# ============================================================================= # Created On: 2018/06/20 @ 12:52 # Created By: Alcha # Organization: HassleFree Solutions, LLC # Filename: FileTools.ps1 # Description: Contains various functions for modifying/working with files. # ============================================================================= <# .SYNOPSIS Updates/replaces the given character(s) in all the filenames in the given path. .DESCRIPTION Updates/replaces the given character(s) for the new given character in all the filenames present in the given path. If the Recurse switch parameter is provided, then every file in every subdirectory is updated as well. .PARAMETER Path The path to where the files you wish to udpate are. .PARAMETER OldValues The character(s) in the filenames that you wish to replace. .PARAMETER NewValue The character(s) in the filenames that you wish to be used as the new filename value. .PARAMETER Recurse Determines if you wish to update all files in subdirectories as well as the provided one. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Update-FilenameCharacter -Path C:\Development -OldValue " " -New "_" Updates all the files in the C:\Development directory (none of the subdirectories) so that any filenames with a space, has the space replaced with an underscore. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Update-Filename -Path C:\Development -Old " " -New "." -Recurse Updates all files in the C:\Development directory, and every subdirectory within it, so that any filenames with a space present has the space replaced with a period. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Update-Filename -Path C:\Development -Old " ", "_" -New "-" -Recurse Updates all files in the C:\Development directory, and every subdirectory within it, so that any filenames with a space or underscore present has that character replaced with a hyphen. #> function Update-FilenameCharacter { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Update-Filename', 'Replace-FilenameCharacter')] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [Alias('Dir', 'Directory')] [String] $Path = ".", [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Alias('Old')] [String] $OldValue = " ", [Parameter(Position = 2)] [Alias('New')] [String] $NewValue = "_", [Parameter(Position = 3)] [Switch] $Recurse ) if ($Recurse.IsPresent) { $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse } else { $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path } foreach ($File in $Files) { $OldName = $File.FullName foreach ($OldValue in $OldValues) { $NewName = $OldName if ($OldName -like "*$OldValue*") { $NewName = $OldName -replace $OldValue, $NewValue } if ($NewName -ne $OldName) { Move-Item $File.FullName $NewName Write-Output "OldName = $OldName" Write-Output "NewName = $NewName`n" } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Trims every line of the files in the given directory. .DESCRIPTION Iterates through every file with a .ps1, .psd1, .psm1, .txt, or .js extension in the given directory and then reads it line by line. Each line then has the Trim() function called on it, in order to remove any excess whitespace. .PARAMETER Path The directory containing the files you wish to cleanup. .PARAMETER FileTypes An array of strings containing the file types to filter for before cleaning. If this parameter is left empty, the following defaults are used: '*.ps1', '*.psd1', '*.psm1', '*.txt', '*.js', '*.json' .PARAMETER Recurse Determines if you wish to clean all files in subdirectories as well as the provided one. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-ExcessWhitespace -Path C:\Development\Projects\Gamgee .EXAMPLE PS C:\Development\Projects\> rew .\Gamgee -Recurse Removes all the excess whitespace from each file within the C:\Development\Projects\Gamgee directory and every subdirectory within it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> rew C:\Development\Projects\Gamgee -FileTypes '*.txt' -Recurse Removes all the excess whitespace from each .txt file within the given directory and every subdirectory within it. #> function Remove-ExcessWhitespace { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Clean-Whitespace', 'rew', 'Clean-Files')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Where are the files you wish to clean up?')] [ValidateScript( { return Test-Path $_ })] [Alias('FilePath', 'FileDir', 