
function Write-MyProgress () {
            Displays a progress bar within a Windows PowerShell command window.
            The Write-Progress cmdlet displays a progress bar in a Windows PowerShell command window that depicts the status of a running command or script.
            File Name : Write-MyProgress.ps1
            Author : Thomas ILLIET,
            Date : 2017-05-10
            Last Update : 2018-01-08
            Version : 1.0.1
        .PARAMETER id
            Specifies an ID that distinguishes each progress bar from the others.
        .PARAMETER ParentId
            Specifies the parent activity of the current activity.
        .PARAMETER StartTime
            StartTime of the foreach processing
        .PARAMETER Object
            Object use in your foreach processing
        .PARAMETER Count
            Foreach Count status
            $GetProcess = Get-Process
            $Count = 0
            $StartTime = Get-Date
            foreach($Process in $GetProcess)
                Write-MyProgress -StartTime $StartTime -Object $GetProcess -Count $Count
                write-host "-> $($Process.ProcessName)"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1


    $SecondsElapsed = ((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds
    $SecondsRemaining = ($SecondsElapsed / ($Count / $Object.Count)) - $SecondsElapsed

    $Argument = @{
        Activity = "Processing Record $Count of $($Object.Count)"
        PercentComplete = (($Count/$($Object.Count)) * 100)
        CurrentOperation = "$("{0:N2}" -f ((($Count/$($Object.Count)) * 100),2))% Complete"
        SecondsRemaining = $SecondsRemaining

    if($Id -ne $null) { $Argument += @{ Id = $Id } }
    if($ParentId -ne $null) { $Argument += @{ ParentId = $ParentId } }

    Write-Progress @Argument