
$MyPublisher = "SMFX"
$MyModuleName = "GW2.PS"

$ReservedSettings = @(

Function ConfigPath {
Return the path to the configuration file; might depend on platform.

    If ($IsWindows) {
    } elseif ($IsMacOS) {
        "~/Library/Application Support/$MyPublisher/$MyModuleName.xml"
    } else {

Function BasicProfile {
Provide standard template structure for a profile

        "GW2Profile" = $Name
        "APIKey"     = $null

Function LoadConfig {
Load details from configuration file
Import configuration details from file system and generate a default template if not available.

    Process {
        If (-not (Test-Path (ConfigPath))) {
            IF (-not (Test-Path (Split-Path (ConfigPath) -Parent))) {
                $Null = mkdir (Split-Path (ConfigPath) -Parent)
            $BasicConfig = [ordered]@{
                'Module'         = $MyModuleName
                'Publisher'      = $MyPublisher
                'Cache'          = (New-GW2CacheSettings)
                'LiteDB'         = (New-GW2LiteDBSettings)
                #'Table' = (New-GW2TableAPISettings) #Not yet published
                'DefaultProfile' = "Default"
                'Profiles'       = @{
                    'Default' = BasicProfile -Name "Default"
            #$BasicConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path (ConfigPath)
            $BasicConfig | Save-GW2Config
        #$ConfigValue = (Get-Content (ConfigPath) | ConvertFrom-Json )
        $ConfigValue = Import-Clixml (ConfigPath) 
        Set-Variable -Name 'ModConfig' -Scope Global -Value $ConfigValue -Option ReadOnly -Force
        If ($PassThru) { $ConfigValue }

Function Get-GW2DefaultProfile {
Return the name of the current default


Function Save-GW2Config {
Export settings to configuration file


    Process {
        #$InputObject | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content (ConfigPath)
        $InputObject | Export-Clixml -Path (ConfigPath)

Function Set-GW2ConfigValue {
Set a value for the configuration
Will store a value in a profile unless -Section indicates otherwise. If no profile or system is specified, it store in the default profile.

        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [string]$GW2Profile = (Get-GW2DefaultProfile),

    Begin {
        $TempConfig = LoadConfig -PassThru

    Process {
        switch ($Section) {
            "System" {
                If ($Name -notin $ReservedSettings) {
                    $TempConfig.$Name = $Value
            "Cache" {
                If (-not ($TempConfig.Cache)) { $TempConfig.Cache = (New-GW2CacheSettings) }
                $TempConfig.Cache.$Name = $Value
            "LiteDB" {
                If (-not ($TempConfig.LiteDB)) { $TempConfig.LiteDB = (New-GW2LiteDBSettings) }
                $TempConfig.LiteDB.$Name = $Value
            default {
                If (-not ($TempConfig.Profiles.containsKey($GW2Profile))) {
                    $TempConfig.Profiles.$GW2Profile = BasicProfile -Name $GW2Profile
                $TempConfig.Profiles.$GW2Profile.$Name = $Value

    End {
        $TempConfig | Save-GW2Config

Function Set-GW2DefaultProfile {
    Set the default profile name

    DynamicParam {
    Begin {
        $CommParams = CommonGW2APIParameters
    Process {
        ForEach ($Comm in ($CommParams.Keys)) {
            Set-Variable -Name $Comm -Value ($PSBoundParameters.$Comm) -Scope 0
            If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-Variable -Name $Comm))) {
                Set-Variable -Name $Comm -Value $CommParams.$Comm.Value -Scope 0
        If ($GW2Profile) {
            Write-Debug "Setting default profile to $GW2Profile" 
            Set-GW2ConfigValue -Section System -Name DefaultProfile -Value $GW2Profile

Function NewGW2Function {

    $FunctionSections = ForEach ($Section in (@($Base) + $Subsection)) {
        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Section)) {
            ($Section.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $Section.Substring(1).ToLower()) -replace "s$", ""
    If ($FunctionSections.count -gt 1) {
        $FinalSection = $FunctionSections[-1]
    } else {
        $FinalSection = $FunctionSections
    $FunctionString = "Get-GW2$($FunctionSections -join '')" -replace ":id",""
    $URIStub = ((@($Base) + $Subsection) -join "/").ToLower()

Function $FunctionString {
Get the $URIStub from Guild Wars 2 API
    DynamicParam {
        CommonGW2APIParameters -IDType "$FinalSection"
    Process {
        `$APIEndpoint = "$URIStub"
        Get-GW2APIValue -APIValue `$APIEndpoint @PSBoundParameters


Function BuildGW2Functions {
        $Bases = ((Get-GW2Base) -replace "^/v2/", "" ),

