################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts archive files in the current directory and deletes the originals. .DESCRIPTION Automatically extracts common archive formats (zip, 7z, tar, etc.) found in the current directory into individual folders named after each archive. After successful extraction, the original archive files are deleted. Requires 7-Zip to be installed on the system. .EXAMPLE PS C:\Downloads> Invoke-Fasti .EXAMPLE PS C:\Downloads> fasti .NOTES Supported formats: 7z, zip, rar, tar, iso and many others. Requires 7-Zip installation (will attempt auto-install via winget if missing). #> function Invoke-Fasti { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Fasti")] param() begin { # list of supported archive extensions $extensions = @("*.7z", "*.xz", "*.bzip2", "*.gzip", "*.tar", "*.zip", "*.wim", "*.ar", "*.arj", "*.cab", "*.chm", "*.cpio", "*.cramfs", "*.dmg", "*.ext", "*.fat", "*.gpt", "*.hfs", "*.ihex", "*.iso", "*.lzh", "*.lzma", "*.mbr", "*.msi", "*.nsis", "*.ntfs", "*.qcow2", "*.rar", "*.rpm", "*.squashfs", "*.udf", "*.uefi", "*.vdi", "*.vhd", "*.vmdk", "*.wim", "*.xar", "*.z") } process { # process each archive file found in current directory Get-ChildItem $extensions -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Processing archive: $($PSItem.Name)" # initialize 7zip executable path $sevenZip = "7z" # get archive details $zipFile = $PSItem.fullname $name = [system.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($zipFile) $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($zipFile) $extractPath = [system.Io.Path]::Combine($path, $name) # create extraction directory if it doesn't exist if ([System.IO.Directory]::exists($extractPath) -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "Creating directory: $extractPath" [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($extractPath) } # verify 7zip installation or attempt to install it if ((Get-Command $sevenZip -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Length -eq 0) { $sevenZip = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" if (![IO.File]::Exists($sevenZip)) { if ((Get-Command winget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Length -eq 0) { throw "You need to install 7zip or winget first" } Write-Verbose "Installing 7-Zip via winget..." winget install 7zip if (![IO.File]::Exists($sevenZip)) { throw "You need to install 7-zip" } } } # extract archive contents Write-Verbose "Extracting to: $extractPath" & $sevenZip x -y "-o$extractPath" $zipFile # delete original archive if extraction succeeded if ($?) { try { Write-Verbose "Removing original archive: $zipFile" Remove-Item "$zipFile" -Force -ErrorAction silentlycontinue } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to remove original archive" } } } } end { } } ################################################################################ |