
Retrieves lyrics for Spotify tracks from
Searches for and displays song lyrics by either:
- Using a Spotify track ID
- Searching for tracks by name/artist
- Getting lyrics for currently playing track
If lyrics aren't found on Musixmatch, opens a Google search as fallback.
The Spotify track ID to look up lyrics for. If omitted, uses currently playing
track or allows searching by name.
Search terms to find a track. Can include artist name and/or song title.
Results will be shown for selection.
Get-SpotifyLyrics -TrackId "1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M"
lyrics "bohemian rhapsody queen"

function Get-SpotifyLyrics {

    [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "")]
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "Get-SpotifyLyrics")]

            Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "",
            HelpMessage = "Spotify track ID to lookup lyrics for"
        [string] $TrackId = $null,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "Search terms to find a track"
        [Alias("q", "Value", "Name", "Text", "Query")]
        [string[]] $Queries = $null

    begin {
        # handle track search if queries provided
        if ($null -ne $Queries) {

            Write-Verbose "Searching Spotify for tracks matching query: $Queries"

            # search spotify and build list of track names with artists
            $results = Search-Spotify -SearchType Track -Queries $Queries
            $new = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

            foreach ($track in $results.Tracks.Items) {
                $null = $new.Add("$($track.Artists[0].Name) - $($track.Name)")

            $Queries = $new
            if ($new.Count -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning "No tracks found matching search terms"
        else {
            # use track ID if provided
            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TrackId) -eq $false) {

                Write-Verbose "Looking up track by ID: $TrackId"
                $track = Get-SpotifyTrackById -TrackId $TrackId

                if ($null -ne $track) {
                    $Queries = @("$($track.Artists[0].Name) - $($track.Name)")
            else {
                # get currently playing track
                Write-Verbose "Getting currently playing track"
                $current = Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying

                if ($null -ne $current) {
                    $Queries = @("$($current.Item.Artists[0].Name) - " +

        if ($null -eq $Queries) {
            throw "No song playing and no search terms provided"

    process {

        foreach ($query in $Queries) {

            Write-Verbose "Searching Musixmatch for lyrics: $query"

            # encode query for URL
            $q = [Uri]::EscapeUriString($query)
            [string] $html = ""

            # attempt to get search results page
            try {
                $html = Invoke-WebRequest `
                    -Uri "$q" `
                    -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            catch {
                Write-Warning "No results found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            # extract best match URL from search results
            [int] $idx = $html.IndexOf("Best Result")
            if ($idx -lt 0) {
                Write-Warning "No results found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx = $html.IndexOf('<a class="title" href="', $idx)
            if ($idx -lt 0) {
                Write-Warning "No results found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx += '<a class="title" href="'.Length
            [int] $idx2 = $html.IndexOf('"', $idx)

            if ($idx2 -lt 0) {
                Write-Warning "No results found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            # get lyrics page
            $url = "$($html.Substring($idx, $idx2-$idx))"
            Write-Verbose "Fetching lyrics from: $url"

            try {
                $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            catch {
                Write-Warning "Failed to get lyrics for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            # extract lyrics from page
            $idx = $html.IndexOf('"body":"')
            if ($idx -lt 0) {
                Write-Warning "No lyrics found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $idx += '"body":"'.Length
            $idx2 = $html.IndexOf('","language":', $idx)

            if ($idx2 -lt 0) {
                Write-Warning "No lyrics found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            # parse and clean up lyrics
            $result = "`"$($html.Substring($idx, $idx2-$idx))`"" |

            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result)) {
                Write-Warning "Empty lyrics found for '$query'"
                Open-GoogleQuery "lyrics $query"

            $result.Replace("???", "'")