    Process {
        if ($Missing) {
            $MissingBases=Get-Content $MissingPath
            BuildGW2Functions -Bases $MissingBases
        } else {
            ForEach ($Base in $Bases) {
                $Sections = $Base -split '/'
                $Root = $Sections[0]
                If ($Sections.Length -gt 1) {
                    $Subs = $Sections[1..($Sections.Length - 1)]
                else {
                    $Subs = $null
                NewGW2Function -Base $Root -Subsection $Subs | Set-Clipboard
                Write-Host "Function for $base on clipboard"

Function CommonGW2APIParameters {
Create standard, dynamic parameters for GW2 functions.
This will create standard parameters for GW2 functions to provide values such as GW2Profile, ID, and other attributes
Specifies that function calling this uses ID parameters

    param([string]$IDType, [switch]$IDMandatory)
    $RuntimeParamDic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $StandardProps = @('Mandatory', 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName', 'ValueFromPipeline', 'ParameterSetName', 'Position')
    $Attrib = [ordered]@{
        'GW2Profile' = @{
            'AttribType'                      = [string]
            'Mandatory'                       = $false
            'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true
            'Position'                        = 1
            'ValidSet'                        = ([string[]]($ModConfig.Profiles.Keys))
            'DefaultValue'                    = (Get-GW2DefaultProfile)
        'Online' = @{
            'AttribType'                      = [switch]
            'Mandatory'                       = $false
            'Position'                        = 2
            'DefaultValue'                    = (-not ((Get-GW2DefaultUseCache) -or (Get-GW2DefaultUseDB))) 
        'UseCache' = @{
            'AttribType'                      = [switch]
            'Mandatory'                       = $false
            'Position'                        = 3
            'DefaultValue'                    = ((-not $Online ) -and (Get-GW2DefaultUseCache))
        'UseDB' = @{
            'AttribType'                      = [switch]
            'Mandatory'                       = $false
            'Position'                        = 3
            'DefaultValue'                    = ((-not $Online) -and (Get-GW2DefaultUseDB))
    If ($IDType -or $IDMandatory) {
        $Attrib.ID = @{
            'AttribType'                      = [string]
            'Mandatory'                       = $IDMandatory
            'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' = $true
            'ValueFromPipeline'               = $true
            'Position'                        = 0
            'Alias'                           = @('ids','name')
        If ($IDType -ne 'id') {
            $Attrib.ID.'Alias' += "$($IDType)ID" 
    ForEach ($AttribName in $Attrib.Keys) {
        #[string]$AttribName = $Key.ToString()
        $ThisAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        ForEach ($Prop in $StandardProps) {
            If ($null -ne $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop) {
                $ThisAttrib.$Prop = $Attrib.$AttribName.$Prop
        $ThisCollection = New-Object  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        If ($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet) {
            $ThisValidation = New-Object  System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Attrib.$AttribName.ValidSet)

        if ($Attrib.$AttribName.Alias) {
            $ThisAlias = New-Object -Type `
                System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList @($Attrib.$AttribName.Alias)
        $ThisRuntimeParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($AttribName, $Attrib.$AttribName.AttribType, $ThisCollection)
        If ($Attrib.$AttribName.DefaultValue) {
            $ThisRuntimeParam.Value = $Attrib.$AttribName.DefaultValue
        $RuntimeParamDic.Add($AttribName, $ThisRuntimeParam)

    return  $RuntimeParamDic

Function Get-GW2ConfigValue {
Set a value for the configuration
Will store a value in a profile unless -Section indicates otherwise. If no profile or system is specified, it store in the default profile.

        [string]$GW2Profile = (Get-GW2DefaultProfile),

    Begin {
        $TempConfig = $ModConfig #LoadConfig -PassThru

    Process {
        switch ($Section) {
            "System" {
                If ($Name -notin $ReservedSettings) {
                    return $TempConfig.$Name
            "Cache" {
                return $TempConfig.Cache.$Name 
            "LiteDB" {
                return $TempConfig.LiteDB.$Name 
            default {
                return $TempConfig.Profiles.$GW2Profile.$Name


Function Get-GW2DefaultUseCache {
    If ((Get-Module -Name 'GW2.PS.Cache' -ListAvailable)) {
        Write-Output ($true -eq (Get-GW2ConfigValue -Section Cache -Name 'UseCache'))
    } else {
        Write-Output $false

Function Get-GW2DefaultUseDB {
    If ((Get-Module -Name 'GW2.PS.LiteDB') -or (Get-Module -Name 'GW2.PS.LiteDB' -ListAvailable)) {
        Write-Output ($true -eq (Get-GW2ConfigValue -Section LiteDB -Name 'UseDB'))
    } else {
        Write-Output $false
