################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Spotify playlist IDs by their names. .DESCRIPTION This function searches for Spotify playlists by name and returns their corresponding IDs. It follows a three-step process: 1. Searches in the current session's playlists 2. Checks a local cache file if no results found 3. Forces a fresh fetch if cache is outdated or missing The function returns all playlist IDs that match the provided names. .PARAMETER PlaylistName An array of playlist names to search for. The function will match these names against your Spotify playlists and return the IDs of matching playlists. .EXAMPLE Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName -PlaylistName "My Favorites", "Workout Mix" .EXAMPLE "Chill Vibes" | Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName #> function Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName { [CmdletBinding()] param( ######################################################################## [Alias("Name")] [parameter( ParameterSetName = "ByName", Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "One or more Spotify playlist names to search for" )] [string[]] $PlaylistName ######################################################################## ) begin { # log the start of playlist lookup with provided names Write-Verbose "Starting playlist ID lookup for: $($PlaylistName -join ', ')" } process { # attempt to find playlists in current session $Results = @(Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists -Filter $PlaylistName) # handle case when no playlists found in current session if ($Results.Length -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "No playlists found in session, checking local cache..." # construct path to cache file $FilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\GenXdev.Local\Spotify.Playlists.json" ` -CreateDirectory # get cache file info $PlaylistCache = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($FilePath) # refresh if cache is outdated (>12 hours) or missing if (!$PlaylistCache.Exists -or ([datetime]::Now - $PlaylistCache.LastWriteTime -ge [System.TimeSpan]::FromHours(12))) { Write-Verbose "Cache missing or expired, forcing playlist refresh..." $Results = @(Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists -Force -Filter $PlaylistName) } } # throw error if no matching playlists found if ($Results.Length -eq 0) { throw "Playlist not found" } # return the IDs of matching playlists $Results | ForEach-Object Id } end { } } ################################################################################ |