to"
        [string[]] $PlaylistId

    begin {

        if ($PlaylistName.Length -gt 0) {

            $PlaylistId = Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName -PlaylistName $PlaylistName

    process {

        if ($PlaylistId.Length -eq 0) {


        $likedTracks = Get-SpotifyLikedTracks
        [bool] $done = $false

        foreach ($Id in $PlaylistId) {

            Add-SpotifyTracksToPlaylist -PlaylistId $Id -Uri @($likedTracks.Track.Uri)
            $done = $true

        if ($done) {

            Remove-SpotifyTracksFromLiked -TrackId @($likedTracks.Track.Id)


    end {



function Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName {


            ParameterSetName = "ByName",
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify playlist where all liked tracks should move to"
        [string[]] $PlaylistName = @()

    process {

        $results = @(Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists -Filter $PlaylistName)

        if ($results.Length -eq 0) {

            $filePath = Expand-Path -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\GenXdev.Local\Spotify.Playlists.json" -CreateDirectory
            $playlistCache = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($filePath);

            if (!$playlistCache.Exists -or ([datetime]::Now - $playlistCache.LastWriteTime -ge [timespan]::FromHours(12))) {

                $results = @(Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists -Force -Filter $PlaylistName)

        if ($results.Length -eq 0) {

            throw "Playlist not found"

        $results | ForEach-Object Id


Removes tracks from the users own Spotify Library
Removes tracks from the users own Spotify Library
The Spotify track Ids of the songs that should be removed from liked"

function Remove-SpotifyTracksFromLiked {


            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify track Uris of the songs that should be added to the playlist"
        [string[]] $TrackId = @()

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        if ($TrackId.Length -eq 0) {

            $CurrentlyPlaying = Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying

            if ($null -eq $CurrentlyPlaying -or $CurrentlyPlaying.CurrentlyPlayingType -ne "track") {

                Write-Warning "There are no tracks playing at this time"


            Remove-SpotifyTracksFromLiked -TrackId ($CurrentlyPlaying.Item.Id)

        else {

            [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::RemoveFromLiked($apiToken, $TrackId);

    end {



Returns all currently available Spotify devices for current user
Returns all currently available Spotify devices for current user

function Get-SpotifyDevices {



    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;


    process {


    end {

Returns all currently active Spotify devices for current user
Returns all currently active Spotify devices for current user

function Get-SpotifyActiveDevice {



    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::GetDevices($apiToken) | Where-Object { $PSItem.IsActive }

    end {



Transfers playback to provided Spotify device
Transfers playback to provided Spotify device
The Spotify deviceId to transfer playback to

function Set-SpotifyActiveDevice {


            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Spotify deviceId to transfer playback to"
        [string] $DeviceId

    begin {

        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken;

    process {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::SetActiveDevice($apiToken, $DeviceId);

    end {



Searches for lyrics of a track
Searches for lyrics of a track
Optional: Spotify id of track to lookup lyrics for
Optional: A query to find a track to lookup lyrics for

function Get-SpotifyLyrics {

    [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            ParameterSetName = ""
        [string] $TrackId = $null,

        [Alias("q", "Value", "Name", "Text", "Query")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string[]] $Queries = $null

    begin {

        if ($null -ne $Queries) {

            $Queries = Build-InvocationArguments $MyInvocation $Queries

        if ($null -ne $Queries) {

            $results = Search-Spotify -SearchType Track -Queries $Queries
            $new = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new();

            foreach ($track in $results.Tracks.Items) {

                $new.Add("$($track.Artists[0].Name) - $($track.Name)")

            $Queries = $new;
            if ($new.Count -eq 0) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found"
        else {

            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TrackId) -eq $false) {

                $track = Get-SpotifyTrackById -TrackId $TrackId

                if ($null -ne $track) {

                    $Queries = @("$($track.Artists[0].Name) - $($track.Name)");
            else {

                $current = Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying

                if ($null -ne $current) {

                    $Queries = @("$($current.Item.Artists[0].Name) - $($current.Item.Name)");

        if ($null -eq $Queries) {

            throw "Currently no song playing, please specify search phrase"

    process {

        foreach ($query in $Queries) {

            $q = [Uri]::EscapeUriString($query)
            [string] $html = "";
            try {

                $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$q" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            catch {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"
            [int] $idx = $html.IndexOf("Best Result");

            if ($idx -lt 0) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx = $html.IndexOf('<a class="title" href="', $idx);

            if ($idx -lt 0) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx += '<a class="title" href="'.Length;

            [int] $idx2 = $html.IndexOf('"', $idx);

            if ($idx2 -lt 0) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $url = "$($html.Substring($idx, $idx2-$idx))"

            try {
                $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            catch {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx = $html.IndexOf('"body":"')

            if ($idx -lt 0) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx += '"body":"'.Length;

            $idx2 = $html.IndexOf('","language":', $idx);

            if ($idx2 -lt 0) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $result = "`"$($html.Substring($idx, $idx2-$idx))`"" | ConvertFrom-Json;

            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result)) {

                Write-Warning "Nothing found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"1



Returns a ApiToken for Spotify
Returns a ApiToken for Spotify

function Get-SpotifyApiToken {



    $path = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\GenXdev.Local\Spotify_Auth.json";

    if ([IO.File]::Exists($path)) {

        $ApiToken = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($path);
    else {

        $ApiToken = Connect-SpotifyApiToken
        Set-SpotifyApiToken $ApiToken | Out-Null

    try {

        [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::GetDevices($ApiToken) | Out-Null
    catch {

        $ApiToken = Connect-SpotifyApiToken
        Set-SpotifyApiToken $ApiToken | Out-Null



Caches an Spotify API-token for later use
Caches an Spotify API-token for later use
The API-token to cache

function Set-SpotifyApiToken {



            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0
        )] [string] $ApiToken

    $dir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\GenXdev.Local";
    $path = "$dir\Spotify_Auth.json";

    if (![IO.Directory]::Exists($dir)) {


    [IO.File]::WriteAllText($path, $ApiToken.Trim("`r`n`t "));


Uses Spotify Open-Auth to request an access token
Uses Spotify Open-Auth to request an access token

function Connect-SpotifyApiToken {



    Write-Warning "Spotify access token expired, requesting new.."

    $url = [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::RequestAuthenticationUri(5642);

    [System.Diagnostics.Process] $process = Open-Webbrowser -PassThrough -ApplicationMode -NewWindow -Width 1000 -Height 800 -Centered -Monitor 0 -Url $url


    if ((!!$process -and $process -is [System.Diagnostics.Process]) -and (!$process.HasExited)) {

        $process.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null