################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Enables playlist repeat mode for Spotify playback. .DESCRIPTION Sets the current Spotify context (playlist, album, etc.) to repeat mode on the active device. This affects the entire playback queue rather than a single track. .EXAMPLE Set-SpotifyRepeatContext .EXAMPLE repeat .NOTES This cmdlet supports ShouldProcess, allowing use of -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters to control execution of state-changing operations. #> function Set-SpotifyRepeatContext { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] [Alias("repeat")] param() begin { # output information about enabling repeat mode Write-Verbose "Enabling repeat mode for current Spotify context" } process { # get the current api token for authentication Write-Verbose "Retrieving Spotify API token" $token = Get-SpotifyApiToken # enable repeat mode for the current context using the spotify helper # only if ShouldProcess confirms the action if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Current Spotify context", "Enable repeat mode")) { Write-Verbose "Setting repeat mode to context" [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::RepeatContext($token) } } end { } } ################################################################################ |