
Returns information about the currently playing track on Spotify.
Retrieves detailed information about the track currently playing on Spotify,
including track name, artist, album, and playback status using the Spotify Web
PS C:\> Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying
Returns the full currently playing track information object.
PS C:\> gcp
Uses the alias to get the currently playing track information.
PS C:\> (Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying).Item.Name
Returns just the name of the currently playing track.

function Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying {



    begin {

        # retrieve the current spotify api authentication token
        Write-Verbose "Getting Spotify API authentication token"
        $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken

    process {

        # query the spotify api for currently playing track information
        Write-Verbose "Querying Spotify API for currently playing track"

    end {