'Dir')] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'What file types do you wish to clean?')] [System.String[]] $FileTypes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [Switch] $Recurse ) begin { if ($FileTypes.Length -eq 0) { $FileTypes = @('*.ps1', '*.psd1', '*.psm1', '*.txt', '*.js', '*.json') } if ($Recurse.IsPresent) { $ScriptFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include $FileTypes -Recurse } else { $ScriptFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include $FileTypes } } process { foreach ($Script in $ScriptFiles) { $Content = Get-Content $Script.FullName Write-Verbose "Processing $Script..." for ($x = 0; $x -lt $Content.Length; $x++) { $Line = $Content[$x].ToString() $Content[$x] = $Line.TrimEnd() + "`n" } Out-File -FilePath $Script.FullName -InputObject $Content -Encoding 'utf8' -NoNewline } } end { Write-Verbose "Completed processing $($ScriptFiles.Length) files..." } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reads the BOM of the given file(s) and tries to determine the file encoding. .DESCRIPTION Reads the BOM of the given file(s) and tries to determine the file encoding. If the encoding cannot be determined, it is set as "unknown". For every path provided, a PSCustomObject is returned containing two values, the full FilePath, and the encoding. (e.g. @{"File" = C:\Temp\Test.txt; "Encoding" = 'UTF8'}) .PARAMETER Path The path(s) to the file you wish to determine the encoding of as a String object. .PARAMETER FileInfo The path(s) to the file you wish to determine the encoding of as a FileInfo object. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-FileEncoding -Path 'C:\Temp\Test.txt' Gets the encoding of the Test.txt file and returns the encoding like so: File Encoding ---- -------- C:\Temp\Test.txt UTF8 #> function Get-FileEncoding { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'PathSet')] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PathSet', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [System.String[]] $Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FileInfoSet', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [System.IO.FileInfo[]] $FileInfo ) begin { if ($Path) { $FilePaths = Get-ChildItem $Path | ForEach-Object FullName } else { #$FileInfo $FilePaths = $FileInfo.FullName } if (!($FilePaths)) { throw "No filepaths found." } } process { foreach ($FilePath in $FilePaths) { [System.Byte[]]$Byte = Get-Content -Encoding byte -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4 -Path $FilePath if ($Byte[0] -eq 0xef -and $Byte[1] -eq 0xbb -and $Byte[2] -eq 0xbf) { # EF BB BF (UTF8) $Encoding = 'UTF8' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0xfe -and $Byte[1] -eq 0xff) { # FE FF (UTF-16 Big-Endian) $Encoding = 'Unicode UTF-16 Big-Endian' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0xff -and $Byte[1] -eq 0xfe) { # FF FE (UTF-16 Little-Endian) $Encoding = 'Unicode UTF-16 Little-Endian' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0 -and $Byte[1] -eq 0 -and $Byte[2] -eq 0xfe -and $Byte[3] -eq 0xff) { # 00 00 FE FF (UTF32 Big-Endian) $Encoding = 'UTF32 Big-Endian' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0xfe -and $Byte[1] -eq 0xff -and $Byte[2] -eq 0 -and $Byte[3] -eq 0) { # FE FF 00 00 (UTF32 Little-Endian) $Encoding = 'UTF32 Little-Endian' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0x2b -and $Byte[1] -eq 0x2f -and $Byte[2] -eq 0x76 -and ($Byte[3] -eq 0x38 -or $Byte[3] -eq 0x39 -or $Byte[3] -eq 0x2b -or $Byte[3] -eq 0x2f)) { # 2B 2F 76 (38 | 38 | 2B | 2F) $Encoding = 'UTF7' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0xf7 -and $Byte[1] -eq 0x64 -and $Byte[2] -eq 0x4c) { # F7 64 4C (UTF-1) $Encoding = 'UTF-1' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0xdd -and $Byte[1] -eq 0x73 -and $Byte[2] -eq 0x66 -and $Byte[3] -eq 0x73) { # DD 73 66 73 (UTF-EBCDIC) $Encoding = 'UTF-EBCDIC' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0x0e -and $Byte[1] -eq 0xfe -and $Byte[2] -eq 0xff) { # 0E FE FF (SCSU) $Encoding = 'SCSU' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0xfb -and $Byte[1] -eq 0xee -and $Byte[2] -eq 0x28) { # FB EE 28 (BOCU-1) $Encoding = 'BOCU-1' } elseif ($Byte[0] -eq 0x84 -and $Byte[1] -eq 0x31 -and $Byte[2] -eq 0x95 -and $Byte[3] -eq 0x33) { # 84 31 95 33 (GB-18030) $Encoding = 'GB-18030' } else { $Encoding = 'Unknown' } return [PSCustomObject]@{ "File" = $FilePath; "Encoding" = $Encoding } } } } |